Catálogo de libros: Historias reales

3365 Catálogo de libros: Historias reales

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  • Los secretos que guardaban mis genes
    María Guillén Sagasti
    En los sanfermines de 1967, Amaia y Juan se conocen y empiezan un noviazgo que nacimiento de una niña, quien, por ser hija de madre soltera, será dada en adopción. Años más tarde y a muchos kilómetros de Pamplona, esta misma niña emprenderá una compleja búsqueda que le ocupará años para saber quiénes fueron en realidad sus padres y poder reencontrarse con ellos y el resto de su...

    25,00 €

  • Prometimos no olvidar
    Jesse san Román Bustamante
    ¿Hasta qué punto somos los dueños de las riendas de nuestro destino? ¿Las decisiones que tomamos son verdaderamente elección nuestra o solo caminos ya escritos?Prometimos no olvidar es una historia real y documentada, llena de misticismo, que nos traslada a la Cantabria de finales del siglo XVIII, a través de un recorrido en el tiempo por lugares emblemáticos de esta mágica reg...

    15,75 €

  • Estampas de un pueblo andaluz (1960-1974)
    Jesús Ezequiel Pérez Dorado
    Levantar el latido de una identidad histórica que, aunque viva, parece diluirse en el tráfago de la rapidez de la modernidad; dejarme llevar por el profundo amor con que nuestra tierra y nuestros hombres han dejado impregnado, como sin querer, mi torpe espíritu; mostrar, humilde y algo avergonzado, mi gratitud a cuanto la vida, un punto en su divina eternidad, con sus luces y s...

    14,98 €

  • Who Really Killed Claire?
    Alan Jackaman
    Who Really Killed Claire? re-investigates the brutal yet apparently motiveless murder of 16-year-old Claire Tiltman in Greenhithe, Kent in 1993.It describes how police investigations faltered for almost 20 years until Colin Ash-Smith, due to be released from a long prison sentence for attacks on young women, was belatedly charged with this cold case murder.One of the UK’s very ...

    33,60 €

  • Bloody Savannah
    Derek Smith
    Savannah is one of America’s most beautiful and historic cities. Yet underneath the mint juleps, oaks bearded with Spanish moss and the splendor of colonial architecture, there lurks a deadly undercurrent. This is a first-person account of an award-winning newspaper crime reporter’s career, covering scores of murders in the Savannah area, including one of the bloodiest eras ...

    36,17 €

  • Walking While Black
    Polly J. Runyon-Sanders
    Weaving together her husband’s song lyrics, university papers, poetry, and prose, with the author’s own notes, emails, essays, and poems, this once shy, meek, mild-mannered, Caucasian widow recounts her ugly, harsh, unadulterated, PTSD-induced memories to her deceased African-American/Native American husband as, and after, he was brazenly, and brutally tazed and beaten by polic...

    15,63 €

  • Nobody Important Just A Renegade Cop
    Mervin Korolek
    Police work isn’t all traffic tickets and chasing robbers. In his thoughtful and highly entertaining memoir, Merv Korolek tells the stories of his life and career in British Columbia’s RCMP. Between the 1970s and 1990s, Korolek’s experiences included working undercover, facing active gunfire, meeting famous elites, and helping people through the most difficult parts of their li...

    30,24 €

  • Código Cattleya
    Marián de la Fuente
    'Tienes tres minutos para decidir que quieres hacer con tu vida, regresar al Cartel y salir quizá en una bolsa de plástico, pasarte muchos años en una presión federal en EEUU o colaborar con nosotros y luchar por tu libertad'... Nunca una mujer joven y ambiciosa había visto pasar su vida ante sus ojos de una forma tan clara y contundente como Cattleya al ser interceptada por el...

    18,14 €

  • Slivers
    Laurell Lane
    Short stories of personal trauma and the psychological toll it takes on these survivors. Four true journeys of emotional turmoil that would send even the most ardent soul to the brink of collapse and yet ...

    6,15 €

    Brian Whitney / Nic Edwards
    On February 13, 2017, two Indiana teenagers, Abigail Williams, 13, and Liberty German, 14, went for a walk in the woods near the abandoned Monon High Bridge. They never returned home. Their bodies were discovered on Valentine’s Day morning, sparking a torrent of news coverage and social media speculation that engrossed the attention of people around the world. A grainy photo...

