Influencia de la ciencia y la tecnología sobre la sociedad

Matemáticas y ciencia / Ciencia: cuestiones generales / Influencia de la ciencia y la tecnología sobre la sociedad (2026)

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  • A Bastard Kind of Reasoning
    Andrew M. Cooper
    Ranges widely and deeply across William Blake’s oeuvre to show how his post-Newtonian vision of space-time anticipates Einsteinian relativity. ...

    117,47 €

  • Handbook of Research on Andragogical Leadership and Technology in a Modern World
    Viktor Wang
    Innovation and creativity in organizations are pivotal to survival as human activity fuses with technological domains. Exploiting the potential of technology to use it in innovative and creative ways that change how and what humans do for the better lies within the influence of the andragogical leader. Leading by example, when andragogical leaders model the use of technology, t...

    354,42 €

  • Universumi on älykäs. Sielu on olemassa. Aineen tuolla puolen, hengelliseen näkemykseen kosmoksesta
    Bruno Del Medico
    Kvanttifysiikan löydöt muuttavat täysin modernin tieteen maisemaa. Ensimmäiset kvanttitietokoneet, joissa on lähes rajaton laskentakapasiteetti, valmistetaan ja puhutaan aikamatkailusta. Monia muita uuden fysiikan näkökohtia ymmärretään huonosti. Kvanttisuperpositio ennustaa, että hiukkanen voi olla kahdessa eri paikassa yhtä aikaa. Kvanttiromahdus mahdollistaa sen, että aineen...

    20,73 €

  • Keterlibatan kuantum dan semua warnanya. Dari mitos gua Plato, ke sinkronisasi Carl Jung, ke alam semesta holografik David Bohm.
    Bruno Del Medico
    Buku ini terbahagi kepada tiga bahagian. Pada bahagian pertama (intuisi) penulis membahas hipotesis yang paling relevan mengenai realiti palsu dunia yang dapat difahami. Kewujudan tahap kesedaran yang melampaui materi telah dibayangkan oleh para pemikir yang hebat. Kami menjumpai idea ini dalam "Mitos gua" Plato, dalam "Teori bukan materialiti" Berkeley, dan juga dalam "Psikolo...

    25,84 €

  • Sve boje kvantne zapletenosti. Od mita o Platonovoj špilji, preko sinkronosti Carla Junga, do holografskog svemira Davida Bohma.
    Bruno Del Medico
    Knjiga je podijeljena u tri dijela. U prvom dijelu (Intuicije) autor se bavi najrelevantnijim hipotezama o lažnoj stvarnosti uočljivog svijeta. Veliki mislioci predvidjeli su postojanje razine svijesti koja nadilazi materiju. Ovu ideju nalazimo u Platonovom "Mit o špilji", u Berkeleyevoj "Nematerijalističkoj teoriji", a također i u "Psihologiji forme" (Gestaltpsychologie). Naja...

    25,91 €

  • A kvantum összefonódásának minden színe. Platón barlangjának mítoszától kezdve Carl Jung szinkronosságán át David Bohm holografikus univerzumáig.
    Bruno Del Medico
    A könyv három részre oszlik. Az első részben (Az intuíciók) a szerző az érzékelhető világ hamis valóságának legrelevánsabb hipotéziseivel foglalkozik. Az anyagon túllépő tudatszint létezését a nagy gondolkodók tervezték. Ezt az ötletet megtaláljuk Platón "A barlang mítosza" -jában, Berkeley "Nem materialista elmélete", valamint a "Forma pszichológiája" (Gestaltpsychologie) c. A...

    25,84 €

  • Kaikki quantum entanglement värit. Platonin luolan myytistä Carl Jungin synkronismiin David Bohmin hologrammeihin
    Bruno Del Medico
    Kirja on jaettu kolmeen osaan. Ensimmäisessä osassa (Intuitio) kirjoittaja käsittelee olennaisimpia hypoteeseja havaittavan maailman väärästä todellisuudesta. Suuret ajattelijat ovat suunnitelleet aineen ylittävän tietoisuuden tason olemassaolon. Löydämme tämän idean Platonin "Myth of the Cave", Berkeleyn "Non-materialistinen teoria" ja myös "Form Psychology" (Gestaltpsychologi...

