Relaciones intergeneracionales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Familia y relaciones / Relaciones intergeneracionales (284)

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  • Courageous Grandparenting
    Cavin Harper
    It is abundantly clear that parents have the more powerful influence on a child. What is not always acknowledged is that grandparents are, hands down, the second most powerful influence in a child’s life. In many cases, they are the most significant influencer in their grandchild’s life.Courageous Grandparenting establishes a biblical, gospel shaped foundation for understanding...

    11,29 €

  • Grandmothering
    Kathleen Stassen Berger
    Contemporary grandmothers are often marginalized from extended family life because social institutions and grandmothers themselves do not understand that they could be vital for working parents, for overactive children, for suicidal youth, indeed for many of the problems of modern grandchildren. The genetics and hormones of older women have designed them to be vital family memb...

    41,65 €

  • This Was Not on My Bucket List!
    Linda MacConnachie
    With the emergence of the internet, increasingly complicated gizmos and gadgets, and today’s modern “parent or friend” attitude, becoming a Nana or PopPop isn’t what it used to be. And since when was diaper duty on anybody’s bucket list? Grandmother of ten and child care expert Linda MacConnachie breaks it all down in this witty and insightful guide to grandparenting in the twe...

    10,84 €

  • Un solo padre en casa
    Anne Lamy / Jocelyne Dahan
    Nunca es fácil educar solo a los hijos... El progenitor se siente a veces cansado y superado por una carga de trabajo y de responsabilidades que no puede compartir con nadie en la vida cotidiana. Pero también hay buenas noticias: contrariamente a lo que se ha venido diciendo, la situación no produce necesariamente un cúmulo de problemas en los niños. Este libro aclara muchos pr...

    10,35 €

  • Grandma Told Me to Never Believe Anything Grandpa Says
    Larry McCoy
    Larry McCoy believes in non-stop fun and ice cream as every grandfather should. He writes amusingly about adventures with his four grandkids on bikes, skis, diving boards, and picnics—from both his perspective and theirs. McCoy won awards as a newsman, but nothing has been as rewarding as hanging out with Nicholas, Rachel, Daniella, and Cristiana. Despite injuries and a pouty f...

    11,51 €

  • Being Grandma and Grandpa
    Emily Stier Adler / Michele Hoffnung
    Most people over 50 are grandparents, but few have preparation for this significant role. In Being Grandma and Grandpa, sociologist Emily Stier Adler and psychologist Michele Hoffnung draw on their professional knowledge, their own experiences as involved grandparents of 10 grandchildren between them, and interviews with more than two hundred active grandmothers and grandfather...

    18,08 €

  • Los sueños de los niños
    Angelo Musso / Ornella Gadoni
    Los sueños de los niños no deben ser vistos con escepticismo. El niño ha de saber que lo que ha soñado no son tonterías sin sentido, y el adulto debe acompañarle en sus fantasías, en sus pesadillas y en los descubrimientos. Acostumbrarse a hablar de los sueños con los hijos y animarles a que los cuenten es, en definitiva, un modo de favorecer un crecimiento sano. Este libro es ...

    14,51 €

  • The Life Stories Of PEEPAW
    Matthew D Rucker
    This book consists of true short stories that happened throughout my life. It was written as a gift to my 13-year-old granddaughter, Alyssa. In the ministry, I found out that very few grandchildren know their grandparents. These stories will hopefully help Alyssa to know her PeePaw. I have given a broad view of stories from the funny to the sad. I have also tried to give some i...

    6,19 €

  • Nunca escucha
    Jean-Luc Aubert
    Un niño que escucha poco, casi nunca o nunca, que no hace caso a las normas de la familia o que no presta atención en el colegio no tiene por qué ser forzosamente un niño con «mala voluntad». Existen razones para hacerse el sordo delante de sus profesores o padres. Es muy importante conocerlas para superar la preocupación,irritación o incluso exasperación que puede suscitar est...

    11,39 €

  • Papá, mamá, ¡dejadme tiempo para mi!
    Etty Buzyn
    En la actualidad, los niños están sometidos a una estimulación intensa, un exceso de información y una avalancha de actividades extraescolares. Esta sobrecarga, que tienepor objetivo convertirlos en adultos extremadamente capaces, se traduce en una falta de iniciativa para soñar e inventar.Sin embargo, es esencial que los niños disfruten de momentos de ocio, pues estos les ayud...

