Filosofía oriental y de la India

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  • Tantrāloka
    Gabriel Pradiipaka
    I am extremely pleased to present the first volume of a collection of books dealing with the superb Magnum Opus of Eminent Abhinavagupta, the Greatest Trika (a.k.a. Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir) Master of all time: 'Tantrāloka' (Light of Tantra). For a full overview of the main teachings of this philosophy called 'Trika Shaivism', I recommend you reading my book: 'Trikamukhyama...

    52,26 €

  • Happiness in Life & After Death
    Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    In Happiness in Life and After Death -- An Islamic Sufi View, Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri provides a lucid and inspiring account of life, death and the hereafter, according to an Islamic Sufi perspective.The book opens with a wide-ranging sweep of death and dying as viewed in other cultures and religions -- from ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Zoroastrian sources through to Judai...

    10,10 €

  • Musashi, l’artista
    Ferenc Fodor / Marco Daga / Satoru Mastumoto
    In questo saggio vengono trattati sinteticamente alcuni aspetti della vita artistica del maestro di spada Miyamoto Musashi, vissuto in Giappone tra il XVI e il XVII secolo. Noto al pubblico contemporaneo principalmente come guerriero, possedeva altresì, spiccate doti artistiche che riuscì a mettere in pratica e in mostra presso potenti feudatari del suo tempo. In molti casi, le...

    13,33 €

  • The Great Prajna Paramita Sutra, Volume 5
    Naichen Chen
    Prajna: transcendental wisdomParamita: ferrying over to the other shore; perfectionThe Great Prajna Paramita Sutra, taught by the Buddha in sixteen assemblies in four places over twenty-two years and recorded posthumously by his disciples in six hundred fascicles with approximately five million words, is regarded as the largest canon in Buddhism. It is important not only becaus...

    55,33 €

  • Ashtavakra Gita
    Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal
    Ashtavakra Gita, the song for the brave, a fountain of nectar.ASHTAVAKRA = 8 FOLD WISDOMGITA = SONG for the EARNEST EARA DIALOGUE BETWEEN resourcefulness AND wisdom. Resourcefulness is young, healthy, strong, talented, fit and flexible. Wisdom is old, older than yonder mountain, older than the ocean, nay older than the stars.This dialogue is a guide to achieve freedom from mise...

    21,62 €

  • Curso para HACER milagros
    Daniel Carballo
    Lo que comienza como un juego, en este 'Curso de auto-indagación para principiantes", termina siendo un cambio de vida permanente. Por eso en el agradecimiento no se mencionan personalidades ajenas a nuestro propósito; solo se lo menciona a usted, por elegir este libro. Los buscadores espirituales en general, siempre buscan y buscan... Y cuando creen hallar algo, siguen buscand...

    13,15 €

  • Transnationalism and Translation in Modern Chinese, English, French and Japanese Literatures
    Ryan Johnson
    Drawing on the latest work in comparative philosophy and comparative literature, this book presents an innovative model of transnational literary exchanges. ...

    57,53 €

  • 消失的真实
    编辑推荐1.知名学者、思想家金观涛新作。万字长序追忆数十年学术生涯,回顾80年代至今的思想变迁。2.直面当下危机,重新梳理20世纪以来的哲学和科学发展,解析疫情以来经济持续下行、反全球化情绪高涨,民族主义复兴背后现代社会的思想困境。3. 唤醒哲学思考,在意义丧失、迷惘失序、功利主义盛行的后真相时代,找回现代人的真实价值和意义。 内容简介近年在新冠疫情的冲击下,世界越发动荡,区域冲突加剧,经济萎靡不振,迷茫与失序感充斥于公众情绪中。经济持续下行的压力急需寻找出口,以致许多人似乎忘记了战争的教训,心态倒退回19世纪,变为民族主义和反全球化的拥趸。这个世界到底怎么了?也许我们应该意识到,现实层面的危机与思想层面的困顿是一对孪生兄弟,其背后是现代社会价值基础的混乱和人文精神的衰落。何为人文精神的衰落?繁荣的物质文明,前所未有的科学革命使大量的知识、数据、信息...

