Catálogo de libros: Teatro: capacidades técnicas y de ambientación escénica

232 Catálogo de libros: Teatro: capacidades técnicas y de ambientación escénica

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  • Robert Lepage’s original stage productions
    Karen Fricker
    This book calls upon globalisation, queer, cinema, and affect studies to explore key Robert Lepage productions from 1984 to 2008, analysing the systems through which his work is produced and disseminated. ...

    35,59 €

  • The Magic of Light
    Jean Rosenthal / Lael Wertenbaker
    Learn About the Magic of Light from a MasterStep into the captivating world of Jean Rosenthal, a trailblazing figure in the realm of lighting design for modern theater. The Magic of Light, a professional memoir crafted with the assistance of friend and novelist Lael Wertenbaker, unveils the artistry behind Rosenthal’s technical mastery. Renowned for transforming stage illuminat...

    55,64 €

  • The Magic of Light
    Jean Rosenthal / Lael Wertenbaker
    Learn About the Magic of Light from a MasterStep into the captivating world of Jean Rosenthal, a trailblazing figure in the realm of lighting design for modern theater. The Magic of Light, a professional memoir crafted with the assistance of friend and novelist Lael Wertenbaker, unveils the artistry behind Rosenthal’s technical mastery. Renowned for transforming stage illuminat...

    43,59 €

  • An Ideal Husband
    Oscar Wilde
    Although Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) created a wide range of poetry, essays, and fairy tales (and one novel) in his brief, tragic life, he is perhaps best known as a dramatist. His witty, clever drama, populated by brilliant talkers skilled in the art of riposte and paradox, are still staples of the theatrical repertoire. An Ideal Husband revolves around a blackmail scheme that for...

    12,71 €

  • Two Plays
    Niladri Bhusan Harichandan / Sanjeet Kumar Das
    Columbus’s adventurous and romantic sea voyage and indomitable zeal to explore the ’New Land’ or country is concatenated as a fresh chapter to the geographical history of the world. Though Columbus discovered America, it was named after the deceitful tartuffe Amerigo Vespucci. Along with the sufferings of the sea expedition and the apprehensions of life, he has subsequently exp...

    19,13 €

  • Mastering the Writer’s Craft
    In the world of writing, talent plays a crucial role in shaping the success of an aspiring writer. It is often said that talent is a natural gift, an innate ability to express oneself effectively through the written word. However, talent alone is not enough to become a skilled writer. It requires dedication, practice, and honing of one’s skills to truly master the craft. This s...

    30,05 €

  • Zara
    Sophye Rosenilda Rocha Moura
    Este livro é uma viagem para quem quer entrar para a área de investigação privada.É a reunião romanceada de várias fases de trabalhos investigativos.E o respeitoda Detetive Profissional Privada Mili com a Cadela Zara é fabuloso.Livro aclamado entre leitores.O importante é a viagem que nos leva, de forma leve e você tem dúvidas da capacidade da amizade entre Zara e ...

    27,16 €

  • Christian Bible Drama Series, Christmas Edition (Revised Edition)
    Rev. Dr. Errol E. Leslie
    In the gospel of John, the writer ends the story by stating the purpose of writing the Gospel. This purpose is recorded in verses 30 and 31 of chapter 20.Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have l...

    12,26 €

  • Primele mele decoruri - Manual de scenografie
    Cosmin Ardeleanu
    Meseria „arhitectului de teatru' care imaginează, desenează și apoi înalță decoruri este plină de contradicții. Pe cât de solicitante și amănunțite sunt planurile sale, pe atât de trecătoare sunt volumele asamblate conform acestora. Ele durează cât durează și spectacolele. În vreme ce meșteșugul artistului plastic nu are nicio legătură cu artele performative (actoria, regia, co...

    35,35 €

  • Performing the Eighteenth Century
    What can artists learn from theatre scholars when it comes to performing historical works on stage today? What can theatre scholars learn from today’s artists when it comes to understanding the works and practices of the past? How is the experience of modern spectators affected by attending performances in historic theatres? And how, aesthetically, do we experience the reconstr...

