Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

3974 Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

  • Mozart’s ’La clemenza di Tito’
    In the two centuries since Mozart’s La clemenza di Tito was first performed, and the almost three centuries since Metastasio created the libretto, many rumours, myths and prejudiced opinions have gathered around the work, creating a narrative that Mozart, Mazzolà and their contemporaries would scarcely recognise.The essays in this book contribute ideas, facts and images that wi...

    37,42 €

  • King John
    William Shakespeare
    War and Betrayal--France threatens war with England unless King John renounces his claim to the throne in favor of his nephew Arthur. John refuses and war ensues. John is excommunicated by the Pope, and his nephew Arthur dies under mysterious circumstances. Well, whiles I am a beggar, I will rail,And say there is no sin, but to be rich;And being rich, my virtue then shall be,To...

    20,51 €

  • Shadows and Acts
    Wilson Roberts
    Born in Philadelphia’s Walnut Street Theater in 1849, George Berrell died in 1933, after a life he often described as one of growing up with the country. His travels of self-discovery and those of his life on the stage are illustrative of a nation moving from travel on foot and horseback to that of automobiles and Boeings first major airliner, the 247. Berrell saw it all and ...

    35,88 €

  • 10-Minute Plays Anthology Presented by Harlem9, Inc.
    Inc Harlem9
      An inspired collection of 12 short plays commissioned by the OBIE award winning Harlem9 in their annual 48Hours in…™Harlem play festival. Written by established and emerging playwrights, the 12 plays presented in this collection are: Ayanna Maia’s Funny, I’m A Negro • Harrison David Rivers’ delicious(!) • Keith Josef Adkins’ Potato Salad • Derek Lee McPhatter’s All That Yes...

    15,70 €

  • Minstrel Magic
    Eleanor Pritchard
    The Black and White Minstrel Show was one of the greatest shows the BBC ever produced, bringing the BBC international plaudits and awards. Sweeping the board at the first-ever Golden Rose of Montreux, it was snapped up by nearly fifty countries worldwide. It became the first television show in the world to invade and conquer the live theatre, running for an amazing eleven years...

    11,50 €

  • Genesis of the Shakespearean Works
    Peter D Matthews
    This book is the result of fourteen years research scrutinizing thousands of historical documents. Dr Matthews reveals never before seen facts regarding the earliest quartos and the first folio – even new research into the leather cover of the Bodleian first folio and how that particular copy came into the possession of the Turbutt family.Dr Matthews has forensically dated the ...

    77,90 €

  • Shakespeare's Macbeth for Kids
    Brendan P Kelso
    Who will you be? Macbeth? Lady Macbeth? One of the spooky witches?!  Macbeth like you have never experienced it before: quick, fun, and easy to understand. Designed for 6-17+ actors, kids, families, or anyone who wants to enjoy and perform Shakespeare's classic play. Macbeth for Kids is a play versatile enough for sibling fun, classes, drama groups, homeschool groups, or ba...

    17,89 €

  • How to Avoid The Cutting Room Floor
    ACE Jordan Goldman
    What steps can an actor take to avoid being cut out of a movie or TV show? Emmy-winning editor Jordan Goldman, A.C.E. takes you inside the cutting room and pulls back the curtain on how and why directors, showrunners, and editors decide whether your performance makes it to the screen. He explains the key things actors should do - and shouldn't do - to avoid getting cut out...

    11,03 €

  • The Gospel According to Josh
    Josh Rivedal / Joshua Rivedal
    By the time Josh Rivedal turned twenty-five, he thought he’d have the perfect life-a few years singing on Broadway, followed by a starring role in his own television show. After which, his getaway home in the Hamptons would be featured in Better Homes & Gardens, and his face would grace the cover of the National Enquirer as Bigfoot’s not-so-secret lover. Instead, his resume is ...

    13,48 €

  • The Playmaking Way
    Rabin Nickens
    The Playmaking Way is a practical and enjoyable guide for grade K through 3 educators that illustrates ways to integrate dramatic arts into the daily curriculum, while strengthening hard-to-teach skills that are essential to the mastery of reading and writing. Her methodology seamlessly combines constructivist education theory with real life applications in challenging school s...

