
Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociología y antropología / Sociología (6340)

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  • Is This Your First Funeral?
    Jimmy Huston
    A gentle guide through the uncertain moments of a child's first funeral experience. What to expect. How to find a way through the process of grief. How to accept the moments and share feelings. Charming illustrations. ...

    15,76 €

    DI ZHU
    This book, set against the background of accounts of globalisation, aims to figure out the consumer orientation of the middle class in contemporary China, in particular how the new elements in consumer orientation operate in the Chinese context. It focuses on the contemporary middle class. Data used in the book are taken from national representative surveys conducted in the rec...

    133,74 €

  • Almost a Mother
    Christy Wopat
    "After my infant twins died, I couldn’t find anything on the shelves at the bookstore that was actually honest."I found books about grief, sure. Books written by psychologists on the stages of grief and books that assured me that I would find my answers in prayer. This isn’t meant to replace those. Those books are necessary, but in the raw, emotional weeks and months after losi...

    17,37 €

  • Couples by Intention
    Elliott Kronenfeld LICSW CST / LICSW CSTS Elliott Kronenfeld Ph.D.
    Wouldn’t it be great if relationships came easy? What if we all just knew intuitively what to do to make our marriages and committed partnerships the absolute best and deepest that they could be?But the reality is that none of us are pros, and even our best relationships can go deeper. We often use love and sex as measurements for how developed our relationships are, but in rea...

    13,86 €

  • Inner Sky
    Steven Layer
    A conversation about life's experiences. If I had one afternoon to spend with my friend Lily, just diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, what would I say?  I had been where she is now, yet against all the odds found the way to experience a complete and spontaneous healing. The secrets I was shown are the opposite of what society teaches us. This was not...

    28,77 €

  • Spoiler Alert
    Jacquie Purcell / Korttany Finn
    One thing you can count on in life is the fact that you are going to die. How’s that for a buzzkill? Most people diligently ignore the reality of their future demise. Thinking about death somehow seems wrong. Luckily, a real life coroner challenged a few thousand internet strangers to do the thinking for you. The result is a collection of morbid and slightly embarrassing questi...

    9,88 €

  • Handbook of Research on Chaos and Complexity Theory in the Social Sciences
    The concept of 'chaos', and chaos theory, though it is a field of study specifically in the field of mathematics with applications in physics, engineering, economics, management, and education, has also recently taken root in the social sciences. As a method of analyzing the way in which the digital age has connected society more than ever, chaos and complexity theory serves as...

    400,09 €

  • Studies In Structural Sociology
    Frank W Young
    This collection of articles and essays embodies a new approach to sociology based on the original meaning of the word. Its central concept is 'community,' which is defined to cover units as small as the household and as large as the nation-state. Individuals are a special case of community. So defined, communities account for almost all the independent social organization of th...

    18,65 €

  • Surrendering to Marriage
    Iris Krasnow
    In the New York Times best-seller Surrendering to Marriage, Iris Krasnow offers a raw and penetrating portrait of modern marriage and the backbreaking work required to make it last. With joyous, sexy, and shocking stories of real marriages, real affairs, and real divorces, Surrendering to Marriage moves far beyond a how-to manual; Krasnow shows us that a successful marriage has...

    17,95 €

  • Mobile Information Communication Technologies Adoption in Developing Countries
    The mobile technology field is expanding with innovative research and discoveries that expand to all walks of life. Mobile technology may have its greatest impact in the developing world, because it brings telecommunication to districts that had never been reached before. Mobile Information Communication Technologies Adoption in Developing Countries: Effects and Implications re...

    236,22 €

  • Footy Grounds to Grandstands
    Sam Duncan
    Play in the Australian Football League is not what it was. At the game’s founding, Australian football was exactly what the AFL’s Latin motto tells us it is today – ‘the game of the people, for the people’. In its formative years it was played and watched by Australians who loved the game because they understood the way it was played. It was made by them, in the image of their ...

    21,43 €

  • The Future of Dark Tourism
    This book offers critical scenarios of dark tourism futures and how our significant dead will be remembered in future visitor economies. It outlines key features of difficult heritage and future cultural trauma and highlights the role of technology, immersive visitor experiences and the thanatological condition of future dark tourism. ...

    67,36 €

  • The Future of Dark Tourism
    This book offers critical scenarios of dark tourism futures and how our significant dead will be remembered in future visitor economies. It outlines key features of difficult heritage and future cultural trauma and highlights the role of technology, immersive visitor experiences and the thanatological condition of future dark tourism. ...

    181,28 €

  • a Mad turn
    Phil Smith
    Written by Mad scholars, a Mad Turn explores the field of Mad Studies in theory and practice, and what Mad Studies can bring to academia and to other social institutions. What does it mean to 'do' Mad Studies? What are the field’s intersections with disability justice, Mad justice, and gender and queer studies? This book is a bold step toward the Mad Studies yet-to-come-a Mad S...

    32,46 €

  • Subject Lessons
    John Forrest
    Life histories are a class of oral data distinct from memoirs, autobiography, and conventional history in multiple ways. It is a way to lay out the felt experience of events in people’s everyday lives and not simply the statement of historical facts. As narrated pieces, life histories possess the unique voice of the individuals. Collecting data through life histories enables th...

    184,41 €

  • The User Experience Team of One
    Joe Natoli / Leah Buley
    Whether you’re new to UX or a seasoned practitioner, The User Experience Team of One gives you everything you need to succeed, emphasizing down-to-earth approaches that deliver big impact over time-consuming, needlessly complex techniques. This updated classic remains a comprehensive and essential guide for UX and product designers everywhere--you’ll accomplish a lot more with ...