    47,67 €

  • The Tragedy of Orpheus and the Maenads (and A Young Poet’s Elegy to the Court of God)
    David Lane
    Orpheus and the Maenads A Traditional Play in Blank Verse The preternaturally great poet Orpheus has responded to the loss of his wife Eurydice to the Underworld by forsaking the society of his fellow men in Thrace, where he was a poet-king, and endlessly wandering through field and forest, using his poetic genius to lament his loss. Apollo, the god of poetry, urges him to give...

    12,24 €

  • Staging and Stage Décor
    Bárbara Mujica
    ’Staging and Stage Décor: Perspectives on European Theater 1500-1950’ is a compendium of essays by an international array of theater specialists. The Introduction provides an overview of theater décor and architecture from ancient Greece through the Renaissance and beyond, while the articles that follow explore a variety of topics such as the development of lighting techniques ...

    69,90 €

  • Resilience for Actors
    Alexa Ispas
    Life as an actor is full of setbacks. Discover proven psychology techniques to avoid damaging your mental health and sinking into despair. Building a successful acting career requires resilience. Whether going to auditions, applying to drama school, or battling unemployment, you must be able to bounce back from setbacks and keep going. Resilient actors benefit from the 'fami...

    25,70 €

  • Stages of Theater
    James R. Russo
    Stages of Theater: The Dramatic Criticism of Stanley Kauffmann, 1951-2006 is a collection of 100 pieces of dramatic criticism by the late Stanley Kauffmann (1916-2013). Kauffmann’s creative life spanned seven decades: starting in 1951 and continuing until 2013, he was a drama (and film) critic for the New Republic, the New York Times, and Saturday Review. He was also an actor, ...

    20,18 €

  • Self-Confidence for Actors
    Alexa Ispas
    Want to show up to auditions and acting jobs brimming with confidence? If you are tired of battling your inner demons, psychology can help. Life as an actor brings out a lot of insecurities. Every time you go to an audition, begin rehearsals, or give a performance, the most personal things about yourself-your physicality, personality, and mannerisms-are put on display and criti...

    25,70 €

  • Digging Deep Into Auspicious Coincidences
    Karl Baumann
    Karl Baumann defied all odds when he became an artist with Cirque du Soleil. With no background in the circus arts his chances were slim to land such a high-flying job. In Part I of his book, we follow Baumann’s impossible journey starting with his modest  beginnings in Salzburg, Austria, uncovering a path to the big stage. In Part II Baumann takes us behind the scenes, discuss...

    26,64 €

  • The Rise and Fall of the Royal Shakespeare Company
    Simon Trowbridge
    In this fully illustrated book, Simon Trowbridge tells the story of the Royal Shakespeare Company. He begins by making a comparison between the RSC and France’s national theatre company, the Comédie-Française. Like their colleagues in Paris, Peter Hall and his successors Trevor Nunn and Terry Hands believed in the artistic and wider cultural value of a permanent troupe, motivat...

    14,31 €

  • Pillars of Society. Ibsen, Shaw, Brecht
    James R. Russo
    Pillars of Society: Ibsen, Shaw, Brecht is a collection of essays on the plays Pillars of Society (1877), Ghosts (1881), A Dolls House (1879), and Hedda Gabler (1890), by Henrik Ibsen; The Philanderer (1893), Candida (1894), The Doctor’s Dilemma (1906), Androcles and the Lion (1912), Major Barbara (1905), Misalliance (1910), Saint Joan (1923), and Pygmalion (1913), by George Be...

    18,39 €

  • Wagner’s Ring
    Charles Ellis
    This study ranges more widely than any other that has been seen in recent decades.Not only what is derived from medieval sources, but also what is excluded.Deliberate changes are made to the medieval Sigurd to fashion Wagner’s Siegfried.This brings Siegfried - a ritual sacrifice - to the centre of the action, He and Wotan become pinned together by the drama.Chapter and verse of...

