Medicina complementaria

Medicina / Medicina complementaria (1700)

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  • The A Word
    Irene Smith
    With a previous career in nursing and family history of Alzheimer’s disease, Irene Smith believed she had taken steps to look after her health. However, in 2012 she had an initial experience of cognitive decline and faced the reality that mainstream medicine could offer no help. A journey to fend off the symptoms began until they became worse in 2018 and she feared she would lo...

    19,01 €

  • Food Regeneration Guide Blood Group B
    Manuel Ramoni
    Worse Foods (Blood Bundles, Sick and Aged). ___Wheat, Corn, Pork, Chicken, Delicatessen, Avocado, Tomato, Fried Meals, Shrimp, Peanuts, White Sugar___FOOD ACCORDING TO YOUR BLOOD GROUP.BLOOD GROUP 'B' - THE SHEPHERD.What you will learn in the following pages will change your life and that of your loved ones forever and in such a precise and safe way that in a few weeks they w...

    24,41 €

  • Food Regeneration Guide Blood Group O Diabetic
    Manuel Ramoni
    Worse Foods (Blood Bundles, Sick and Aged). ___ Wheat, Milk or Cow Cheese, Pork, Delicatessen, Coffee, Melon, Tangerine, Orange, Fried Foods, Peanuts, Cauliflower, White Sugar___ FOOD ACCORDING TO YOUR BLOOD GROUP.BLOOD GROUP 'O DIABETIC' - THE HUNTER.What you will learn in the following pages will change your life and that of your loved ones forever and in such a precise and...

    24,24 €

  • Communal Medicine
    Pierre Morin
    Health and sickness are mystifying processes full of meaning and challenges. They are embedded in social and cultural environments that benefit some more than others and thus need us all to hone our social awareness and skills. They are also dreaming processes that require a new process-oriented intelligence and practice. Communal Medicine is about exploring the many intertwine...

    26,44 €

  • Mouches volantes - Glaskörpertrübung oder Nervensystem?
    Floco Tausin
    Alle haben sie, fast alle sehen sie, und nur wenige schauen hin: die vereinzelten, transparenten und beweglichen Punkte und Fäden im Blickfeld. In der Augenheilkunde werden sie „Mouches volantes' genannt und als Glaskörpertrübung verstanden.Doch stimmt diese Erklärung? Der Autor, Floco Tausin, folgt in diesem Buch der seherischen Erfahrung, dass Mouches volantes keine Glaskörpe...

    28,93 €

  • Terminal to Remission with Cannabis Oil
    Allison J McMaster
    Allison, a typical mum, had her world turned upside down by a devastating cancer diagnosis that gave her less than two years to live. The doctors’ prognosis was so grim that her life insurance was paid out and Allison, her husband and young son started taking their final bucket-list holidays.  But Allison wasn’t ready to give up hope when the medical system ran out of ideas, so...

    13,04 €

  • O Reembolso Médico
    Alexandre Campos Moraes Amato
    O Reembolso Médico é a maneira mais inteligente de atuar na saúde. O equilibrio entre o poder decisório, a informação médica e o poder financeiro permite a realização da medicina sem influência de interesses escusos. Para o paciente, ele recebe a informação de saúde da fonte, sem filtro econômico da operadora de saúde. Para o médico, não há influência da operadora de saúde nas ...

    17,08 €

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19 with Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine
    This handbook mainly introduces the diagnosis and treatment methods of COVID-19 in traditional Chinese and Western medicine. In particular, principles for clinical treatments, therapeutic methods and prognostic rehabilitation interventions for the four types of clinical manifestations are elaborated. A chapter detailing guidance for healthy individuals on scientific prevention ...

    182,10 €

    Dr. Dalal Akoury
    People are living longer. Treating the root cause of pain and disease and not just the symptom is becoming more mainstream in medicine every day. Prevention is the new holy grail of medical treatment for longevity and wellness and Western culture is finally catching up with centuries-old proven modalities of functional medicine. The body has the power to heal itself and taking ...

