Catálogo de libros: Lenguas

74526 Catálogo de libros: Lenguas

  • How to Make a Confident and Memorable Wedding Speech
    Graham Le-Gall
    When you discover you have to make a wedding speech it can be terrifying. This means that the big day for the bride and groom can become a nightmare for you.This book will help you to get over your fear, so you can enjoy delivering a memorable wedding speech.You will learn effective, simple techniques which build confidence and create powerful speeches… AND you will discover ho...

    20,02 €

  • The Ugly Truth About Self-Publishing
    Oliver Markus Malloy
    Dear Indie Author,Forget everything you think you know about writing and self-publishing. Chances are it's complete bullshit.Nowadays there are literally hundreds of thousands of people who dream of being a professional writer. And thanks to self-publishing and print-on-demand, there's nothing stopping you or anyone else from publishing whatever you want. Even if it'...

    3,72 €

  • A Homeric Dictionary, revised
    Georg Autenrieth
    Autenrieth’s A Homeric Dictionary has been the companion of countless individuals who have begun the study of Homer. Far and away the hardiest and most helpful of all the aids to the reading of Homeric Greek, it provides the student with a full listing of Homeric forms and concise accounts of the meanings of words. 3 ...

    34,94 €

  • Приключения Алисы в Стране Чудес - Prikliucheniia Alisy v Strane Chudes
    Lewis Carroll / Yury Nesterenko
    Перевод «Алисы в Стране чудес» Юрия Нестеренко (2000), доступный в течение многих лет в Интернете, впервые публикуется в виде бумажной книги, с классическими иллюстрациями Джона Тенниела. Из предисловия переводчика: «Все русские переводы “Алисы”, с которыми мне довелось ознакомиться, достаточно далеки от оригинала. Честнее всего поступил Заходер, прямо назвавший свой вариант пе...

    17,76 €

  • If You Want to Write
    Brenda Ueland
    Brenda Ueland was a journalist, editor, freelance writer, and teacher of writing. In If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence and Spirit she shares her philosophies on writing and life in general. Ueland firmly believed that anyone can write, that everyone is talented, original, and has something important to say. In this book she explains how find that spark that w...

    20,39 €

  • A Writer’s Journey
    Carren Strock
    'When she was a college student, aspiring writer Carren Strock’s English professor told her, ''Some people are writers, and some people aren’t. You are not a writer.''She didn’t pick up a pen for more than fifteen years… until Robert Redford came to town.Appearing in Redford’s movie led to writing for national magazines, and then to selling her first nonfiction book to a major ...

    23,99 €

  • The Literary Handyman
    Danielle Ackley-McPhail
    Have a Dream of Being An Author? Frustrated with Banging Your Head Against the Publishing Wall? (Let's Face It...Why Else Would You Be Reading This?) Don't Worry. You Are By No Means Alone!Success in publishing is equal parts skill, determination, knowledge, and pure, dumb luck. If you have the drive, and you have the skill, but you're missing that little bit of ins...

    16,60 €

  • Ìléwó Ìkòwé Yorùbá Òde-òní
    Oladele Awobuluyi / Olasope O. Oyelaran / Olasope OOyelaran
    This book presents rules and guidelines that are better formulated and more detailed than hitherto proposed for writing modern Yoruba. They are based on those commissioned and approved by the Yoruba Cross-Border Language Organisation for use in Nigeria, Benin, Togo and elsewhere in the Yoruba-speaking world. ...

    30,74 €

  • Pystrior Marthys Pow Òz
    L Frank Baum / Nicholas Williams
    Yth yw Pystrior Marthys Pow Òz whedhel gans L. Frank Baum ow tùchya mowes vian Dorothy yw scubys dre gorwyns warbarth gans hy hy Tôtô in mes a Kansas bys in Òz, pow stranj ha sêmly. Pàn vo hy ena yma hy owth ervira travalya dhe Cyta an Emerôs may halla hy govyn orth rêwlyas an pow, Pystrior henwys Òz, dh’y gorra tre arta. Yma hy ow metya i’n fordh Bùcka Bryny, usy ow whelas emp...

    70,45 €

  • Әлисәнең Сәйерстандағы мажаралары - Ӓlisӓneñ Sӓyerstandağı majaraları
    Lewis Carroll / Güzäl Sitdykova
    Льюис Кэрролл—атаҡлы инглиз яҙыусыһы һәм Оксфорд университеты Крайст Чёрч колледжының математика уҡытыусыһы Чарлз Латвидж Додсондың (1832–1898) псевдонимы. Ул колледж ректоры Генри Лидделл ғаиләһенең яҡын дуҫы,  үҫмер Элис (1852 йылғы) менән уның Лорина һәм Эдит тигән апаларына әкиәттәр һөйләй торған булған. Бер мәл—1862 йылдың 4 июлендә—Кэрролл, уның дуҫы, рухани Робинсон Даку...