    26,38 €

  • Ridiculous!
    David Kaufman

    15,90 €

  • Merely Players
    Michael Burge
    When a middle-aged boy player returns to London's Globe playhouse during a terrible revival of Romeo and Juliet, she sets off a chain of events as great as any of Shakespeare's entertainments, revealing a love story that lay hidden for decades, just beneath the lines of the script. Centuries later, an out-of-work Sydney actor connects the dots of this drama and is inspi...

    10,75 €

  • Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet for Kids
    Brendan P Kelso
    Who will you be? Romeo? Juliet? The nurse!?  Romeo & Juliet like you have never experienced it before: quick, fun, and easy to understand. Designed for 6-18+ actors, kids, families, or anyone who wants to enjoy and perform Shakespeare's classic play. Romeo & Juliet for Kids is a play versatile enough for sibling fun, classes, drama groups, homeschool groups, or backyard per...

    16,34 €

  • Spectacle et théâtre
    Clovis Cunha
    Le texte est divisé en deux chapitres qui dialoguent avec les pratiques de la scène artistique. Le premier chapitre vise à informer le lecteur sur le développement du happening, de la performance et de l’art corporel, ainsi que sur certaines relations avec le théâtre, en particulier la transformation du corps en œuvre d’art, dont on trouve des exemples chez Jackson Pollock, Yve...

    76,64 €

  • Aufführung und Theater
    Clovis Cunha
    Der Text gliedert sich in zwei Kapitel, die sich mit den Praktiken der Kunstszene auseinandersetzen. Das erste Kapitel bringt den Leser auf den neuesten Stand der Entwicklung von Happening, Performance Art und Body Art sowie einiger Beziehungen zum Theater, insbesondere der Verwandlung des Körpers in ein Kunstwerk, wofür sich Beispiele bei Jackson Pollock, Yves Klein, Allan Kap...

    76,70 €

  • Bobbie Kimber (hardback)
    Anthony Slide
    The Bobbie Kimber story is a fascinating one, involving the art of ventriloquism, female impersonation, and gender variance. It is the story of a man who became a prominent British Music Hall performer from the late 1930s onwards, displaying his skill as a ventriloquist with various dummies, most notably Augustus Peabody or 'Gussie,' while all the time dressed as a woman. He ne...

    38,45 €

  • Bobbie Kimber
    Anthony Slide
    The Bobbie Kimber story is a fascinating one, involving the art of ventriloquism, female impersonation, and gender variance. It is the story of a man who became a prominent British Music Hall performer from the late 1930s onwards, displaying his skill as a ventriloquist with various dummies, most notably Augustus Peabody or 'Gussie,' while all the time dressed as a woman. He ne...

    28,28 €

  • Teatro di Gruppo
    Rosemary Parsons
    Il teatro di gruppo è diventato una forma teatrale sempre più popolare a partire dalle pionieristiche creazioni collaborative della fine degli anni Sessanta. Più recentemente, l’ideazione è passata sotto il controllo degli studiosi di teatro che cercano di contestualizzare l’ideazione nel più ampio panorama del teatro sperimentale del ventesimo secolo. Un altro corpus di 'ideaz...

    108,70 €

  • Grupa Teatr Obmyślony
    Rosemary Parsons
    Teatr tworzony przez grupę staje się coraz bardziej popularną formą teatralną od czasu pionierskich wspólnych kreacji pod koniec lat sześćdziesiątych. XX wieku. Od niedawna teatr tworzony jest pod okiem badaczy teatru, którzy starają się nadać mu kontekst w szerszym kontekście dwudziestowiecznego teatru eksperymentalnego. Kolejny korpus 'tworzenia literatury', opracowywania pod...

    108,72 €

  • Grupo Teatro Concebido
    Rosemary Parsons
    O teatro concebido pelo grupo tornou-se uma forma teatral cada vez mais popular desde as criações colaborativas pioneiras do final dos anos 60. Mais recentemente, a concepção tem estado sob o escrutínio de estudiosos do teatro, à medida que estes procuram contextualizar a concepção no âmbito da paisagem mais vasta do teatro experimental do século XX. Um outro corpo de 'elaboraç...

