Juegos de rol, juegos de guerra y juegos de gestión deportiva

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  • Marathon of Heroes
    Lloyd Metcalf / Ric Martens
    The great dragon Vatrastrom sleeps on a bed of treasure at the heart of a volcano surrounded by wicked minions. Miles away, Lord Fez gathers a group of adventurers to request their aid in ending the red menace.  Will your champions be the ones to complete the Marathon of heroes? A 5E adventure for 4-6 level 5 characters 3 ...

    10,37 €

  • The Convocation
    Matt Click / Michael Barker / Tim Kearney
    Shadows linger in the land of Erenoth. But there is a flame in the darkness – an unwavering light that stands against evil and tyranny in all of its twisted forms: The Convocation. Take wing as a legendary Convoker, a griffon-riding warrior of justice and protector of the realm. With enchanted weaponry and armor, and a swath of superhuman abilities at your disposal, you must do...

    14,11 €

  • World of Warcraft Guide
    Joseph Joyner
    This Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) has been one of the most played and liked online games since the mid 2000’s. The game is part of the Warcraft Universe Series with expansive 3D environment and characters. Created by Blizzard Entertainment, the game allows players to create custom characters ranging from many races and classes such as humans, elves, d...

    11,16 €

  • Honour the Role Playing Game
    Dominic Henry Parry
    Honour combines fantasy, science fiction, Asian lore, and interdimensional exploration to give its players an avenue for fantastic storytelling in a unique setting that breaks from the generic RPG mold of Dwarves, Elves, and Dragons.    The game is set in an alternate version of Earth, Pangu, in which humanity is but one of many civilized races. Though largely driven away by h...

    41,93 €

  • Mitologia Esquecida
    André L. Fonseca
    Imagine um mundo mitológico desconhecido, ou melhor dizendo, esquecido. Vocês devem estar pensando em Zeus ou, talvez, Thor ou mitologias não tão exploradas, o fato é que todos os povos explicam a criação do universo com seres divinos.Será que todos erraram?Venha e embarque neste universo mágico com semideuses, devotos, dignos, criaturas fantásticas e lugares inexplorados.Sejam...

    15,49 €

  • Rpg Bíblico - Anjos & Demônios
    Thiago Gomes
    RPG Bíblico - Anjos & Demônios é o segundo suplemento para a linha RPG Bíblico, trazendo grandes adições nas regras do sistema. Entre elas, a possibilidade do Narrador conseguir montar sua própria campanha de Anjos, trazendo novas regras para a criação de Personagens, Castas Angelicais, poderes angelicais, etc.Além disso, também exploramos a mecânica de Fé, e trazemos as regras...

    7,13 €

  • Rpg Bíblico - Guerras Bíblicas
    Thiago Gomes
    RPG Bíblico - Guerras Bíblicas é o terceiro suplemento da série RPG Bíblico, trazendo regras específicas para o combate, sejam combates individuais, combates em grupos, ou mesmo combates em exércitos!Nesse livro, você encontra:-Novas regras para criação de Personagens, como mais pontos de ataque, Pontos de Vida e cálculo de Movimento.-Duas novas Classes: Capitão e Sentinela.-Re...

    7,32 €

  • Rpg Bíblico - Guia Do Narrador
    Thiago Gomes
    RPG Bíblico - Guia do Narrador é uma ferramenta essencial para aprimorar o que já foi escrito no Regras para Iniciantes, bem como informações adicionais para suas campanhas!-Informações sobre os Períodos Bíblicos-Regras detalhadas das Habilidades-Explicação sobre a cultura dos Personagens Israelitas-Informações sobre a Fé e o Mundo Espiritual-Sugestões de aventuras prontasCompr...

    8,11 €

  • Rpg Bíblico
    Thiago Gomes
    RPG Bíblico é o primeiro RPG sobre a Bíblia lançado no Brasil! Com este livro você terá regras para começar a jogar campanhas e aventuras em qualquer período bíblico.Um sistema totalmente simples e diferente de tudo que você já viu antes! Ótima ferramenta para ensinar a Bíblia para qualquer pessoa. Viva aventuras dentro dos períodos bíblicos. Compre agora e conquiste a Terra Pr...