    17,72 €

  • Wisdom & Wordplay
    Robert Eddison
    Robert Eddison, a national journalist and playwright, has recorded every original thought he has had since June 1997. They now run to many thousand and take the form of witty, and often profound, one-line observations on an awesome variety of (150) different subjects, ranging from childbirth to political correctness. Publications in which they have most recently appeared includ...

    9,97 €

  • Birth Your Story
    Jaime Fleres
    Birth Your Story is about using writing to remember, process, heal and honor the entirety of your birth experience. You are forever changed, and how you tell the story can determine whether the power of birth serves or hinders your life. Whether you're pregnant or birthed decades ago, a seasoned or novice writer, man or woman, this book is for you. The book inspires and sup...

    14,07 €

  • How to Promote Your Self-Published Kindle Books for Free
    Oliver Markus Malloy
    So you've written a book. Congratulations! Join the club. Get in line. The restrooms are in the back.Today there are thousands upon thousands of self-published authors. Most of them are invisible. Nobody knows about them or their books. The sad truth is that writing a book is the easy part. Getting it out there, getting it seen, that's the hard part. But you've prob...

    3,78 €

  • 87 Recetas de Jugos y Comidas Post Quimioterapia
    Joe Correa
    87 Recetas de Jugos y Comidas Post Quimioterapia: Fortalézcase y Siéntase Con Más Vitalidad Con Estos Ingredientes Ricos En NutrientesPor Joe Correa CSN Cada individuo tiene síntomas diferentes luego del tratamiento, pero todos tienen una cosa en común: un organismo delicado que necesita recuperarse rápidamente.Cuando termina con la quimioterapia, tiene que mejorar su salud en ...

    20,48 €

  • 104 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos Para la Diabetes
    Joe Correa
    104 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos Para la Diabetes: Controle Su Condición Naturalmente Usando Ingredientes Ricos En NutrientesPor Joe Correa CSN En este libro, encontrará recetas deliciosas y consejos que puede seguir al cocinar alimentos beneficiosos para los diabéticos. Para ayudarlo a iniciar en este estilo de cocina, una lista de recetas de jugos y comidas le será brindada.Bás...

    20,60 €

  • 100 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos para la Artritis
    Joe Correa
    100 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos para la Artritis: Reduzca el Dolor y Disconformidad NaturalmentePor Joe Correa CSNLos síntomas varían de un momento al otro. Pero si no se los trata, se vuelven progresivos, resultando en una deformación completa de las articulaciones. La artritis no es algo que debería tratar por su cuenta. Un médico determinará qué tipo posee y le prescribirá me...

    20,38 €

  • 39 Recetas Orgánicas de Jugos Para Limpiar el Mal Aliento
    Joe Correa
    39 Recetas Orgánicas de Jugos Para Limpiar el Mal Aliento: Elimine el Mal Aliento y la Boca Seca En Cuestión de DíasPor Joe Correa CSN A veces, incluso con la mejor higiene oral posible, no podemos prevenir el mal aliento. Esto puede volverse extremadamente frustrante, y afectar nuestra confianza de muchas formas diferentes. Desafortunadamente, el mal aliento no siempre es un r...

    22,37 €

  • Best Korean Short Stories Collection 2 대한민국 베스트 단편 소설모음집 2
    Meet the very finest of Korean short stories. This compilation of 17 short stories bring you the essence of Korean literature, covering the early 1900's to the late 1900's. Also ideal for advanced Korean learners.대한민국 문화의 정수를 담아 1900년초부터 1900년후반까지의 거장들의 작품을 담은 모음집. 한국 문화와 언어를 공부하는 상급자 수준의 학생들에게 교재로도 적합한 도서. ...

    10,78 €

  • I’m Sorry!
    Sometimes, the best thing you can do is say these two simple words "I'm Sorry!" Said authentically, this is the best way to deal with many situations.A single misunderstanding, quarrel, or infraction could save or end whatever relationship is at stake, be it marital, parental, or business. So, make a difference and extend your sincerest apology by saying "I'm Sorry!" in...

    13,05 €

  • I’m Sorry!
    Sometimes, the best thing you can do is say these two simple words "I'm Sorry!" Said authentically, this is the best way to deal with many many situations.A single misunderstanding, quarrel, or infraction could save or end whatever relationship is at stake, be it marital, parental, or business. So, make a difference and extend your sincerest apology by saying "I'm Sorry...