    25,82 €

  • Sve boje kvantne zapletenosti. Od mita o Platonovoj pećini, preko sinhronosti Carla Junga, do holografskog svemira Davida Bohma
    Bruno Del Medico
    Knjiga je podijeljena u tri dijela. U prvom dijelu (Intuicije) autor se bavi najrelevantnijim hipotezama o lažnoj stvarnosti opažljivog svijeta. Veliki mislioci su zamislili postojanje nivoa svesti koji nadilazi materiju. Ovu ideju nalazimo u Platonovom "Mit o špilji", u Berkeleyevoj "Nematerijalističkoj teoriji", kao iu "Psihologiji forme" (Gestaltpsychologie). Najautoritativn...

    25,94 €

  • Alle fargene på kvanteforvikling. Fra Platons hulemyte til Carl Jungs synkronitet til David Bohms holografiske univers
    Bruno Del Medico
    Boken er delt i tre deler. I den første delen (intuisjonene) behandler forfatteren de mest relevante hypotesene om den illusoriske virkeligheten i den merkbare verdenen. Eksistensen av et bevissthetsnivå som overskrider materie er blitt tenkt av de store tenkerne. Vi finner denne ideen i Platons myte om hulen, i Berkeleys "immaterialistiske teori", i "Psykologi i formen" (Gesta...

    27,16 €

  • Semua warna belitan kuantum. Dari mitos gua Plato, sinkronisitas Carl Jung, hingga alam semesta holografik David Bohm
    Bruno Del Medico
    Buku itu dibagi menjadi tiga bagian. Di bagian pertama (Intuisi) penulis membahas hipotesis yang paling relevan tentang realitas palsu dunia yang dapat dilihat. Keberadaan tingkat kesadaran yang melampaui materi telah dibayangkan oleh para pemikir besar. Kami menemukan ide ini dalam "Mitos Gua" Plato, dalam "Teori Non-materialistik" Berkeley, dan juga dalam "Psikologi Bentuk" (...

    25,81 €

  • Toate culorile încurcării cuantice. De la mitul peșterii lui Platon la sincronicitatea lui Carl Jung până la universul holografic al lui David Bohm
    Bruno Del Medico
    Cartea este împărțită în trei părți. În prima parte (Intuițiile) autorul tratează cele mai relevante ipoteze asupra realității iluzorii a lumii perceptibile. Existența unui nivel de conștiință care transcende materia a fost prevăzută de marii gânditori. Această idee o găsim în Mitul peșterii lui Platon, în 'Teoria imaterialistă' a lui Berkeley, în 'Psihologia formei' (Gestaltps...

    25,92 €

  • Kuantum dolanıklığının tüm renkleri. Platon’un mağarası mitinden Carl Jung’un eşzamanlılığına, David Bohm’un holografik evrenine.
    Bruno Del Medico
    Kitap üç bölüme ayrılmıştır. İlk bölümde (sezgiler) yazar, algılanabilir dünyanın yanılsama gerçekliğine dair en alakalı hipotezleri ele alıyor. Maddeyi aşan bir bilinç düzeyinin varlığı büyük düşünürler tarafından tasavvur edilmiştir. Bu fikri Platon’un Mağara Efsanesi’nde, Berkeley’in "Maddi Olmayan Teori", "Form Psikolojisi" nde (Gestaltpsychologie) buluyoruz. En güvenilir k...

    24,84 €

  • Tots els colors de l’entrellat quàntic. Des del mite de la cova de Plató fins a la sincronicitat de Carl Jung fins a l’univers hologràfic de David Bohm
    Bruno Del Medico
    El llibre es divideix en tres parts. A la primera part (Les intuïcions), l’autor tracta les hipòtesis més rellevants sobre la realitat il·lusòria del món perceptible. Els grans pensadors han previst l’existència d’un nivell de consciència que transcendeix la matèria. Aquesta idea la trobem al Mite de la cova de Plató, a la "Teoria immaterialista" de Berkeley, a "Psicologia de l...