    38,65 €

  • Screen plays
    Screen plays is a ground-breaking volume thatchronicles the rich and surprising history of stage plays produced for the small screen between 1930 and today. The collection makes a compelling case for the centrality of the theatre to the past and present of British television drama. ...

    156,97 €

  • Consuming Scenography
    Nebojša Tabacki
    Consuming Scenography offers an insight into contemporary scenographic practice beyond the theatre. It explores the ways in which scenography is used to create a global cultural impact and accelerate profits in the site-specific context of themed shopping malls. It analyses the effect of the architectural, aesthetic, spatial, material and sensory aspects of design through their...

    51,27 €

  • Don’t Go Into The Cellar, Mr Holmes!
    Jonathan Goodwin
    This book contains five scripts, three of which I owe a great debt of gratitude to Tony Reynolds as they are adaptations of stories taken from his wonderful book of Sherlock Holmes stories ’The Lost Stories of Sherlock Holmes’ - The Adventure Of The Medium, The Giant Rat of Sumatra and The Adventure of The Amazonian Explorer.     As for the others, 'Holmes Alone' is a light-hea...

    16,36 €

  • Tips and Tricks of the Stagehand
    B.T. Clark
    Mounting a show hasn’t gotten any easier since ancient Greek stagehands rigged the first deus ex machina a few thousand years ago. Working in the theater has plenty of challenges, both old and new. But now, here is a collection of advice on modern stagecraft that can help round off the sharp edges. Written in short chunks for anyone interested in the best professional standa...

    27,81 €

  • The Comédie-Française from Molière to Éric Ruf
    Simon Trowbridge
    In this new book, the first of its kind in English, Simon Trowbridge traces the rich and sometimes turbulent history of France’s national theatre company, the Comédie-Française, from its foundation in 1680 to the present day. The Comédie-Française has survived the vanity of kings and emperors. It has survived revolutions and wars. During all of its long history it has remained ...

    20,12 €

  • Introduction to Show Networking
    John C Huntington / John Huntington
    Introduction to Show Networking covers the basics of how Ethernet networks provide a platform for entertainment control and audio/video media distribution for concerts, theatre productions, corporate and special events, cruise ship revues, wrestling shows, houses of worship, museum presentations, fountain spectaculars-any kind of show presented live for an audience. The book’s ...

    29,29 €

  • Robert Lepage’s original stage productions
    Karen Fricker
    This book calls upon globalisation, queer, cinema, and affect studies to explore key Robert Lepage productions from 1984 to 2008, analysing the systems through which his work is produced and disseminated. ...

    157,26 €

  • El teatro: un espejo
    Ángel Ruggiero
    Este libro recoge con absoluta fidelidad gran parte de los escritos que el autor dejó como legado, inluyendo algunos textos publicados anteriormente y otros inéditos hasta ahora. Es una recopilación de su teoría teatral como pensador y hombre de teatro y de sus aportaciones como pedagogo y director escénico. En esta obra el artista y creador nos tiende la mano para disfrutar co...

    12,48 €

  • Sets on a Shoestring
    Laurel Wenson
    For every theater director who has years of experience and a hefty budget to work with, there’s another individual out there who has only a love of theater and a commitment to children as a starting place.  Whether it be an elementary school teacher who just got assigned to direct the school play, an afterschool counselor at the YMCA who’s trying to introduce the kids to Shakes...

    17,72 €

  • Theatre as Human Action
    Thomas Hischak / Thomas S. Hischak / Thomas SHischak
    This book engages students—particularly those who may not be very familiar with many plays—in the theatre experience by focusing on just four plays: the tragedy Macbeth, the landmark African American drama A Raisin in the Sun, the American comedy classic You Can't Take It with You, and the contemporary hip-hop musical Hamilton. ...

    162,08 €

  • Death in modern theatre
    Adrian Curtin
    This book analyses representations of death and dying in modern Western theatre from the late nineteenth century onward, examining how and why historically informed conceptions of mortality are dramatized and staged. ...

    157,26 €

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