    17,62 €

  • 38 Recettes de Repas pour combattre le Cancer du Colon
    Joe Correa
    38 Recettes de Repas pour combattre le Cancer du Colon : Aliments emballés de vitamines dont le corps a besoin pour se battre sans l'aide de médicaments ou pilulesPar Joe Correa CSN Le risque de cancer du côlon est provoqué par plusieurs facteurs tels que l'âge de plus de 50 ans, les antécédents familiaux, les syndromes génétiques héréditaires, un mode de vie sédentaire...

    20,76 €

    The Art of Successful Writing is an edited book, that provides systematic instructions, on reading, writing, and critical thinking, while combining a comprehensive review of the use of grammar.Each chapter allows students to demonstrate their ability to master the principles of quality writing. The incremental approach of this book has been constructed to accommodate a range of...

    153,29 €

  • Health and Fitness Social Media Prompts
    Writing a 60,000 word book? Piece of cake. Writing a 140 character tweet? Awkward silence. On the surface social media seems easy--just say what’s on your mind! But saying what’s on your mind rarely leads to more followers, and frequently even leads to unfollows. The creative minds behind the audience-building online social software BuzzTrace created this book of over 200 promp...

    4,63 €

  • Exploration of Textual Interactions in CALL Learning Communities
    Jonathan R. White / Jonathan RWhite
    Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) has greatly enhanced the realm of online social interaction and behavior. In language classrooms, it allows the opportunity for students to enhance their learning experiences. Exploration of Textual Interactions in CALL Learning Communities: Emerging Research and Opportunities is an ideal source of academic research on the pedagogical ...

    157,46 €

  • Great Expectations
    Charles Dickens
    ***Traditional Character Edition***Great Expectations is hailed as Charles Dickens' masterpiece. A gripping tale of love and loss, aspiration and moral redemption, the story follows the young orphan Xiaomao (Pip) from poverty to a life of unexpected opportunity and wealth. In Part 2, Xiaomao leaves his life of poverty behind to seek his fortunes in Shanghai and win the hear...

    16,48 €

  • 54 Ricette per diabetici per controllare la tua condizione, naturalmente
    Joe Correa
    54 Ricette Per Diabetici Per Controllare La Tua Condizione, Naturalmente: Scelte Alimentari Sane Per Tutti I DiabeticiDi Joe Correa CSN Il diabete si verifica a causa della incapacità del pancreas di produrre insulina. Il diabete di tipo 1 è classificato come una malattia autoimmune. È una condizione in cui il sistema immunitario dell'organismo 'attacca' i propri tessuti e ...

    22,29 €

  • 56 Solutions pour le rhume
    Joe Correa
    56 Solutions pour le rhume: 56 Recettes de repas qui vous aideront à prévenir et guérir la maladie du rhume commun rapidement sans pilules ou médecinePar Joe Correa CSN Le rhume est une maladie virale des voies respiratoires supérieures, visant principalement le nez, la gorge et les sinus. Plus de 200 virus connus sont la cause d’un rhume. Ils sont principalement répandus dans ...

    20,69 €

  • 70 Effektive Rezepte um Übergewicht vorzubeugen und zu bekämpfen
    Joe Correa
    70 Effektive Rezepte um Übergewicht vorzubeugen und zu bekämpfen: Verbrenne zügig Kalorien mit gesunder und smarter ErnährungVon Joe Correa CSN Diese Rezepte kamen aufgrund meines eigenen Kampfes mit meiner Gewichtskontrolle zustande und nichts würde mich glücklicher machen, als zu sehen, dass sie jemandem helfen. Geniesen Sie das Essen jeden einzelnen Tag und beobachten Sie, w...

    20,60 €

  • 44 Soluzioni veloci ed efficaci per la diarrea e i dolori allo stomaco
    Joe Correa
    44 Soluzioni veloce ed efficaci per la diarrea e i dolori allo stomaco: 44 Ricette per aiutarti a recuperare in poco tempoDi Joe Correa CSN Diarrea e crampi allo stomaco sono le infezioni batteriche o virali di solito causate da cibo o acqua di qualità scadente. Tuttavia, i problemi frequenti o costanti possono essere delle serie condizioni mediche che devono essere trattate in...

    20,21 €

  • Question Me a Novel
    Terrell Jaden
    The “Question Me a Novel” workbook is designed for writers who: Want to write a novel but don’t know where to start Have started a novel but don’t know how to finish Have written one or more novels that feel flat and lacking in depth Based on the premise that you are the expert on your novel, the system leads you through a series of open-ended, non-prescriptive questions...

    11,50 €