Catálogo de libros: Artes: aspectos generales

12710 Catálogo de libros: Artes: aspectos generales

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  • Den fantastiske farvelægningssamling - Indretningsdesign
    BuiltArt Editions
    Oplev en unik og blændende verden af arkitektur og interiørdesign med denne dejlige malebog i gråtoner for alle aldre.'Den fantastiske farvelægningssamling - Indretningsdesign: Køkkener' er en fantastisk samling af de mest kreative og afslappende designs til alle, der elsker indretning. Den perfekte måde at slappe af på og slippe kreativiteten løs, mens man udforsker forskellig...

    62,22 €

  • Den fantastiske farvelægningssamling - Indretningsdesign
    BuiltArt Editions
    Oplev en unik og blændende verden af arkitektur og interiørdesign med denne dejlige malebog i gråtoner for alle aldre.'Den fantastiske farvelægningssamling - Indretningsdesign: Stuer' er en fantastisk samling af de mest kreative og afslappende motiver til indretningselskere. Den perfekte måde at slappe af på og slippe kreativiteten løs, mens du udforsker forskellige stuestile o...

    62,83 €

  • Aretephos
    Apostolos Stefanopoulos
    Aretephos offers a new way of understanding art, music and language. Your ideas about art and the world around you may never be the same again. ...

    66,09 €

  • Patrones Abstractos Libro de Colorear
    Lea Schöning BB
    30 Asombrosos Dibujos Para Colorear De Lea SchöningSatisfying Patterns Coloring Book te ofrece una forma única de expresar tu creatividad mientras te relajas. Las páginas del libro contienen sencillas ilustraciones de Satisfying Patterns en diversas posturas esperando a que las colorees.Ideal para todos los nivelesTanto si eres un principiante como un artista avanzado, este lib...

    25,14 €

  • Lilford Arts Mini Book Series - Vincent van Gogh
    Lilford Arts
    A collection of works by influential Dutch Post-Impressionist painter Vincent van Goch, Over 48 colour pages with a soft cover. The ideal gift for any art lover. ...

    21,38 €

  • Lilford Arts Mini Book Series - Toulouse Lautrec
    Lilford Arts
    A collection of works by French painter, printmaker, draughtsman, caricaturist and illustrator Toulouse-Lautrec. A 6x9 book with soft cover and 48 colour pages covering on of the worlds most famous artists. ...

    21,38 €

  • Lilford Arts Mini Book Series - Julie de Graag
    Lilford Arts
    A collection of works from the Dutch watercolourist, painter and graphic artist. A 6x9 book with 48 colour pages in a soft cover. ...

    21,38 €

  • Modern Abstract Folk Art
    Keeo Eeko
    Large 8' x 10' glossy cover fine art book featuring the wonderful, colorful art of Keeo Eeko.Keeo Eeko is an artist and designer who has worked in a variety of artistic styles, but always prominently featured is the artist’s love of bright and uplifting colors![ From the artist: ] 'At some point, in looking at my work, which is primarily geometric abstracts, I started to feel l...

    50,08 €

  • The Art of Keeo Eeko
    Keeo Eeko
    Large (8' x 10') fine art book featuring the wonderful, colorful geometric art of artist and designer Keeo Eeko.[ From the artist: ]I grew up in the 70’s when the effects of 20th Century Art had literally blossomed everywhere - from Flower Power posters to Mondrian on a bus to tidy graphics on a track suit. To me it was all just fun, beautiful, harmonious color and I think my o...

    53,32 €

  • [ Keeo Eeko’s Art Duos ]
    Keeo Eeko
    'Dans ce livre, j’ai pris des morceaux de certaines de mes œuvres abstraites géométriques et je les ai 'duo' ensemble sur une seule page pour créer de nouveaux looks intéressants. Profitez-en !'[Keeo Eeko - 2023]À propos de Keeo Eeko :Artiste et designer contemporain qui a travaillé dans une variété de styles, plus récemment avec des abstraits géométriques lumineux et colorés. ...

    44,83 €

  • Lilford Arts Mini Book Series - Berthe Morisot
    Lilford Arts
    A collection of work by the French Impressionist Berthe Morisot described by art critic Gustave Geffroy in 1894 as one of 'les trois grandes dames' (The three great ladies) of Impressionism. (48 colour pages 6x9 inches with a softcover) ...

    21,38 €

  • ¡Es la hora del té! - Libro de colorear relajante - Colección de encantadores diseños que mezclan el té y la fantasía
    Inspiring Colors Editions
    El libro para colorear '¡Es la hora del té!' le sumergirá en el mundo fascinante del té. Relájase y disfrute de una reconfortante taza de té mientras colorea estas 35 preciosas ilustraciones. Los encantadores diseños presentan una maravillosa variedad de tazas, teteras y juegos de té decorativos, junto con tentadores pasteles y pastas, así como alegres, adorables y fantásticos ...