    25,30 €

    Dr. Dalal Akoury
    People are living longer. Treating the root cause of pain and disease and not just the symptom is becoming more mainstream in medicine every day. Prevention is the new holy grail of medical treatment for longevity and wellness and Western culture is finally catching up with centuries-old proven modalities of functional medicine. The body has the power to heal itself and taking ...

    23,46 €

  • Vida Longa E Saudável
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    As doenças são desvios da saúde, mas não fazem vítimas inocentes. O indivíduo, pelo método de vida errado que leva, pode ser seu próprio juiz, julgador e carrasco.As doenças crônicas sobressaem-se em meio às tentativas de cura, não obstante os enormes avanços da química e dos procedimentos cirúrgicos.O Jardim da Natureza é a Farmácia de Deus. Se recorrermos a ela, no tempo cert...

    8,31 €

  • Caminhos Da Humanidade
    Santana J.l.m
    EmCaminhos da Humanidade: Superando as Pandemias dos Últimos 200 Anos , embarcamos em uma jornada emocionante através dos tempos, explorando as pandemias que marcaram a história da humanidade. Neste livro, somos convidados a mergulhar nas profundezas das adversidades enfrentadas ao longo dos últimos dois séculos.De epidemias devastadoras, como a Peste Negra e a Gripe Espanhola,...

    9,99 €

  • Exploring Complementary and Alternative Medicinal Products in Disease Therapy
    Etetor Roland Eshiet
    Recent breakthroughs in science and technology have led to a concomitant growth in exploratory studies into the definitive properties of traditional therapies employed in medicine and pharmacology. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) involves a diverse range of medicinal and health practices and products that are typically not part of conventional medicine. Presently, ...

    438,70 €

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Post-COVID-19 Syndrome
    Dan Jiang / Fanyi Meng / Kerry Webster
    The COVID-19 pandemic dominated the globe for at least three years, and infected a large proportion of the worldwide population. After the acute infection, many stay in poor health for months. The nature of this aftermath is not yet fully understood, therefore the management of this syndrome through biomedical therapy is not ideal. Health services are struggling to help those w...

    164,16 €

  • The Inner Odyssey
    Carl D. Greene
    The Inner Odyssey' is an accessible and concise guidebook that introduces readers to the remarkable healing potential of magic mushrooms. Written for individuals with no previous knowledge of psychedelics, this book serves as an informative and transformative resource.Drawing from personal experiences, the author shares their own healing journey, having triumphed over childhood...

    24,09 €

  • Achondrogenesis
    Durga Kumawat
    Achondrogenesis is a rare and complex genetic disorder that affects bone development in unborn babies and newborns. It is a heartbreaking condition that can cause significant physical and emotional challenges for affected individuals and their families. In this comprehensive book on Achondrogenesis, readers will find a wealth of information on the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, a...

    236,66 €

  • Achondroplasia
    Durga Kumawat
    Achondroplasia, one of the most common types of dwarfism, affects the growth of bones, resulting in shorter limbs, a larger head, and a curved spine. This condition can present challenges, both physical and emotional, for those living with it and their families. But with the right information and support, individuals with achondroplasia can lead fulfilling lives. In this compre...

    235,46 €

  • Abc Da Dor
    Elgin B.e.gossalter
    Prepare-se para embarcar em uma jornada transformadora e emocionante comABC da Dor , a obra inovadora da Dra. Elgin Gossalter. Neste livro cativante, a autora mergulha nas profundezas dos fenômenos da dor humana, revelando segredos preciosos para lidar com traumas, cicatrizar feridas e encontrar caminhos em direção ao alívio através dos mais variados tratamentos e abordagens. ...

    29,34 €

    O.M. Kelly
    Introducing 'Decoding Dis-Ease' a Metaphysical Interpretation into understanding the intricate web of factors that contribute to our health and well-being. From the author of groundbreaking works on the interaction of the mind and body, this book delves into a wide range of topics related to dis-ease. It is a fascinating and insightful book that offers a fresh perspective on he...