    108,70 €

  • In Gruppen erarbeitetes Theater
    Rosemary Parsons
    Seit den bahnbrechenden gemeinschaftlichen Kreationen der späten 1960er Jahre hat sich das Gruppentheater zu einer immer beliebteren Theaterform entwickelt. In jüngerer Zeit ist das Gruppentheater in den Blickpunkt von Theaterwissenschaftlern geraten, die versuchen, das Gruppentheater in den Kontext des experimentellen Theaters des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts zu stellen. Jahrhunde...

    108,58 €

  • Le groupe a conçu le théâtre
    Rosemary Parsons
    Le théâtre de groupe est devenu une forme théâtrale de plus en plus populaire depuis les premières créations collectives de la fin des années 1960. Plus récemment, la conception a été soumise à l’examen des spécialistes du théâtre qui cherchent à la situer dans le contexte plus large du théâtre expérimental du XXe siècle. Un autre corps de 'littérature de conception', les manue...

    108,66 €

  • Театр придуманный группой
    Розмари Парсонс
    Театр, созданный группой, становится все более популярной театральной формой со времен пионерских совместных творений конца 1960-х годов. В последнее время театральные исследователи внимательно следят за развитием театрального искусства в контексте экспериментального театра ХХ века. Другая группа 'придумывает литературу', придумывает пособия, описывает методологию создания ориг...

    108,58 €

  • Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida, All-Inclusive Satire
    James Norwood
    This brief monograph explores why the Shakespeare authorship question matters in the appreciation of the plays. First, a new understanding of a complex play like Troilus and Cressida emerges as the focus shifts to the court of Elizabeth I where the author was writing a social, political, and personal satire addressed to the power elite. Second, an understanding of the original ...

    18,47 €

  • Thierry and Theodoret
    Domenico Lovascio
    This is the first fully annotated, single-volume critical edition of Fletcher, Massinger, and Field’s Thierry and Theodoret, with an introduction that reassesses sources (including Shakespeare) and discusses the authorship and reception of this captivating play, pointing the way for future study, especially of a historical or gender-based nature. ...

    157,39 €

  • Risos Conectados
    Luciana Paes
    Neste livro, mergulhamos em uma jornada única pela palhaçaria hospitalar através dos olhos e experiências de Luciana Paes, uma palhaça profissional apaixonada por levar alegria e esperança aos corações dos pacientes adolescentes e suas famílias.Partindo de suas raízes na infância, onde a figura do palhaço já fazia parte de sua vida, Luciana nos conduz por uma exploração profund...

    14,97 €

  • Robert Lepage’s original stage productions
    Karen Fricker
    This book calls upon globalisation, queer, cinema, and affect studies to explore key Robert Lepage productions from 1984 to 2008, analysing the systems through which his work is produced and disseminated. ...

    35,59 €

  • The Great Boomsky
    Margaret B Steele
    Thirteen-year-old Milton Hudson Everett loves his job as Boomsky, the clumsy sidekick of the great magician Alexander Herrmann (1844- 1896). Beloved across America, Boomsky falls on top hats and drops trays of borrowed watches, bringing screams of laughter. But Boomsky is himself a magician’s ruse- a skilled secret assistant hiding in plain sight.For a series of African America...

    36,29 €

  • The Great Boomsky
    Margaret B Steele
    Thirteen-year-old Milton Hudson Everett loves his job as Boomsky, the clumsy sidekick of the great magician Alexander Herrmann (1844-1896). Beloved across America, Boomsky falls on top hats and drops trays of borrowed watches, bringing screams of laughter. But Boomsky is himself a magician’s ruse- a skilled secret assistant hiding in plain sight.For a series of African American...

    63,62 €

  • Adaptation and resilience in the performing arts
    Eight teams share their research about live performing arts during the COVID-19 pandemic, reflecting on digital innovations and analogue adaptations in dance and theatre, accessibility and community-building, and on how the pandemic impacted on artists and companies. ...

    71,25 €