    21,00 €

  • C’est l’heure du thé ! - Livre de coloriage relaxant - Collection de designs charmants qui mélangent thé et fantaisie
    Inspiring Colors Editions
    Le livre de coloriage 'C’est l’heure du thé !' vous plongera dans le monde fascinant du thé. Détendez-vous et dégustez une tasse de thé réconfortante en coloriant ces 35 magnifiques illustrations. Les charmants dessins présentent une grande variété de tasses, théières et services à thé décoratifs, ainsi que d’alléchants gâteaux et pâtisseries, de même que des amis joyeux, adora...

    21,00 €

  • È l’ora del tè! - Libro da colorare rilassante - Collezione di disegni affascinanti che mescolano tè e fantasia
    Inspiring Colors Editions
    Il libro da colorare 'È l’ora del tè!' vi farà immergere nell’affascinante mondo del tè. Rilassatevi e godetevi una confortante tazza di tè mentre colorate queste 35 bellissime illustrazioni. Gli affascinanti disegni presentano una meravigliosa varietà di tazze, teiere e set da tè decorati, insieme a invitanti torte e pasticcini, oltre ad allegri, adorabili e fantastici amici p...

    21,00 €

  • É hora do chá! - Livro de colorir relaxante - Coleção de designs encantadores que misturam chá e fantasia
    Inspiring Colors Editions
    O livro para colorir 'É hora do chá!' fará você mergulhar no fascinante mundo do chá. Relaxe e desfrute de uma reconfortante xícara de chá enquanto colore essas 35 belas ilustrações. Os desenhos encantadores apresentam uma variedade maravilhosa de xícaras, bules e jogos de chá decorados, além de bolos e doces tentadores, bem como amigos alegres, adoráveis e fantásticos prontos ...

    21,00 €

  • Es ist Teezeit! - Entspannendes Malbuch - Kollektion bezaubernder Designs, die Tee und Fantasie vereinen
    Inspiring Colors Editions
    Das Malbuch 'Es ist Teezeit!' lässt dich in die faszinierende Welt des Tees eintauchen. Entspannen Sie sich und genießen Sie eine gemütliche Tasse Tee, während Sie diese 35 wunderschönen Illustrationen ausmalen. Die bezaubernden Designs zeigen eine wunderbare Vielfalt an dekorativen Tassen, Teekannen und Teesets, zusammen mit verlockenden Kuchen und Gebäck, sowie fröhliche, lie...

    21,00 €

  • Het is theetijd! - Ontspannend kleurboek - Verzameling charmante ontwerpen die thee en fantasie combineren
    Inspiring Colors Editions
    Het kleurboek 'Het is theetijd!' dompelt je onder in de fascinerende wereld van thee. Ontspan en geniet van een heerlijk kopje thee terwijl je deze 35 prachtige illustraties inkleurt. De charmante ontwerpen tonen een prachtige verscheidenheid aan decoratieve kopjes, theepotten en theeserviezen, samen met verleidelijke taarten en gebakjes, evenals vrolijke, schattige en fantasti...

    21,00 €

  • Det är tetid! - Avslappnande målarbok - Samling av charmiga mönster som blandar te och fantasi
    Inspiring Colors Editions
    Målarboken 'Det är tetid!' kommer att fördjupa dig i den fascinerande världen av te. Koppla av och njut av en kopp te medan du färglägger de 35 vackra illustrationerna. De charmiga mönstren visar en underbar variation av dekorativa koppar, tekannor och teserviser, tillsammans med frestande kakor och bakverk, samt glada, bedårande och fantastiska vänner som är redo att njuta av ...

    21,00 €

  • Det er tetid! - Avslappende malebok - Samling av sjarmerende design som blander te og fantasi
    Inspiring Colors Editions
    Maleboken 'Det er tetid!' vil fordype deg i den fascinerende verdenen av te. Slapp av og nyt en kopp te mens du fargelegger de 35 vakre illustrasjonene. De sjarmerende mønstrene viser et fantastisk utvalg av dekorative kopper, tekanner og tesett, sammen med fristende kaker og bakverk, samt glade, søte og fantastiske venner som er klare til å nyte teselskapet, som kjæledyr, enhj...

    21,00 €

  • Det er tetid! - Afslappende malebog - Kollektion af charmerende designs, der blander te og fantasi
    Inspiring Colors Editions
    Malebogen 'Det er tetid!' vil få dig til at fordybe dig i teens fascinerende verden. Slap af og nyd en kop te, mens du farvelægger de 35 smukke illustrationer. De charmerende mønstre viser et vidunderligt udvalg af dekorative kopper, tekander og tesæt sammen med fristende kager og bagværk samt glade, søde og fabelagtige venner, der er klar til at nyde teselskabet, såsom kæledyr...