    15,83 €

  • Acoustic Neuroma
    Durga Kumawat
    Acoustic Neuroma is a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know about this rare but life-changing condition. This book is a must-read for anyone who has been diagnosed with or knows someone affected by an acoustic neuroma. With clear and concise language, it explains the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and management of acoustic neuroma, as well as the...

    24,17 €

  • Islamic Medicine
    Mohammed Salim Khan
    In the centre of naturopathic and herbal medicine is a living healthcare tradition called Tibb. Prophetic medicine provided the foundation, and over time integrated elements from Egypt, India, China and classical Greece. Tibb is an Arabic word, which in difference placed has been referred to as Arabic, Greco-Arab, Hikmah, Unani, Islamic and Sufi medicine.This is the first syste...

    25,13 €

  • Macrobiotic Quisine and Metastases
    Benjamin Schmidt
    To hand a helping handYou might for example make drze out of Shio Miso (like generics etc..) In my life and not only as a doctor I was always told that you should search for medicine in nature, herbs, minerals and healing substances and not create toxic vaccines and treatments that derange the metabolism. ...

    22,42 €

  • Madhava Nidana / माधव निदान
    Janardhana V
    This book is English translation of Ancient Ayurvedic Treatise, Madhava Nidana. The book explains pathology, symptoms and prognosis of various disorders, as per Ayurveda.  ...

    38,72 €

  • The Practitioner’s Raindrop Resource Guide
    Christina G. Hagan M.Ed
    As a Raindrop Technique Practitioner, you may receive questions about how you can safely offer this technique to more people. Who can you ask? Where do you go for support? In this Resource Guide, I share with you all my tips and lessons learned from over fifteen years of offering The Raindrop Technique in my wellness practice. You will also find helpful insights from other Rain...

    39,84 €

  • Peter’s Healing Salves
    Peter Hoemke
    Some examples of what the salves in this book could be used to help the body heal from are: cuts, bruises, abrasions, burns, skin infections, eczema, and psoriasis.This book primarily focuses on topically applied mixtures that enhance the healing of an injury to the skin, muscles, and blood vessels. These mixtures comprise several ingredients that have been studied individually...

    12,22 €

  • Ser Diferente É Normal
    Diversos Autores
    Normal é o que, ou como?Quem ama não vê defeito, só ama e pronto.Mas o ser humano faz questão de complicar a vida das pessoas e a sua.Ser ou ter algo que não combina com o padrão da sociedade, é tido como aberração.O próprio Jesus era diferente!Amar o que foge às regras faria nosso mundo, o mundo inteiro, um lugar bem melhor e mais fácil de viver e conviver. Isso só depende de ...

    13,17 €

  • Saúde Integral 2
    Sara Michele Lambert
    Do ponto de vista histórico, o homem primitivo tinha uma relação natural com o ambiente, com a natureza que o rodeava, com as plantas e com os animais. Existia, portanto, uma harmonia entre o homem e a natureza. Nos dois últimos séculos, o homem foi perdendo cada vez mais seu instinto natural, criando-se assim a insegurança quanto à alimentação e à cura.A percepção natural foi ...

    9,30 €

  • COVID-19
    Vernon Coleman
    'Every day that passes it becomes increasingly clear just what the aims really are - and how the billionaires are planning to destroy our normal way of life. They’ve destroyed education, health care and economies, of course - all to soften us up for the vaccine which they say is essential, and for social credit and a single digital currency'.'The chaos that is being caused arou...

    22,24 €

  • Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine
    Brian H May
    This 26th volume of the Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine series provides a multi-faceted 'whole evidence' analysis of the management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) using integrative Chinese medicine. Beginning with an overview of how RA is conceptualised and managed in conventional medicine (Chapter 1), the authors summarise the syndrome differentiation and management of ...

    220,07 €

    Martínez Fernández, Eva
    La descodificación biológica es una forma de entender la salud y la enfermedad. Nos proporciona herramientas para tomar consciencia de los conflictos que hemos vivido o vivimos y ofrece soluciones para la curación. Este conocimiento te permite sentirte mejor en tu vida en todos los niveles (físico, mental, espiritual y emocional), trabajar con los demás más fácilmente y disfrut...

    24,00 €