    12,43 €

  • Grandkids and Other Miracles
    Erma Jewel Crowe
    Grandkids and other Miracles is a book of poems about my own grandchildren’s childhoods.  I have been blessed with the privilege of sharing in their introduction to life.  It has been a wondrous experience.  Grandparents are notoriously eager to share their grandchildren’s exploits and I am no exception.   That mostly is what this book is all about - special grandkids. ...

    14,76 €

  • Cherish
    Shaela Mauger
    Cherish – a book about us is a beautiful hardcover keepsake journal that guides the writer to pen their own story and the story of the one they love.  It is perfect for a parent to gift to a child, Grandparent to gift to a Grandchild or the ultimate legacy journal to gift to a terminally ill patient to leave to their child or grandchild.  The guided keepsake journal is designed...

    23,71 €

  • Cherish
    Shaela Mauger
    Cherish – a book about us is a beautiful hardcover keepsake journal that guides the writer to pen their own story and the story of the one they love.  It is perfect for a parent to gift to a child, Grandparent to gift to a Grandchild or the ultimate legacy journal to gift to a terminally ill patient for their children or grandchildren.  The guided keepsake journal is designed t...

    23,71 €

  • How Grandparents Can Handle Grandkids’ Issues
    Bruce Sherman
    'As grandparents play an increasingly important role in the lives of their grandchildren, they are confronted with a variety of challenging issues. Among these are visitation, bullying, drugs and opiates, interfaith grandkids, in-laws vs in laws, suicide and much much more. The purpose of the book is to provide effective ways to deal with these problems and be a positive force ...

    12,95 €

  • Grandparents in a Digital Age
    Laura Tropp
    This book investigates the changing culture of grandparenting. Depending on the group, the period, and the family, grandparents have been powerful patriarchs and matriarchs, reliable second parents, dependents, burdens, or community figures. The book examines the history of grandparenting and the changing depiction of grandparent culture from 'old' to 'hip,' including the devel...

    129,20 €

  • Our Papa Is Santa, Too?
    Ben Harpe
    When our daughter asked me to be Santa Claus for our first grandson, our little grandson Jeffrey, who loves me, and I love him, how could I say no? I couldn’t. I told her I would rent a Santa suit, wig and beard and plan accordingly to be available for when she wanted me to make my “appearance” for Jeffrey. She said “No Dad. You can rent a Santa suit, but I want you to let your...

    20,17 €

  • A Joyful Journey Through Advent
    Debby Morris
    Having lost her own mother at age nine, Debby Morris wanted to take her mothering seriously and wanted her children to grow up in a loving, Christian home. This included teaching them about advent, the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event—for Christians, the coming of the most notable person, that of Jesus Christ. Now, with Morris’s devotional and activity journal, A Jo...

    23,33 €

  • A Grandmother to Remember
    Deana Boggess
    This book is for a very special group of women—grandmothers. If you are about to embark on the wonderful adventure of grandmothering, consider this book your guide to being intentional about leaving a meaningful imprint on the lives of your grandchildren. If you’re already a grandmother, this book offers ideas for creating memories with your grandchildren, sharing your faith, a...

    15,48 €

  • Pequeño manual para abuelos
    Etienne Choppy / Hélène Lotthé-Covo
    Los abuelos ocupan, desde la mirada de sus nietos, un lugar privilegiado en el mundo de los adultos. Su función es muy diversa: desde encargarse del cuidado de un recién nacido hasta escuchar a un adolescente con problemas. La buena relación con los padres o el padre que esté a cargo del niño es fundamental. Pero, ¿dónde deben situarse los abuelos?Este libro da respuesta a esta...

    18,67 €

  • Los consejos del psicólogo para comprender al adolescente
    Silvio Crosera
    A los 11 años, su hijo deja de ser un niño. Su cuerpo crece, sus deseos evolucionan y se siente dividido entre el mundo adulto y la infancia. ¿Cómo podemos ayudarle a que atraviese lo mejor posible esta edad difícil y a que se construya un futuro de adulto? ¿Cómo podemos comprenderlo y acercarnos a él sin confrontación, dialogar y educarlo? Con este libro contará con la ayuda d...