    21,00 €

  • MANDALA FIORI - Libro da Colorare per Adulti
    Wonderful Press
    MANDALA FIORI - Libro da Colorare per Adulti30 Bellissimi MANDALA da colorareDedica del tempo a te stesso, colorare i mandala è davvero un grande beneficio per la tua mente.E’ una vera e propria forma di meditazione che ti aiuterà a raggiungere un profondo senso di calma e benessere migliorando la tua creatività, la tua memoria e la tua capacità di concentrazione.Ti basteranno ...

    20,57 €

  • Sushi. Leonardo Glauso
    Leonardo Glauso
    'Sushi. Leonardo Glauso' is a Book containing fashion nude photos of the beautiful girls and models captured by photographer Leonardo Glauso.Leonardo Glauso was born in Florence in 2/12/1989. Leonardo is an Italian artist, a photographer, illustrator and much more. He has a degree in Graphic Design and has studied Photography in Florence for a year. He got into eroticart and he...

    66,22 €

  • [ Keeo Eeko’s Art Duets ]
    Keeo Eeko
    'In this book, I took pieces of some of my geometric abstract artworks and 'dueted' them together in a single spread to create some interesting new looks. Enjoy!' [ Keeo Eeko ]About Keeo Eeko:Contemporary artist and designer who has worked in a variety of styles - most recently with bright and colorful geometric abstracts. [ From the artist: ] 'I grew up in the 70’s when the ef...

    40,22 €

  • Vintage Art
    Vintage Revisited Press
    Vintage Art: James Ellsworth De Kay: Zoology of New York: Ephemera Collection is a curated showcase of images from Zoology of New York (1842-1844) by James Ellsworth De Kay (1792-1851).De Kay was an American zoologist, his multi-volume book was illustrated by British -born American artist, John William Hill (1812-1879).There are 50 images featuring illustrations of birds, repti...

    49,44 €

  • Vintage Art
    Vintage Revisited Press
    Vintage Art: Tanigami Kônan : Japanese Woodblock Prints : Ephemera Collection is a portfolio of beautiful artwork from an 1917 edition of Seiyô SÔKA ZUFU by Tanigami Kônan.Kônan (1879-1928) was a painter and textile designer, renowned for his depictions of flowers and woodblock printing.There are 50 images featuring illustrations of poppies, petunia, freesia, daffodil, and many...

    49,52 €

  • Manic Chapbook
    Doodle Savant
    Manic Chapbook- Absurd and Eclectic OdditiesA mystical collection of pencil drawings, mostly rendered during the manic phases of my life. Since the inception of my 'cyclothymic disorder,' I have managed my mania through drawing. Although there was a time in my life I was so depressed and anxious that I couldn’t draw, my desire re-emerged at the time of my diagnosis. Over the ye...

    10,86 €

  • Mandala Flowers and Butterflies
    Wonderful Press
    FLOWERS and BUTTERFLIESStress Relieving Coloring Book featuring Butterflies, Bunches and Vases of Flowers and a Variety of Nature DesignsDedicate time to yourself.Coloring designs is really a great benefit to your mind.It is a true form of meditation that will help you achieve a deep sense of calm and well-being by improving your creativity, your memory, and your ability to att...

    20,46 €

  • Minimalist Boho Coloring Books For Teens Relaxation and Adults
    Jolly Bern
    A coloring book for those who love minimalist Boho.Geometric shapes, open space and unlimited creativity and freedom in coloring.Originality. All drawings are hand drawn. Individual patterns are always created with passion. This guarantees the uniqueness and originality of the work.Quality. 50 different models, finished with attention to every detail, guarantee high-quality wor...

    16,47 €

  • Prairieland Paintings
    Adam Thiele
    A collection of paintings by American landscape painter Adam Thiele. The self-taught artist shares some of his earliest paintings of the Midwest countryside from where he was raised. Many scenes depict rural living including trains, farms, horses and the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. ...

    19,79 €

  • MANDALA ANIMAUX - Livre de Coloriage pour Adultes
    Wonderful Press
    LIVRE DE COLORIAGE POUR ADULTES30 Magnifiques MANDALAS ANIMAUX à Colorier pour Soulager le StressPrenez du temps pour vous, la coloration des mandalas est vraiment un grand avantage pour votre esprit.C’est une véritable forme de méditation qui vous aidera à atteindre un profond sentiment de calme et de bien-être en améliorant votre créativité, votre mémoire et votre capacité d’...

    20,46 €