Catálogo de libros: Música

14987 Catálogo de libros: Música

  • Задержка полового развития девушек и подростков
    Нилуфар Раззакова
    В современном обществе вопросы полового созревания у девушек и подростков представляют собой актуальную тему, привлекающую внимание как специалистов в области медицины и психологии, так и широкой общественности. Задержка в физическом и эмоциональном развитии может оказывать влияние на различные аспекты жизни молодых людей, вызывая интерес и требуя глубокого исследования.Данная ...

    69,85 €

  • Elliott Carter’s Late Music
    John Link

    43,13 €

  • Challenges of applying Safety Engineering in Civil Construction
    Aline T. Baptista / Daniel Mantovani / Osvaldo Valarini
    The Brazilian construction industry has undergone countless transformations, making the sector one of the most important in the country, both for the economy and for labour. In proportion to the increase in the labour force, the number of accidents has grown significantly. The aim of this study was therefore to identify and prevent risks to the health and safety of workers on t...

    54,90 €

  • Herausforderungen bei der Anwendung der Sicherheitstechnik im Bauwesen
    Aline T. Baptista / Daniel Mantovani / Osvaldo Valarini
    Das brasilianische Baugewerbe hat zahlreiche Veränderungen durchlaufen, die den Sektor zu einem der wichtigsten des Landes gemacht haben, sowohl für die Wirtschaft als auch für die Arbeitskräfte. Im Verhältnis zum Anstieg der Zahl der Arbeitskräfte ist die Zahl der Unfälle erheblich gestiegen. Ziel dieser Studie war es daher, Risiken für die Gesundheit und Sicherheit der Arbeit...

    54,90 €

  • Le sfide dell’applicazione dell’ingegneria della sicurezza nelle costruzioni civili
    Aline T. Baptista / Daniel Mantovani / Osvaldo Valarini
    L’industria delle costruzioni brasiliana ha subito innumerevoli trasformazioni, rendendo il settore uno dei più importanti del Paese, sia per l’economia che per il lavoro. In proporzione all’aumento della forza lavoro, il numero di incidenti è cresciuto in modo significativo. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quindi quello di identificare e prevenire i rischi per la salute e la...

    54,90 €

  • Проблемы применения техники безопасности в гражданском строительстве
    Алин T. Баптиста / Дэниел Мантовани / Освальдо Валарини
    Строительная отрасль Бразилии претерпела бесчисленные преобразования, в результате которых она стала одной из самых важных в стране как для экономики, так и для трудовых ресурсов. Пропорционально увеличению численности рабочей силы значительно возросло количество несчастных случаев. Поэтому целью данного исследования было выявление и предотвращение рисков для здоровья и безопас...

    54,90 €

  • Défis de l’application de l’ingénierie de la sécurité dans la construction civile
    Aline T. Baptista / Daniel Mantovani / Osvaldo Valarini
    L’industrie brésilienne de la construction a subi d’innombrables transformations, faisant de ce secteur l’un des plus importants du pays, tant pour l’économie que pour la main-d’œuvre. Proportionnellement à l’augmentation de la main-d’œuvre, le nombre d’accidents a augmenté de manière significative. L’objectif de cette étude était donc d’identifier et de prévenir les risques po...

    54,90 €

  • Women Behind The Mic
    LaJoyce Brookshire / Michelle Joyce
    WOMEN BEHIND THE MIC: Curators of The Culture Volume Two 'The Hip-Hop Edition'  Volume Two 'The Hip-Hop Edition' from the WOMEN BEHIND THE MIC series contains the stories of 21 veteran executives who were the engines behind the most iconic artists and brands of all time. As the 50th Anniversary of Hip-Hop is being celebrated, the women who worked behind the scenes have been gla...