    16,26 €

  • Unbelievable Crimes Volume Two
    Daniela Airlie
    Take a walk through the depths of human depravity with Unbelievable Crimes Volume Two. I’ll delve into some of the most shocking and disturbing crime cases in recent history, taking you on a harrowing journey through some of the most twisted tales you’ve not heard of - yet.I’ll tell you about the heinous crimes of Lawrence Singleton, who brutally assaulted and mutilated a teena...

    7,11 €

  • Lunar: relatos juveniles ilustrados
    Luis Alfonso Miranda Echeverry
    El secreto de su nombre es la huida, el miedo y el encuentro. Lunar viajará y se tropezará con entes legendarios que han sido olvidados y con una realidad que oprime el corazón de su comunidad. En su trasegar, la deriva le llevará a redescubrir la memoria de su país. En esta épica tropical, fantasía y futurismo se licúan en un potaje cósmico donde la trashumancia es aprendizaje...

    13,52 €

  • Aquellos días de Marzo
    Sara Mañero
    Un muchacho de Calpe cae en un Madrid asolado por los combates entre diversas facciones republicanas en marzo de 1939 y su muerte, como tantas otras, jamás se notifica a la familia, que aguarda durante meses su regreso. Basada en un suceso real, Aquellos días de marzo recoge la búsqueda de ese recluta de 19 años, trasladado desde la retaguardia a la capital para defender el gol...

    22,00 €

  • We Sweep the Streets
    I.J. Carroll
    From humble beginnings in a small country town, walking the beat, a speed cop to a Detective Sergeant in charge of ’The Special Branch’ in the S.A. Police Force.Ivor John Carroll - later to become known as ’Chris’ short for ’Xmas Carroll’ but affectionately called ’Xmas’ by those that knew him well - a self-confessed ratbag - takes us on a, sometimes, comical, and at times, emo...

    15,66 €

  • Search for the Truth
    Michelle Graves
    On November 4, 2018, the women in a 'football moms’' slumber party in Cumming, Georgia woke up to a traumatizing sight: Their friend, Tamla Horsford, lay dead in the backyard, her body covered in scrapes and bruises.The first autopsy reported that Tamla had fallen from the balcony and broken her neck. The women had been drinking all night, making Tamla’s death seem like a case-...

    14,93 €

  • Good Cop or Bad Cop? The Story of Billy Joe McIlvain and the Murder of David Dominguez
    David J. Winters
    On February 28, 1977, former police officer Billy Joe McIlvain entered his West Covina home with local 18 year old gang member, David Dominguez.  McIlvain shouted out to his wife to grab the baby and run as Dominguez was there to kill them.  She picked up her child and went to a neighbor’s house.  The police were called and when they arrived, a seige ensued that lasted many hou...

    21,17 €

  • The Case of the Welched Reward
    Mark A. Cymrot
    Reward takes the reader behind the scenes of an international manhunt and an unusual lawsuit that rattled law enforcement in three countries. The story is born out of a real-life spy thriller--the flight of Peru’s notorious National Security chief, Vladimiro Montesinos, who was accused of many crimes. The lawsuit, Jose Guevara v. Republic of Peru, was brought by a Venezuelan sp...

    38,07 €

  • Sovok
    Kevin Hollis McKinney / Kevin McKinney
    UPDATED: April 2023 edition has been reformatted and contains many photographs. Described by one literary critic as 'Jack Kerouac narrating the adventures of Thomas Pynchon’s character, Tyrone Slothrop, only in Russia,' SOVOK takes you on a front-row view of the transition from Soviet Union to liberated Russia and her return back to today’s tyranny. McKinney describes his inter...

    26,17 €

  • Death To The Inquisitive! A Story Of Sinful Love
    Lurana W. Sheldon
    Death To The Inquisitive! A Story Of Sinful Love is an amazing novel written by Lurana W. Sheldon. This is a collection of stories where Miss Sheldon attempted to compile many of her classic thoughts that are consolidated in a single draft and offered at an affordable price so that everyone can read them. Some chapters are interesting while others can completely draw into the b...