    8,37 €

  • Gorks Versus Neandertais
    Hugo Santos
    Os humanos surgiram na África Oriental a cerca de 2,5 milhões de anos. Há cerca de 500 mil anos atrás, na Eurásia, O Homo Neanderthalensis ( pessoa do vale de Neander ), os Neandertais dominavam a existência. Eram mais fortes e mais robustos e, provavelmente, possuíam cérebros maiores que os nossos, Sapiens. Eram adaptados para o frio da Era do Gelo. A 30 mil anos  atrás houve ...

    10,58 €

  • Yoshiro Rpg
    Rodrigo Jeferson
    Antes de tudo existir, quando nosso mundo ainda nem tinha sido formado. O universo era habitado por seres gigantescos poderosos conhecidos como Estilos, seres criados pelas estrelas através do poder de Deus. Mas após eventos ocorridos na segunda guerra celestial, todos foram banidos e seus restos mortais caíram no nosso mundo. Mas a lenda diz que eles deram poder aos homens e u...

    14,12 €

  • A Lenda De Calima 2
    Vinicius Silva Orlando
    A continuação de A Lenda de Calima, foi inspirada em campanhas de RPG reais, os personagens foram dedicados aos jogadores e jogadoras mais brilhantes.Outrora príncipe de Calima, Eldor tem agora como missão restaurar seus erros do passado e salvar sua raça da decadência.O dragão negro Yilbegan, assola a terra dos homens e o futuro da humanidade vai de mau a pior, está na hora de...

    8,94 €

  • O Coletor De Mox
    Lucas Morais
    O criminoso mais perigoso do multiverso está à solta! Seu nome é Joanes Mox Coletor, um humano com uma visão de justiça única que veio de lugar nenhum e tem como objetivo roubar todas as cinco Moxes, pedras de puro poder mágico que estão espalhadas entre os planos. No plano de Distrino, expedições militares são criadas para vasculhar o multiverso atrás de Joanes e seu Bando, qu...

    19,28 €

  • Três Aventureiros Em Um Mundo Mágico
    Gustavo Braz Quintana
    Três aventureiros embarcam em aventuras no mundo mágico juntos com seus amigos para enfrentar dragões, monstros e o terrível Rei das Sombras. ...

    8,01 €

  • Little Wars and Floor Games
    H.G. Wells’ Little Wars and Floor Games, brought together in a single volume but with a twist. When you turn over Little Wars, you find Floor Games. When you turn over Floor Games, you find Little Wars. ...

    5,19 €

  • 47 csodája
    Anna Kis / Matthew Rowe
    1947 utolsó hónapjaiban, nem sokkal a második világháború lezárulta után, Walter Brattin-t és fizikus kollégáit a Bell laboratóriumban egy szilárdtest kutatócsoportba szervezték át. Akkori elméletük szerint a félvezető szilíciummal végzett új kísérletek majd hatékonyabb erősítőket eredményezhetnek, amely hatalmas fejlesztéseket hozhat a távközlés területén. Azt viszont még csak...

    15,20 €

  • The Curse of Buckthorn Valley
    Jon Aspeheim
    An adventure for a group of 3-5 level 1 characters. Written for the Relics & Ruins roleplaying game but can easily be run with any other retro clone ruleset. People in Buckthorn Valley are randomly becoming mutated, transformig with demonic features. In order to stop this curse the adventurers have to explore a 3 level dungeon, meddle in kobold affairs, trek through a mushroom ...

    6,32 €

  • Isle of Red
    Ron Gores
    Heroes are not born - they are forged by being tested!On the Isle of Red, you will delve into underground tunnels! Bushwhack through dense jungle! Roam herd-covered plains! Scale a rocky mountain! Maybe even dive the depths of the ocean!Your players will face many challenges as they are compelled to complete four trials and earn their way free of the island. Exploration, diplom...

    17,88 €

  • Monstrosities
    Frog God Games / Matt J Finch
    Swords & Wizardry Monster Book!You can never have too many monsters, and this book is filled with them! No matter what kind of campaign, there are foes galore to stock its wildernesses and dungeons, even the unknown depths of its mysterious oceans. This is a compendium that contains the monsters from the rulebook and many monsters from the First Edition of the original roleplay...

    66,64 €

  • Tome of Horrors Complete
    Chuck Wright / Greg Vaughan / Matt J Finch
    Your Complete Tome of Fantasy CreaturesMonsters from the aberrant to the yellow musk zombie appear in this book, and everything in between—that’s over 700 monsters. But that’s not all; the appendices bring just as much to the table from templates to hazards to a treatise on poison variations in nearly 50 types of venomous snakes. There are also new feats, planes of existence, s...