    73,06 €

  • A Working Man’s Guide
    Mark L Teague
    Forge your legacy built on strong values and integrity with this framework for a better life.Making it in America feels more elusive than ever. In a time where getting ahead is measured by social media followers and social status, the working man has been left behind. How can the working class-the heart and strength of the nation-navigate this chaotic landscape while staying tr...

    21,02 €

  • A Working Man’s Guide
    Mark L Teague
    Forge your legacy built on strong values and integrity with this framework for a better life.Making it in America feels more elusive than ever. In a time where getting ahead is measured by social media followers and social status, the working man has been left behind. How can the working class-the heart and strength of the nation-navigate this chaotic landscape while staying tr...

    27,73 €

  • Building a Legacy
    Avery Nightingale
    'Building a Legacy: Family Values for Future Generations' by Avery Nightingale delves into the critical question of why one generation should leave substantial savings to the next. This thought-provoking book explores the significant role of inheritance as a bridge for wealth development across generations. Nightingale provides a comprehensive analysis of the implications for c...

    12,52 €

  • One Woman, Many Husbands
    A.A. Castor
    Title: One Woman, Many Husbands: The Polyandry PlaybookDescription:In a world where traditional relationship norms are increasingly being questioned, One Woman, Many Husbands: The Polyandry Playbook offers a groundbreaking exploration of polyandry-one woman in a committed relationship with multiple husbands. This comprehensive guide takes readers on a journey through the rich h...

    39,59 €

  • Exploring Non-Monogamous Traditions
    A.A. Castor
    Exploring Non-Monogamous Traditions delves into the rich and diverse world of non-monogamous relationships across cultures and history. From polyamory and polygamy to swinging and open relationships, this book examines how different societies have structured their relationships, determined paternity, and navigated the complexities of sexual behavior outside the confines of mono...

    24,50 €

  • 5 Ideas from Global Diplomacy
    Marvin Cheung
    Why are we stuck here and how do we move forward?Amidst escalating global crises and growing climate anxiety, 5 Ideas from Global Diplomacy offers actionable recommendations to aspiring changemakers to close the compliance gap between political commitment and action, and advance the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The book journeys beyond sustainability which is typically a...

    26,31 €

  • 5 Ideas from Global Diplomacy
    Marvin Cheung
    Why are we stuck here and how do we move forward?Amidst escalating global crises and growing climate anxiety, 5 Ideas from Global Diplomacy offers actionable recommendations to aspiring changemakers to close the compliance gap between political commitment and action, and advance the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The book journeys beyond sustainability which is typically a...

    40,88 €

    Tezera Teshale
    Das Ziel dieser Studie war, die bestehende Beteiligung der Ameya Woreda-Gemeinde an der Erhaltung der Waldressourcen zu bewerten (2013). Zur Erhebung von Primär- und Sekundärdaten wurden Meinungsumfragen, halbstrukturierte Interviews, persönliche Beobachtungen und Fokusgruppendiskussionen eingesetzt. Zur Erhebung der Primärdaten wurden 184 Stichprobenbefragte kontaktiert. Die a...

    61,88 €

    Tezera Teshale
    L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer la participation actuelle de la communauté du Woreda d’Ameya à la conservation des ressources forestières (2013). Une enquête d’opinion, un entretien semi-structuré, une observation personnelle et une discussion de groupe ont été utilisés pour obtenir des données primaires et secondaires. 184 échantillons de répondants ont été contactés...

    61,88 €

    Tezera Teshale
    L’obiettivo di questo studio era valutare la partecipazione esistente della comunità di Ameya Woreda alla conservazione delle risorse forestali (2013). Sono stati impiegati sondaggi di opinione, interviste semi-strutturate, osservazioni personali e discussioni di gruppo per ottenere dati primari e secondari. Sono stati contattati 184 campioni di intervistati nel caso in cui si ...

    61,82 €

    Tezera Teshale
    O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar a participação existente da comunidade Ameya Woreda na conservação dos recursos florestais (2013). Inquérito de opinião, entrevista semiestruturada, observação pessoal e discussão em grupo focal foram empregues para a obtenção de dados primários e secundários. Foram contactados 184 inquiridos da amostra no caso obtendo dados primários. Os da...

    61,88 €

    Тезера Тешале
    Целью данного исследования была оценка существующего участия общины Амейя Вореда в сохранении лесных ресурсов (2013). Для получения первичных и вторичных данных использовались опрос общественного мнения, полуструктурированное интервью, личное наблюдение и обсуждение в фокус-группе. В случае получения первичных данных были опрошены 184 респондента. Данные, собранные из первичных...

    61,94 €

  • Montessori für Eltern
    Rossella Caschetto
    Dieses Buch ist ein praxisorientierter Leitfaden, der Eltern und weitere Interessierte dabei unterstützt, die Montessori-Pädagogik im Alltag anzuwenden. Mit einer Vielzahl von Spielen und Übungen, die speziell für Kinder im Alter von 0 bis 6 Jahren entwickelt wurden, zeigt das Buch, wie man die natürliche Neugier und das Lernpotenzial eines Kindes optimal fördern kann. Es biete...

    16,64 €

  • Practical Preparation for Marriage
    Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    In Practical Preparation for Marriage by Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum, you will discover the keys to a fulfilling and godly marriage. The author delves into the practical and spiritual aspects crucial for making the right choice in a life partner. By aligning your emotions, thoughts, sexual life, and spiritual ambitions, you can ensure a harmonious and blessed marriage.Wheth...

    13,43 €