    28,23 €

  • Todas as cores do enredo cuántico.Desde o mito da cova de Platón, ata a sincronicidade de Carl Jung, ao universo holográfico de David Bohm
    Bruno Del Medico
    O libro divídese en tres partes. Na primeira parte (As intuicións) o autor trata as hipóteses máis relevantes sobre a falsa realidade do mundo perceptible. Os grandes pensadores contemplaron a existencia dun nivel de conciencia que transcende a materia. Atopamos esta idea no "Mito da caverna" de Platón, na "Teoría non materialista" de Berkeley e tamén en "Psicoloxía da forma" (...

    26,83 €

  • Všechny barvy kvantového zapletení.Od mýtu o Platónově jeskyni přes synchronicitu Carla Junga až po holografický vesmír Davida Bohma
    Bruno Del Medico
    Kniha je rozdělena do tří částí. V první části (Intuice) se autor zabývá nejdůležitějšími hypotézami o falešné realitě vnímatelného světa. Existenci úrovně vědomí, která přesahuje hmotu, předpokládali velcí myslitelé. Tuto myšlenku najdeme v Platónově 'Mýtus o jeskyni', v Berkeleyově 'Nematerialistické teorii' a také v 'Psychologii formy' (Gestaltpsychologie). Nejautoritativněj...

    25,07 €

  • Alle farverne i kvanteindvikling. Fra Platons hulemyte til Carl Jungs synkronicitet til David Bohms holografiske univers.
    Bruno Del Medico
    Bogen er opdelt i tre dele. I den første del (intuitionerne) behandler forfatteren de mest relevante hypoteser om den illusoriske virkelighed i den mærkbare verden. Eksistensen af et niveau af bevidsthed, der overskrider sagen, er blevet forestillet af de store tænkere. Vi finder denne idé i Platons myte om hulen, i Berkeleys "immaterialistiske teori", i "Formens psykologi" (Ge...

    25,95 €

  • Three Allocations Of Resources
    X. Q. Yue / 樂熙祺
    本書試圖用一種比較簡潔的方法和邏輯來分析和理解人類的一些活動,解讀眾說紛紜的部分歷史。本書側重人類近現代史,範圍以東亞為主,並與同時代的歐美人物和事件進行對比。 一段歷史、一個事件有上百種口述、記述、轉述、加工的解讀角度和方法,掩蓋、扭曲、滅失、捏造、誇大等編造的方法更多。所以,去偽存真,前後參照,內外對比,揣摩臆測的工作量也很大。希冀各方讀者給予不吝給予指正。 謹以此書獻給我的愛妻、女兒和兒子、父母以及姐弟、眾多老師同學朋友等所有愛護、包容、生養陪伴、教導啟發幫扶我的人們。 ●第一章/看人評事 多標準● 當我第一次看到如下詩句:' 丈夫隻手把吳鉤,意氣高於百尺樓。一萬年來誰著史,三千裡外覓封侯。' 就聯想到唐代詩人李賀(790-816)的:'男兒何不帶吳鉤,收取關山五十州?請君暫上淩煙閣,若個書生萬戶侯?' 猜想此等意境豪氣一定出於某個歷...

    12,49 €

  • From Technological Humanity to Bio-technical Existence
    Susanna Lindberg
    Explores the relationship between technics and humanity, tracing the emergence of a bio-technical conception of existence in contemporary continental philosophy. ...

    121,36 €

  • The Critical Ihde
    Don Ihde
    This critical reader brings together both essential as well as under-recognized writings from the work of Don Ihde, one of the most important contemporary thinkers on technology and human experience. ...