    13,69 €

  • Опухолевые заболевания репродуктивной системы у женщин
    Хуршида Ахмеджанова
    Здоровье женщин во многом определяет отношение государства к здравоохранению, особенно к службе по охране здоровья матери и ребенка. Качество жизни любой женщины во многом является состоянием ее репродуктивной системы, которая во всем мире требует соблюдения части причин женской заболеваемости. Известно, что новообразования органов репродуктивной системы женщин относятся как к ...

    50,25 €

    Наргиза Гаипова
    В современной акушерской практике одной из наиболее значимых и актуальных задач является обеспечение безопасности матери и ребенка при наличии у беременной тяжелых форм преэклампсии. Преэклампсия - это состояние, характеризующееся повышением артериального давления и наличием белка в моче после 20 недель беременности, которое может прогрессировать до тяжелой формы, угрожая здоро...

    69,85 €

  • Tam Tam Mandingue Djembe Academy Curriculum Book 1
    Mamady Keïta
    This book was created by Grand Master Drummer Mamady Keita, from Guinea, West Africa for his international schools, the Tam Tam Mandingue Djembe Academy, International Schools of Percussion. Specifically, this is curriculum and instruction for traditional djembe and dunun (djembe orchestra) music. It also includes instruction on djembe and dunun technique. This volume features ...

    44,50 €

  • Hand-Pan Complete Manual for all Scales
    Farhad Bathaee
    Hand pan is one of the interesting and unique instruments that captivates every listener with its beautiful and special sound.This newly developed instrument with its clear and soulful sounds emitted by the different steel shells has a magical power to connect directly with emotions and calming.With its vocal power, Hand pan evokes the sounds of the soft and gentle raindrops or...

    29,97 €

  • Essential Music Theory Levels 1-3 Answers
    Mark Sarnecki
    This book contains the answer key to Essential Music Theory Levels 1-3. It is a great resource for teachers to save time marking assignments and works well for people who are self studying music theory to check their work. ...

    10,09 €

  • Essential Music Theory Levels 7-8 Answers
    Mark Sarnecki
    This book contains the answer key to Essential Music Theory Levels 7-8. It’s a great resource for teachers who want to save time marking assignments. It also works well for those who are self studying music theory and want to keep track of their progress . ...

    10,46 €

  • Superstar in a Masquerade
    William Sargent
    Superstar In A Masquerade tells the story of pianist Leon Russell and his life journey, from his afflicted birth to becoming a session man and Grammy-winning millionaire rock star. It also follows the careers of his hometown Tulsa pals David Gates and J.J. Cale.Read about thousands of songs by over 500 artists and...When 17 year-old Leon replaced Jerry Lee Lewis on stageWhy DC ...

    138,22 €

  • Superstar in a Masquerade
    William Sargent
    Superstar In A Masquerade tells the story of pianist Leon Russell and his life journey, from his afflicted birth to becoming a session man and Grammy-winning millionaire rock star. It also follows the careers of his hometown Tulsa pals David Gates and J.J. Cale.Read about thousands of songs by over 500 artists and...When 17 year-old Leon replaced Jerry Lee Lewis on stageWhy DC ...

    149,74 €

  • Mind Tavern
    Stark Hunter
    This book is about the best ’Headphone Music’ ever recorded, at least in the opinion of California writer, Stark Hunter-a baby boomer and old hippie, born in 1952. With a lifetime of listening to all genres of music under his belt, it is his opinion this book contains the best music to hear while wearing headphones, or in today’s vernacular, ear buds. Consisting of 27 recommend...

    25,40 €

  • From Blues to Beyoncé
    Alexis McGee
    Explores how Black women have continually used sound to convey stories and forge community across generations. ...

    127,05 €

  • The Sound of Vultures’ Wings
    Jeffrey W. Cupchik
    Explores the music of the Tibetan Chöd tradition. ...

    126,14 €

  • Folklore Matters
    Bruce Jackson
    Celebrates over a half-century of the work of one of America’s greatest folklorists. ...

    126,46 €

  • Early Jazz
    Fumi Tomita
    A concise history of early jazz, from its major innovators to its unrecognized heroes. ...