    11,39 €

  • Los consejos del psicólogo para entender a tu hijo
    Silvio Crosera
    ¿Quiere siempre quedarse delante de la televisión o de los videojuegos? ¿Cuenta mentiras? ¿Se hace pis en la cama? ¿Se muestra perezoso y apático? ¿Es correcto darle dinero? Estas preguntas se hallan entre las más frecuentes que se suelen formular a los psicólogos que se ocupan de los niños en edad preescolar y escolar. Este libro facilita a cada cuestión una respuesta práctica...

    11,39 €

  • Nan-Made
    CPA CA Pickup
    NAN PICKUP TEACHES AND ENTERTAINS IN THIS TWENTY-FIVE LIFE LESSON GUIDE. The Do-It-Yourself Suggestions at the end of each short story are inspiring. The stories span the fifty years as told by her first born grand-child. These twenty-five tips could help you influence your own children or grand-children and yourself. While you reflect you can be entertained by how Nan coached ...

    26,74 €

  • Nan-Made
    CPA CA Pickup
    NAN PICKUP TEACHES AND ENTERTAINS IN THIS TWENTY-FIVE LIFE LESSON GUIDE. The Do-It-Yourself Suggestions at the end of each short story are inspiring. The stories span the fifty years as told by her first born grand-child. These twenty-five tips could help you influence your own children or grand-children and yourself. While you reflect you can be entertained by how Nan coached ...

    18,95 €

  • ¿Hay que coger al bebé en brazos cuando llora?
    Emmanuelle Rigon / MARIE AUFFRET-PERICONE
    Proporcionar tranquilidad al bebe es darle, desde que nace, una seguridad interior que le servira durante toda su vida. Gracias a ella, sera capaz de desarrollar sus capacidades con confianza, dirigirse a los demas, superar sus miedos, sus fracasos En resumen, hara que sea feliz de nino y de adulto. E. Rigon y M. Auffret-Pericone le ayudaran aqui a descubrir como se consigue es...

    10,35 €

  • Dinosaurs in the Cornfield
    William B Hardison Jr.
    Grandpa says it best. He always does:“Knowin’ where you came from makes you part of somethin’ larger’n yerself—and from yer beginnin’, you were meant t’ be larger’n yerself.”For young Billy, summer means saying goodbye to city life and traveling seven hundred miles to visit his grandparents on their Tennessee farm. It means long, humid days of snapping beans, milking cows, hunt...

    23,50 €

  • Parent Like a Guru
    Rosie Kuhn
    Parent Like a Guru provides stories, thoughts and experiences that inspire and empowers you to let go of everything you think parenting is about. It's letting go of how you perceive yourself as a parent, guardian, or grandparent (From here on end, stated as parents). Its intention is to support you in letting go of the stresses and the worries, plus the hoped-for outcomes o...

    20,98 €

  • When Grandma Teaches You to Lie
    Jenny Prevatte
    When Grandma Teaches You to Lie is a collection of colorful tales from Jenny Prevatte’s childhood in rural North Carolina, a time and place ruled by the cycles of farm life and the grace of God. A pivotal figure in Jenny’s life, Grandma was a conventional Southern woman in many ways but unconventional in all the best ways. She instilled in Jenny a mischievous sense of humor, fi...

    16,58 €

  • Help! My Teen is Pregnant
    Stephanie Zeiss
    Teaches parents how to survive their teenage daughter’s pregnancy ...

    14,37 €

  • Tuesdays with Jack
    Pauline Daniel
    Tuesdays with Jack is a heartwarming memoir of introspection and observation, a humorous look into a family with the kind of enchanting moments and unflinching devotion, blended with mess and exhaustion, that we can all relate to.Jack’s batteries are running out in his head. But only for songs. Through the inventive eyes of this little boy and his grandmother, we are given insi...

    13,71 €

  • Cuando el carácter se vuelve difícil con la edad
    Claudine Badey-Rodriguez / Rietje Vonk
    A veces, el momento de lajubilación y el envejecimiento de nuestros padres provoca que estos se abandonen, se encierren en sí mismos o se muestren agresivos. ¿Cómo acompañarlos con calma en esta etapa, cuando se reconsidera el papel de cada uno en la familia? ¿Cómo encontrar el equilibrio adecuado, sin sacrificios inútiles ni culpabilidad excesiva? Este libro nos aporta las cla...

    10,35 €

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