    121,42 €

  • A Handbook On Corporate Social Responsibility
    Dr. Mahesh Thakur
    Social work is a practice-based profession and discipline which works tire- lessly for social development and empowerment, promoting change among individuals as well as in society. Concerning itself with the social welfare, basic and complex needs, optimal health and well-being, Social Work operates at three levels at the micro-level for the individuals, families and groups, at...

    15,61 €

  • The Future of the Impossible
    Dannelle Shugart
    Are you curious about time travel? Think Black Holes and Worm Holes are cool? Then this book is foryou.Do you wish you could learn about science without having to muddle through dry texts and understandscience jargon? Then this book is for you.Enter the fascinating world of twins who age differently, Jupiter sized spaceships, multiverses, and otherquirks of physics. The time tr...

    7,84 €

  • The Man in My Head Has Lost His Mind (What is Consciousness?)
    Carter Blakelaw
    The howl of the bedside clock-radio carves through your dreams like a buzz-saw through butter, and you are awake. In another place.Never mind the bright yellow sunlight that flecks your pillow and warms your face; you are rudely awake, and resent it. Gah!You roll onto your side, cantilever your legs over the side of the bed and plant your feet squarely on the carpet. You rub yo...

    9,59 €

  • Every Living Thing
    Jenell Johnson
    Explores the question of what is life, and how invocations of life itself can join and divide, horrify and amaze, and may have the potential to inspire a future politics in a world beset by crises. ...

    151,13 €

  • Handbook of Research on Digitalization Solutions for Social and Economic Needs
    Digital solutions are sufficiently versatile and agile to shape business processes and enterprise architecture, answer the COVID-19 crisis, solve climate change, temper political conflict, generate new employment operating models, and solve health issues. These solutions benefit businesses as an integral part of the economy and society and therefore must be studied further to e...

    497,90 €

  • Consciousness Reality & Purpose
    Drew Weatherhead
    Three of the most important and eternal questions human beings have asked are:• What is Consciousness• What is Reality• What is my PurposeThe exploration into these questions has spanned all times, cultures, and religions for as long as humanity has existed. Delving deeply into each of these major focuses, Consciousness Reality & Purpose sets the reader upon a journey into them...

    18,58 €

  • The Paradox Explorer
    Rohan Aggarwal
    "The Paradox Explorer" is a captivating book that takes you on a journey through 50 paradoxes of the world, unraveling the mysteries that have puzzled mankind for centuries. From classic paradoxes like the famous liar paradox to modern-day paradoxes such as the Fermi paradox, this book provides a fascinating insight into the enigmatic nature of paradoxes.Each chapter of the boo...

    11,04 €

  • Economic and Social Implications of Information and Communication Technologies
    Enormous developments have been made in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) during the past four decades as ICT has spread rapidly in the world and become a significant part of daily life for economic units. ICT development and penetration are continuing to affect all aspects of societies and have led to significant changes in almost all disciplines su...

    308,14 €

  • The Mysterious Universe
    James Jeans
    The Mysterious Universe is a popular science book which begins with a full-page citation of the famous passage in Plato’s Republic, Book VII, laying out the allegory of the cave. The book made frequent reference to the quantum theory of radiation, begun by Max Planck in 1900, to Albert Einstein’s general relativity, and to the new theories of quantum mechanics of Heisenberg and...

    10,89 €

  • The Futures Efffect
    Tom Meyers
    In 'The Futures Effect', osteopath, body-centred stress coach and wellbeing futurist Tom Meyers shows how thinking about the future and increasing your future self-continuity can help you to flourish and thrive in this fast-changing world. Tom illustrates the benefits with illuminating examples from his own personal history and experiences and underpins them with lots of resear...

    11,98 €

  • Strategies and Opportunities for Technology in the Metaverse World
    P.C. Lai
    The rise of metaverse technologies has had a critical impact on the modern world. Due to the recent popularity of this technology, it is important to understand the strategies, opportunities, and challenges contained in the metaverse world in order to appropriately utilize it across fields. Strategies and Opportunities for Technology in the Metaverse World explores the opportun...

    354,14 €