Historia antigua: hasta c. 500 e. c.

Humanidades / Historia / Historia: primitiva hasta la actualidad / Historia antigua: hasta c. 500 e. c. (7130)

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  • Coins and Power in Late Iron Age Britain
    John Creighton

    170,81 €

  • European Societies in the Bronze Age
    A. F. Harding / AFHarding / Harding A. F. / Harding AF.

    125,64 €

  • The Pre-Islamic Middle East
    Martin Sicker

    121,84 €

  • Ovid, Aratus and Augustus
    Emma Gee

    156,33 €

  • The Near East
    Lynda A. Salem / Sema'an I. Salem / Sema’an I. Salem

    25,28 €

  • Histories of the Monks of Upper Egypt and the Life of Onnophrius (Rev)
    Paphnutius / Tim Vivian
    The desert stood in stark opposition to the oikoumene, the inhabited world of the fourth century. Not because the world was a bad place, but because the desert - understood geographically, religiously, spiritually, and mystically - was the harsh, uncomprising place where the Christian could be perfected by God. Far from the Christian metropolis of Alexandria, removed from the w...

    36,04 €

  • Roman Religion
    J. A. North / JANorth

    40,11 €

  • The Lost Language of Symbolism
    Harold Bayley
    Mining information from mythology, folklore, religious texts, and fairy tales from around the world, a foremost expert on symbols explains word origins and their meanings. The ultimate symbols are the letters and words in language as Bayley moves beyond mere pictures to understand the vital messages that have been ignored or lost across the centuries. ...

    22,09 €

  • The Prehistory and Early History of Atlantic Europe
    Papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Fourth Annual Meeting in Göteborg 1998The contents of this volume are largely made up from papers delivered at The Prehistory and Early History of Atlantic Europe session held on the 25th of September 1998 at the 4th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists in Göteborg, Sweden. The aim ...

    91,19 €

  • The Foreign Relations of the 'Hyksos'
    Patrick E. McGovern / Patrick EMcGovern
    New: 2020 preface with links to additional, updated material.This NAA study of Syro-Palestinian pottery types found at Tell el-Dab’a/Avaris is important from the perspective it provides on economic and social developments at what has been identified as the capital of the 'Hyksos' in the north eastern Nile Delta during the period from the late Middle Kingdom through the Second I...

    125,80 €

  • Virtual Reality in Archaeology
    This volume is an accompanying volume to CAA 98 volume (BAR S757). The papers were originally presented at the Festival of Virtual Reality in Archaeology which took place simultaneously to the twenty-sixth annual CAA conference in Barcelona. ...

    128,59 €

  • Neolithic Society in Greece
    Paul Halstead
    Understanding of early farming societies in Greece has been revolutionized by major field projects, by the growing application of specialist ’scientific’ studies, and by new approaches to interpretation. This volume reviews the most significant recent field research, ranging from regional survey, through large-scale excavation of an extensive open settlement, to the investigati...

    156,78 €

  • Culverwell Mesolithic Habitation Site, Isle of Portland, Dorset
    Susann Palmer
    Contributions by Kenneth D. Thomas, Myfanwie Stewart, John D. Gale, Helen Keeley and Beverley Collinson.Report on the excavations undertaken by the author at the Culverwell site in Dorset. Finds of virtually every period of the past have been found, but the emphasis is on the Mesolithic period. Alongside tools and other artefacts, small deposits of midden have been found. The b...

    136,38 €

  • Animal Husbandry Regimes in Iron Age Britain
    Ellen Hambleton
    The aim of this book is to further our understanding of Iron Age animal husbandry regimes in Britain by undertaking a comparative study of faunal assemblages. A uniform methodology for comparing existing faunal data was developed. This will allow recognition of intra- and inter-regional patterns among faunal assemblages. ...

    80,38 €

  • A Study of Inscribed Material from Roman Britain
    Marilynne E. Raybould / Marilynne ERaybould
    In this book, the uses of literacy in the province of Britannia are examined. The hypothesis that literacy was largely an accomplishment of an educated, literate, social elite is tested by examining surviving written evidence. The nature of this small sample of surviving written material is examined as are clues for who participated in its production. Material from four broad c...

    184,66 €

  • La Magie, Dans, L’Antiquite, Greco-Romaine
    Fritz Graf

    21,69 €

  • Communiquer En Grece Ancienne
    Corinne Coulet

    18,27 €

  • Jews and Christians in the Holy Land
    Gunter Stemberger / Ruth Tuschling
    The fourth century is often referred to as the first Christian century, and for the Jews a period of decline and persecution. But was this change really so immediate and irreversible? What was the real impact of the Christianisation of the Roman Empire on the Jews, especially in their own land?Stemberger draws on all available sources, literary and archaeological, Christian as ...

    245,49 €

  • The Odyssey
    Bruce Louden
    Bruce Louden’s bold re-reading of the Odyssey -- the first attempt in years to map in detail the poem’s overall structure -- offers new insights into the artistry of Odysseus’ mythic voyage and enriches our understanding of Homer’s masterful craftsmanship. Louden’s groundbreaking work uncovers an extended narrative pattern, repeated in full three times, which reveals the poem’s...

    43,60 €

  • Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt
    James Henry Breasted
    'A monument and a classic. . . . In this book we find the impact of nature upon religion in the abounding land of Egypt; the first skepticism and questionings of the system; the search for social justice as an answer to social woes, and the consequent sei ...

    30,99 €

  • The Palaeolithic Societies of Europe
    Clive Gamble

    110,67 €

  • The Voyage of the 'Argo'
    Gaius Valerius Flaccus

    41,12 €

  • Sophocles

    38,81 €

  • The Ancient Mesopotamian City
    Marc Van De Mieroop

    113,69 €

  • Coins, Bodies, Games, and Gold
    Leslie Kurke
    The invention of coinage in ancient Greece provided an arena in which rival political groups struggled to imprint their views on the world. Here Leslie Kurke analyzes the ideological functions of Greek coinage as one of a number of symbolic practices that arise for the first time in the archaic period. By linking the imagery of metals and coinage to stories about oracles, prost...

    110,44 €

  • Tragedy in Athens
    David Dr Wiles

    57,91 €

  • Stonehenge
    Barbara Bender
    This book is an imaginative exploration of a place that has fascinated, intrigued and perplexed visitors for centuries. Instead of seeing Stonehenge as an isolated site, the author sets the stones within a wider landscape and explores how use and meaning have changed from prehistoric times right through to the present. Throughout the millennia, the Stonehenge landscape has been...

    57,49 €

  • Debating War and Peace
    Jonathan Mermin
    The First Amendment ideal of an independent press allows American journalists to present critical perspectives on government policies and actions; but are the media independent of government in practice? Here Jonathan Mermin demonstrates that when it comes to military intervention, journalists over the past two decades have let the government itself set the terms and boundaries...

    61,46 €

  • Enuma Elish
    The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World and of Mankind. The Enuma Elish is one of the oldest stories known to mankind. It is a story first written down by the ancient Sumerians thousands of years ago. As a one time assistant in the Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities at the British Museum. L.W. King provides us with a qualified trans...

    15,10 €

  • Enuma Elish
    The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World and of Mankind. The Enuma Elish is one of the oldest stories known to mankind. It is a story first written down by the ancient Sumerians thousands of years ago. As a one time assistant in the Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities at the British Museum, L.W. King provides us with a qualified trans...

    15,85 €