Catálogo de libros: Técnicas musicales/clases prácticas

1552 Catálogo de libros: Técnicas musicales/clases prácticas

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  • Hear the Beat, Feel the Music
    James Joseph
    How do you count music? What’s an 8-count? How do you find the beat in a song?This book, along with more than 20 YouTube videos, will teach you how to count music the easy way—using the 8-count, the way dancers count. If you struggle to stay on the beat, the music lessons in this book are a mini-course in how to get rhythm. Being “rhythmically challenged” is not a lack of abili...

    15,54 €

  • Guitar Practice Notebook
    Ged Brockie
    ABOUT GUITAR PRACTICE NOTEBOOKGuitar Practice Notebook is all about helping you keep track of your guitar lesson work as well as understanding the progress you are making.Fifty two lessons are accommodated for over two pages per lesson. Your guitar teacher remarks are offered for pieces, scales/arpeggios/chords as well as a space for your own notes and/or lyrics. Each lesson pl...

    8,60 €

  • Contemporary Piano Method Book 3
    Margaret Susan Brandman
    Margaret Brandman's 'Contemporary Piano Method' is designed to equip the student with the necessary skills to play both Classical and Modern music with ease and understanding. The methodology incorporates a variety of progressive learning modalities, including the interval approach, harmonic understanding and multi-key performance. In this tertiary level of the meth...

    23,58 €

  • La Bible d'Accords du Cavaquinho
    Tobe A. Richards
    La Bible d’Accords du Cavaquinho, avec ses 1,728 accords, propose une solution complète aussi bien pour les musiciens débutants que pour les musiciens professionnels expérimentés. La présentation simple suit une progression musicale logique allant des accords majeurs aux treizièmes plus ésotériques utilisés par de nombreux joueurs de jazz. Pour accompagner les 1,728 accords, de...

    26,12 €

  • The Psychology of Singing - A Rational Method of Voice Culture Based on a Scientific Analysis of All Systems, Ancient and Modern
    David C. Taylor
    A PECULIAR gap exists between the accepted theoretical basis of instruction in singing and the actual methods of vocal teachers. Judging by the number of scientific treatises on the voice, the academic observer would be led to believe that a coherent Science of Voice Culture has been evolved. Modern methods of instruction in singing are presumed to embody a system of exact and ...

    15,54 €

  • Creative Intervallic Guitar Soloing
    JOSEPH ALEXANDER / Shaun Baxter
    Master The Art of Creative Intervallic Guitar SoloingTired of the same old licks and scales?Bored with your playing?Limited by solos that move in scale steps?If you’re ready to go beyond small steps and take a giant leap in your guitar solos, then Creative Intervallic Guitar Soloing is the rocket ship you need to launch your solos into space.Unlock the secrets of interval maste...

    22,87 €

  • Twenty-Four Songs and Arias in Spanish
    Patricia Caicedo
    '24 Songs and Arias in Spanish' showcases a rich and diverse collection of vocal pieces spanning from the 15th to the 21st centuries. Selected for their beautiful melodies and technical depth, these songs are perfect for vocal training and performance, enhancing language proficiency and interpretative skills in Spanish.Spanish, with its inherent phonetic qualities, is exception...

    46,87 €

  • Twenty-Four Songs and Arias in Spanish
    Patricia Caicedo
    In a world of classical vocal music traditions dominated by Italian, German, French and English languages, this book emerges as a pioneering resource dedicated to diversifying vocal repertoires and decolonizing curricula.Spanish, the world’s second most spoken language, is uniquely suited for vocal performance due to its phonetic characteristics. Its five pure vowel sounds enha...

    46,89 €

  • Love Music
    Jeff Colella
    From top-performing Jazz pianist Jeff Colella comes this groundbreaking book on music theory, skill development, and the art of improvisation.Jeff Colella is one of California’s most in-demand Jazz pianists. His post-bop style has granted him multiple tours, a faculty position, and a widely successful career as both a performer and a producer.In Love Music, Colella lets readers...

    14,31 €

  • Music Business Marketing
    James Bruce
    My new book provides a comprehensive guide to developing effective marketing strategies. I have included the 3 P’s of marketing: product, placement, promotion, and much more. In today’s world, marketing seems to be everywhere we go and everything we do, from watching TV to checking your emails to walking down the street, marketing messages are inescapable. That’s because mark...