    12,24 €

  • Unmasking the Killer of the Missing Beaumont Children
    Bill Hayes / Stuart Mullins
    On Australia day, 26 January 1966, Jane, Arnna, and Grant Beaumont were abducted from Colley Reserve, Glenelg, South Australia and never seen again, leading to one of Australia’s most extensive police investigations and manhunts. Five decades later, no trace of the children has ever been found. Over the years, several individuals have been put forward and investigated as suspec...

    23,19 €

  • Turismo de oficina
    Benito Rottweiler
    Turismo de oficina era la actividad que practicaban mis colegas empleados de la empresa en la que trabajaba y que nunca estaban ahí. Tenían un despacho con su nombre, un escritorio y una conexión telefónica, pero la mayor parte del tiempo andaban de viaje por el país visitando clientes. Algunos de ellos dedicaban una buena porción del año a viajar de una ciudad a otra para aten...

    17,16 €

  • Resurgiendo de mis cenizas
    Tania Nagoya
    La disputa por la vida, el intento de sobrevivir. Tania, una mujer fuerte y valiente que antepone todo por su familia, por ofrecer un futuro a sus hijos, ella representa una parte muy importante de mi vida, una mujer marcada por la tragedia, que en su lucha por sobrevivir tubo de hacer los mayores sacrificios por sacar a su familia adelante.Ahora, con un poco de perspectiva y e...

    12,48 €

  • We Weren’t Angels
    Geoff Alexander
    A hub of sex, crime, and drugs, Boston’s Combat Zone, the nation’s largest adult entertainment district during the last half of the 20th century, lured white- and blue-collar workers, lawyers, professors, judges and cops to watch and chat up its adult performers, many of whom earned more than white-collar professionals. By 1985, its multi-decade run was over. Why did it las...

    36,14 €

    John Wesley Anderson
    On Christmas Night 1996, six-year-old JonBenet Ramsey was murdered in her family’s home in Boulder, Colorado. A ransom note was found in the home, but it was hours before her father, John, found her body in the basement. She had been strangled with a garrote and her skull was fractured.The media sensationalized the tragic death of the 'child beauty queen' and public speculation...

    19,22 €

    John Wesley Anderson
    On Christmas Night 1996, six-year-old JonBenet Ramsey was murdered in her family’s home in Boulder, Colorado. A ransom note was found in the home, but it was hours before her father, John, found her body in the basement. She had been strangled with a garrote and her skull was fractured.The media sensationalized the tragic death of the 'child beauty queen' and public speculation...

    13,56 €

  • Solving Cold Cases
    Hogan Hilling / Joe D. Kennedy
    Solving a cold case is extremely difficult and many are left unresolved. In this book, retired NCIS Special Agent Joe Kennedy details the methodology he created to solve cold case murders. He offers an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look into why cases go cold, how they are investigated and what is needed to successfully resolve them. Author Kennedy shares his motivations and t...

    42,27 €

  • Branded For Life
    Helen Phillips / Rick Meadows
     'Branded For Life' follows the life of Rick Meadows, a retired detective who dedicated his final years in law enforcement to fighting crimes against children. Rick’s experience with the Crimes Against Children unit exposed him to the darkest corners of humanity, where predators inflicted unspeakable evils upon innocent children.In early May, Rick receives a distressing call th...

    13,95 €

  • Branded For Life
    Helen Phillips / Rick Meadows
     'Branded For Life' follows the life of Rick Meadows, a retired detective who dedicated his final years in law enforcement to fighting crimes against children. Rick’s experience with the Crimes Against Children unit exposed him to the darkest corners of humanity, where predators inflicted unspeakable evils upon innocent children.In early May, Rick receives a distressing call th...

    20,06 €

  • Playing Poker Against The Mob
    Jeffrey Lisandro
    Jeff Lisandro is Australia’s most successful poker player. He plays in the world’s biggest cash games and has half a dozen World Series of Poker bracelets. Years before his public poker success, he ran casinos for underworld gangs in Sydney and Moscow. Join him in a high-stakes adventure across two continents as he stays one step ahead of the police, hitmen, and Mob bosses. Pla...

    14,90 €

  • Suffer the Little Children
    Cheryln Cadle
    16 true crime stories of children that have been murdered by their parents or foster parents. Most of these stories have been told by the murderer themselves. ...

    22,37 €