    127,05 €

  • Contributions of the PIBID
    Gervanilda Silva Santos
    When I started my degree course in pedagogy, I realised that there were some gaps, such as a greater relationship between theory and practice, given that few subjects in the degree course make this connection. With the aim of experiencing the context of the school and making a link with academic theories, in 2014 I took part in the selection process for the Institutional Teachi...

    69,91 €

  • Вклад ПИБИД
    Герван Сильва Сантос
    Когда я начала изучать педагогику, я поняла, что в ней есть некоторые пробелы, например, более тесная связь между теорией и практикой, учитывая, что лишь немногие предметы в курсе дают такую связь. Чтобы прочувствовать контекст школы и установить связь с академическими теориями, в 2014 году я приняла участие в отборе на стипендиальную программу Institutional Teaching Initiation...

    70,04 €

  • Les apports du PIBID
    Gervanilda Silva Santos
    Lorsque j’ai commencé mon cursus en pédagogie, je me suis rendu compte qu’il y avait des lacunes, comme une plus grande relation entre la théorie et la pratique, étant donné que peu de matières du cursus font ce lien. Dans le but d’expérimenter le contexte de l’école et de faire le lien avec les théories académiques, j’ai participé en 2014 au processus de sélection du Programme...

    69,97 €

  • Music for the Developing Brain
    Jane J. Bader
    It’s never too early to teach your pre-school children about music, and any parent can do it-even if you have never had a music lesson in your life!Music is a gift we all share. Infants can hear well before they can see. They can even recognize familiar songs as early as two weeks before they’re born. It’s one of the earliest components in brain development.That’s why the best ...

    14,57 €

  • Fantasies of music in nostalgic medievalism
    Helen Dell
    This book studies the ways in which three fields of creative activity inspired by the medieval - musical performance, literature, cinema and their reception - have worked together to produce and sustain the fantasy of a long-lost, long-mourned paradisal home. ...

    157,33 €

  • 40-Foot Lemon
    Geoff Harkness
    The Definitive Account of U2’s Most Interesting EraWhen U2 released Pop in 1997, the Irish quartet had been on a decade-long run of hits that included The Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby. The band’s Zoo TV tour in the early 1990s was a multimedia extravaganza that dazzled critics and sold out venues the world over. But Pop turned out to be U2’s worst-selling album, and the accompa...

    24,99 €

  • 40-Foot Lemon
    Geoff Harkness
    The Definitive Account of U2’s Most Interesting EraWhen U2 released Pop in 1997, the Irish quartet had been on a decade-long run of hits that included The Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby. The band’s Zoo TV tour in the early 1990s was a multimedia extravaganza that dazzled critics and sold out venues the world over. But Pop turned out to be U2’s worst-selling album, and the accompa...

    36,39 €

  • Bem-vindo A Miraí
    Mauro Cruz
    O projeto visa criar um clima bucólico, de arte, história, música e poesia, que possa atrair visitantes frequentes, ao mesmo tempo que incentiva a produção individual e coletiva de produtos e serviços da região, fixando o miraiense em sua terra, pela criação de oportunidades de trabalho e renda. Além disso, o projeto visa ainda resgatar e preservar a história da região, com seu...

    8,57 €

  • کمانچه نوازی نوین
    Sina Alam
    در این کتاب سعی کرده ام کمانچه را به عنوان یک ساز زهی_آرشه ای کامل و واقعی بشناسانم و تا جایی که می شود شخصیتی کششی برای آن بسازم .همچنین مقوله بسیار مهمی را که سال ها آهنگسازان و نوازندگان با آن درگیر بوده اند حل کنم-انتقالی بودن ساز کمانچه-.اشتباه بزرگی که موجب سختی در نگارش و نوازندگی می شد،نگاه انتقالی به این ساز بوده که درکتاب با نگاه بی طرفانه به حل این مشکل پُرداخته ام.ن...

    34,39 €