    21,84 €

  • Piano Adult für Anfänger
    Cameron Hainbach
    Haben Sie schon immer davon geträumt, Klavier zu spielen, wussten aber nicht, wo Sie anfangen sollten? Möchten Sie lernen, die berühmtesten klassischen Stücke zu spielen und die Kunst der Musik zu schätzen wissen?Wenn Sie mit Ja geantwortet haben, dann sind Sie hier genau richtig!Klavierspielen kann eine der lohnendsten Erfahrungen sein, aber viele Menschen geben den Anfang auf...

    19,41 €

  • Hand-Pan Complete Manual for all Scales
    Farhad Bathaee
    Hand pan is one of the interesting and unique instruments that captivates every listener with its beautiful and special sound.This newly developed instrument with its clear and soulful sounds emitted by the different steel shells has a magical power to connect directly with emotions and calming.With its vocal power, Hand pan evokes the sounds of the soft and gentle raindrops or...

    29,97 €

  • Music for the Developing Brain
    Jane J. Bader
    It’s never too early to teach your pre-school children about music, and any parent can do it-even if you have never had a music lesson in your life!Music is a gift we all share. Infants can hear well before they can see. They can even recognize familiar songs as early as two weeks before they’re born. It’s one of the earliest components in brain development.That’s why the best ...

    14,57 €

  • Thinking Theory Book Four (American Edition)
    Nicola Cantan
    'Excellent product. Clear and simple for teachers who want to add supplemental theory. I recommend any of the thinking theory books.' - Carol Koczo'Love these theory books,I recommend these to anyone.' - Jennifer BrienAccelerate your elementary students’ learning with the Thinking Theory Book Four! This book covers key signatures, time signatures, note values, intervals, markin...

    17,34 €

  • The Power of Practice
    Kristin Wendland
    Situates yoga practice within a musical context in the life and work of famed violinist Yehudi Menuhin ...

    127,21 €

  • Sky Music Instruction Guitar
    Lena Esposito
    Welcome to Guitar Volume 1! This edition is an introduction to playing the contemporary guitar. You will learn technique, basic music theory, ear training and rhythm skills through the lens of contemporary examples. These song examples, though not provided in this book, are available for purchase separately through the links provided on Other exerci...

    16,73 €

  • The Reverse Engineer Method
    Alex Wolfcastle
    Dive into the revolutionary world of audio engineering with The Reverse Engineer Method: Mixing, the second installment of a groundbreaking trilogy. Continuing with mixing, this book defies convention, placing technical mastery at the forefront. Delve into precise listening, mixing techniques, and cultivating an objective mindset. Unleash your creativity, beginning with the end...

    103,47 €

  • Misterios de las trecenas
    Brynner Vallecilla
    'Misterios de las Trecenas: Descubriendo las Trecenas con Quinta Bemol, Quinta Aumentada, Novena Bemol y Novena Aumentada' es un cautivador viaje a través de los secretos mejor guardados de la teoría musical avanzada. Escrito por [Brynner Vallecilla], este libro desentraña los misterios detrás de las trecenas, ofreciendo una exploración profunda y apasionante de las posibilidad...

    15,52 €

  • An Incomplete Crash Course in Contemporary Music Theory
    'An Incomplete Crash Course in Contemporary Music Theory: The Fundamentals' is a comprehensive guide providing an accessible introduction to music theory fundamentals. You will embark on a journey through the essential elements of music, exploring notes and duration, counting, the imaginary bar line, rests, time signatures, clefs, key signatures, and more.This book covers cruci...

    20,86 €

  • No Book Beginners
    Tim Topham
    What would piano lessons be like if we didn’t teach reading in lesson one?Right now, we find ourselves at a critical crossroads where traditional piano teaching methods are no longer sufficient to engage and inspire young learners. How do we innovate our lessons for beginner students while still providing the fundamental training we know is essential?That’s precisely what No Bo...

    20,65 €

  • The Reverse Engineer Method
    Alex Wolfcastle
    Dive into the revolutionary world of audio engineering with The Reverse Engineer Method: Mastering, the first installment of a groundbreaking trilogy. Starting with mastering, this book defies convention, placing technical mastery at the forefront. Delve into precise listening, mastering techniques, and cultivating an objective mindset. Unleash your creativity, beginning with t...

