Historia antigua: hasta c. 500 e. c.

Humanidades / Historia / Historia: primitiva hasta la actualidad / Historia antigua: hasta c. 500 e. c. (7127)

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  • Visigodos, Hispano-romanos y bizantinos en la zona valenciana en el siglo VI (España)
    Miquel Ramon Martí Matias

    82,93 €

  • Two Treasurers of the Late Middle Kingdom
    Wolfram Grajetzki
    The Middle Kingdom (c. 2000 – 1500 BC) is in many respects the classical period of ancient Egyptian history and culture. During the two main periods of this era there were profound changes in administration and material culture. The office of the treasurer was established in the Early Middle Kingdom as one of the highest offices at the royal palace. As a result of recent finds ...

    60,93 €

  • Events That Changed Ancient Greece
    Bella Vivante

    85,11 €

  • Village Life in Ancient Egypt
    A. G. McDowell / AGMcDowell

    117,80 €

  • The Rural History of Ancient Greek City-States
    Michael B. Cosmopoulos / Michael BCosmopoulos
    Rural landscapes constitute valuable records of our past, but given the silence of ancient Greek sources on rural life it is the archaeologists who have can provide the missing information. This volume studies the rural landscape of the ancient Greek city-state of Oropos in order to reach an understanding of the various processes that shaped its history. (The Oropia covered an ...

    88,00 €

  • Greek Historians
    John Marincola / Marincola John

    39,78 €

  • The Making of the Slavs
    Curta Florin / Florin Curta

    237,67 €

  • Political Dissent in Democratic Athens
    Josiah Ober
    How and why did the Western tradition of political theorizing arise in Athens during the late fifth and fourth centuries B.C.? By interweaving intellectual history with political philosophy and literary analysis, Josiah Ober argues that the tradition originated in a high-stakes debate about democracy. Since elite Greek intellectuals tended to assume that ordinary men were incap...

    85,43 €

  • Gods of Our Fathers
    Richard A. Gabriel / Richard AGabriel

    121,57 €

  • Anatolia
    Stephen Mitchell

    145,69 €

  • Ancient Abila
    John D. Wineland / John DWineland
    The focus of this work is narrow geographically but broad chronologically. It examines all major aspects of political and social history of the city of Abila (located in Northern Jordan, about three miles from the Yarmuk River valley which is the modern boundary between Jordan and Syria); evidence for habitation reaches back some 4,000 years. Two historiographical chapters are ...

    104,64 €

  • Classical Archaeology in the Field
    Diana Wardle / Laurence Bowkett / Stephen J. Hill
    Archaeology has progressed enormously since the early excavations of classical sites such as Olympia and Ephesus in the middle of the 19th century. New methods and modern techniques, which depend on the rigorous application of skills from a wide range of disciplines, now offer a better perspective on the material culture of the classical world.This book combines explanation of ...

    38,48 €

  • Law and Empire in Late Antiquity
    Jill Harries

    56,66 €

  • House and Society in the Ancient Greek World
    Lisa C. Nevett / Lisa CNevett

    56,71 €

  • Symbolic Mythology
    John Fiore

    19,64 €

  • Themistokles, Sieger von Salamis und Herr von Magnesia. Die Anfänge der athenischen Klassik zwischen Marathon und Salamis
    Albrecht Behmel
    Historische Ereignisse scheinen den Drang zu haben, ihre Akteure zu überflügeln und in den Schatten zu stellen. Das ist vor allem dann häufig der Fall, wenn Ereignisse und Bewegungen darin begriffen sind, sich erst zu entfalten und mit bislang ungekannter Kraft bestehende Formen zu verändern. So sind denn auch oftmals die Begründer oder Weichensteller historischer Vorgäng...

    44,67 €

  • From Polis to Empire--The Ancient World, C. 800 B.C. - A.D. 500

    105,18 €

  • A History of the African-Olmecs
    Paul Alfred Barton

    23,21 €

  • Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan
    Thirteen essays on the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan, covering settlement patterns, iconography, cult, palaeography and the archaeology of certain key sites. This volume offers an exceptionally informed update in a fast-moving area of discovery and interpretation. The first section deals with spatial archaeology and settlement patterns, all the papers based on the fieldwork by ...

    317,14 €

  • Herodas
    A.D. Knox / Walter Headlam
    The surviving short mimes of Hero(n)das share much of their aims and background with the Alexandrian poetry of the first half of the third century BC, especially that of Callimachus and Theocritus. They are at once acutely aware of their literary ancestry, their choliambic metre based on archaic Hipponax, their genre on the traditions of Sophron, and their characters largely on...

    62,78 €

  • Ethnoarchaeology in Action
    Carol Kramer / David Nicholas / Nicholas David

    82,48 €

  • Thucydides and Internal War
    Jonathan J. Price / Jonathan JPrice

    149,44 €

  • Collapse of the Bronze Age
    Manuel Robbins

    37,61 €

  • Adapa and the South Wind
    Shlomo Izre’el
    The scholarly world first became aware of the myth of Adapa and the South Wind when it was discovered on a tablet from the El-Amarna archive in 1887. We now have at our disposal six fragments of the myth. The largest and most important fragment, from Amarna, is dated to the 14th century B.C.E. This fragment of the Adapa myth has red-tinted points applied on the tablet at specif...

    72,92 €

  • Aeschines
    Aeschines / N. R. E. Fisher / NREFisher / Nick Fisher

    133,91 €

  • Archaeological Theory and Scientific Practice
    Andrew Jones

    110,77 €

  • The Phoenicians and the West
    Maria Eugenia Aubet / Mary Turton

    76,59 €

  • Catullus and the Poetics of Roman Manhood
    David Wray

    124,29 €

  • Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, Volume 1
    Frederick H. Cryer
    The oldest roots of the European concepts of witchcraft and magic lie in the Hebrew and other cultures of the ancient Near East and in the Celtic, Nordic and Germanic Societies of the North and West. The authors of this volume survey three crucial aspects of this earliest phase of development. These are the role of magical incantations and rituals against witchcraft in Mesopota...

    285,22 €

  • The World of the Aramaeans
    P. M. Michle Daviau
    The World of the Aramaeans is a three-volume collection of definitive essays about the Aramaeans and the biblical world of which they were a part. Areas of interest include the language, epigraphy and history of the Aramaeans of Syria as well of their neighbours, the Israelites, Phoenicians, Ammonites, Moabites and Edomites. The third volume, on language and literature, include...

    317,29 €