    67,07 €

  • Lo Scrigno d’Avorio (Softcover)
    Luigi Castellani
    Lo Scrigno d’Avorio è un regolamento fantasy Old School, punta quindi alla semplicità sia per il Master che per i giocatori, e vuole essere un regolamento introduttivo, con esempi di gioco, suggerimenti su regole opzionali, un setting ed una avventura.Lato giocatori sono richiesti solo d20 (per colpire e tiri salvezza) e d6 (per danni e risoluzione di azioni extra combattimento...

    49,34 €

  • Maximum HP #003
    Lloyd Metcalf
    Welcome to issue #003 - The Wilderness issue of Maximum HP, The old school ’zine for a new school world. In this issue we delve into the wild forests of the world. The deep green places, the fey and the hidden secrets kept by nature, and the unnatural that invade it. The game might have the word dungeons in it, but the game doesn’t end there. At Fail Squad Games, we offer rousi...

    6,87 €

  • Monstrosities
    Frog God Games / Matt J Finch
    Swords & Wizardry Monster Book!You can never have too many monsters, and this book is filled with them! No matter what kind of campaign, there are foes galore to stock its wildernesses and dungeons, even the unknown depths of its mysterious oceans. This is a compendium that contains the monsters from the rulebook and many monsters from the First Edition of the original roleplay...

    80,25 €

  • Dead Man’s Chest SW
    Frog God Games
    No place offers more adventure than the ocean. No dungeon is as deep, no jungle as full of exotic and dangerous life. Most folks spend their entire lives on dry ground, unaware that entire civilizations thrive beneath the waves, sometimes far more ancient and steeped in mystery than any on the world’s uppers surface. Though player characters have long grown familiar with the ai...

    27,61 €

  • Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Media Fandom
    Robert Andrew Dunn
    Leisure time today is driven by fandom. Once viewed as a social pariah, the fan and associated fandom as a whole has transformed into a popularized social construct researchers are still attempting to understand. Popular culture in the modern era is defined and dominated by the fan, and the basis of fandom has established its own identity across several platforms of media. As s...

    282,42 €

  • The Hero System Book of Templates
    Christopher Hackler / Christopher Helton
    We're Making It Easy For YouCharacters. Who has time to make them? In this book you will find 25 characters ready for you to use in your Champions Campaign right now with no preparation - and no waiting! The Hero System Book of Templates is a perfect resource for new players and game masters who need generic comic book character ideas explained in Hero System 6th Edition te...

    9,21 €

  • Carros en Combate Nº 2
    Ignacio Navarro García-Gutiérrez
    Visto sobre el mapa, estaba claro que en aquella extensión de terreno de unos ciento cincuenta por ciento cincuenta kilómetros, no iba a pasar nada bueno. -¡De Pájaro para toda la malla: Al ataque!- Ordenas a los tuyos y tus carros aceleran saliendo de las zarzas como caimanes que han visto caer una vaca en su riachuelo.Tuve la suerte de tener al Capitán Ignacio Navarro bajo mi...

    24,00 €

  • Cultures and Beyond
    Randy Ellefson
    Creating a unique, immersive setting one culture at a timeA guide for authors, gamers, and hobbyistsWritten to help fantasy and science fiction storytellers, game designers, gamers, and hobbyists, CULTURES AND BEYOND (THE ART OF WORLD BUILDING, #3) is a how-to guide for filling an imaginary world with fascinating societies. It includes chapters on creating culture, organization...

    19,26 €

  • Cultures and Beyond
    Randy Ellefson
    Creating a unique, immersive setting one culture at a timeA guide for authors, gamers, and hobbyistsWritten to help fantasy and science fiction storytellers, game designers, gamers, and hobbyists, CULTURES AND BEYOND (THE ART OF WORLD BUILDING, #3) is a how-to guide for filling an imaginary world with fascinating societies. It includes chapters on creating culture, organization...

    26,86 €

  • Narrative Design for Writers, Large Print
    Edwin McRae
    Do you want to turn your talent for writing into a narrative design career in the games industry?Please note: book cover updated as of 16.06.2020It’s never been a better time to be a writer for video games. You’re tapping into an industry that was worth more than $120 billion dollars in 2019, and it’s still growing.And it’s an industry that needs great storytellers.But there’s ...

    13,30 €