    103,60 €

  • Recommandations pour le développement de la technique pianistique
    Anatoly Zatin / Vlada Vassilieva
    Il est essentiel de prendre de bonnes habitudes dès le début de la formation pianistique pour pouvoir aborder le répertoire des grands compositeurs. La technique va toujours de pair avec la musicalité. L’artiste doit créer ses propres outils de travail et, dans le cas du piano, une base technique solide ne peut résulter que de la constance et de l’exigence. Nous espérons que no...

    54,05 €

  • Recommendations for piano technique development
    Anatoly Zatin / Vlada Vassilieva
    The formation of good habits in the early stages of piano development is crucial to be able to approach the repertoire of the great composers. Technique always goes hand in hand with musicality. The artist must create his own working tools, and in the case of the piano, a solid technical base will only result from constancy and self-demand. We hope that our recommendations will...

    54,05 €

  • Рекомендации по развитию фортепианной техники
    Анатолий Затин / Влада Васильева
    Формирование хороших привычек на ранних этапах обучения игре на фортепиано имеет решающее значение для освоения репертуара великих композиторов. Техника всегда идет рука об руку с музыкальностью. Художник должен сам создавать свои рабочие инструменты, а в случае с фортепиано прочный технический фундамент может быть заложен только в результате постоянства и самоотдачи. Мы надеем...

    26,61 €

  • Empfehlungen für die Entwicklung der Klaviertechnik
    Anatoly Zatin / Vlada Vassilieva
    Die Ausbildung guter Gewohnheiten in den frühen Phasen der Klavierentwicklung ist entscheidend, um das Repertoire der großen Komponisten bewältigen zu können. Die Technik geht immer Hand in Hand mit der Musikalität. Der Künstler muss sich sein eigenes Arbeitsinstrumentarium schaffen, und im Falle des Klaviers ergibt sich eine solide technische Grundlage nur durch Beständigkeit ...

    54,05 €

  • Raccomandazioni per lo sviluppo della tecnica pianistica
    Anatoly Zatin / Vlada Vassilieva
    La formazione di buone abitudini nelle prime fasi dello sviluppo del pianoforte è fondamentale per poter affrontare il repertorio dei grandi compositori. La tecnica va sempre di pari passo con la musicalità. L’artista deve crearsi i propri strumenti di lavoro e, nel caso del pianoforte, una solida base tecnica sarà il risultato della costanza e dell’autodeterminazione. Ci augur...

    54,05 €

  • A Power User’s Guide to FL Studio 21
    Chris Noxx
    Learn critical music production techniques used by professional producers to create a signature sound, arranging, and mixing productions in FL Studio 21 from a Billboard charting JUNO nominated producerPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookKey Features:Discover how top artists produce mind-blowing music and create ultimate records in FL Studio through th...

    74,10 €

  • Vorschlag zur Förderung der Musikkompetenz im spanischen Bildungssystem
    María José Guibert Vara de Rey
    Die musikalische Bildung einer Gesellschaft ist das Ergebnis einer tiefgreifenden, programmierten und lang anhaltenden musikalischen Erziehung. Die großen musikalischen Genies der Länder Nord- und Osteuropas sind kein zufälliges und isoliertes Ereignis, sondern das Ergebnis einer vorangegangenen, obligatorischen und kontinuierlichen schulischen Arbeit und das Produkt einer jahr...

    75,37 €

  • Proposal for music literacy in the Spanish education system
    María José Guibert Vara de Rey
    The musical literacy of a society is the product of a profound, programmed and long-lasting musical education. The great musical geniuses of the countries of Northern and Eastern Europe are not a fortuitous and isolated event, but are the result of previous work from school, in a compulsory and continuous way, and the product of centuries of musical culture. I believe that rese...

    75,33 €

  • Предложение по развитию музыкальной грамотности в испанской системе образования
    Ма Гиберт Вара де Рей
    Музыкальная грамотность общества - это продукт глубокого, запрограммированного и длительного музыкального образования. Великие музыкальные гении стран Северной и Восточной Европы - это не случайное и единичное событие, а результат предшествующей работы со школьной скамьи, обязательной и непрерывной, и продукт многовековой музыкальной культуры. Я считаю, что исследовательская ра...

    33,56 €