    32,38 €

  • 趣谈文化--蔡德贵随笔集
    德贵 蔡
    这是原山东大学教授、《文史哲》主编、季羡林晚年学术助手蔡德贵先生的文化随笔集。书中共收入随笔七十余篇,分为五辑,分别是'文化短平快'、'教育'、'学术'、'思想和文化'、'季羡林文化现象',涉及中国近代教育、知识分子、东方哲学、比较宗教与文化、巴哈伊在中国的传播、季羡林的学术与早年生活等多方面内容。 ...

    31,04 €

  • Great Peng and His Brothers
    Jeff Pepper / Xiao Hui Wang
    The travelers arrive at a tall mountain. An old man warns them that it’s infested with thousands of man-eating demons but Sun Wukong ignores the warning. Soon they meet the three demon leaders: a blue-haired lion, an old yellow-tusked elephant, and a huge terrifying bird called Great Peng. The demons trap Sun Wukong in a magic jar but he escapes. Later the three disciples try b...

    12,64 €

  • The Radiant Heart of the Cosmos
    Penny Gill
    We live in a time of great tumult and suffering. The wise among us know that we desperately need healing, not more blame, violence and greed. The Radiant Heart of the Cosmos: Compassion Teachings for Our Time invites us to begin the work of healing the suffering in our own lives and then in our communities and our world.Through Penny Gill’s conversations with Teachers Manjushri...

    11,80 €

  • Malentendidos sobre el budismo en Occidente
    Mu-Hsien HWANG
    El budismo actual es todavía poco conocido en Occidente. Sólo el budismo tibetano, que no es más que una rama entre otras, tiene el viento a su favor en Occidente, aunque tenga poco más que ver con el budismo que el nombre. La esencia del budismo, de su enseñanza, sigue siendo en realidad poco conocida en todo el mundo. Incluso los conceptos centrales y fundamentales se compren...

    12,80 €

  • The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy
    Junjiro Takakusu
    2022 Reprint of the 1949 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy by the eminent and prolific Japanese Buddhist scholar Takakusu (1866-1945) largely follows the skeletal design of an introductory overview of Japanese Buddhism by the Kegon monk Gyonen (1240-1321) called The Essenti...

    15,71 €

  • Birth & Death
    Leandra Robertshaw
    ’Birth and Death’ is a very personal description of the path of training in Zen Buddhism by the second Abbot of Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey, Rev. Master Leandra Robertshaw.R.M. Leandra writes; ’It is a paradox that the more we take on board, and are in touch with our responses to even the smallest changes in our environment (both external and internal), the more we also come a...

    13,42 €

  • Tres himnos en honor de Śiva y Guru
    Gabriel Pradiipaka
    El presente libro contiene tres himnos que los participantes deben recitar mientras están adorando: Śivamahimnaḥ stotram, Śivamānasapūjā y Gurugītā. Este libro se recomienda ciertamente para un amplio rango de buscadores de distintas tradiciones espirituales.Gabriel Pradīpaka, el fundador del movimiento espiritual 'Parabhairavayoga', es un Guru con muchos seguidores en el mundo...

    45,30 €

  • 梅花易数
    Nanshan Guo

    31,01 €

  • 复杂世界的明白人
    编辑推荐★一本变局时代的个人破局指南 我们每个人,当下都时刻置身于'变化'的涡流之中。单凭运气和吃苦成事的年代已经远去,厉害的人,都在'微小迭代'和'借势'上拼狠劲。这本书将告诉你,如何在复杂的世界中,做好当下的事,拥抱不确定性,在变局时代,看清奋斗的方向。★全网千万粉丝大V九边全新力作 这本书是九边继《向上生长》之后,又一部'关注个人成长'的力作。作为世界500强企业高管和财经领域的自媒体大V,他的文章总能从时代zui前沿、敏锐的视角出发,分析当下世界的发展规律和未来趋势,启发我们如何在'变'中求'进',实现人生迁跃,因此在全网收获了千万粉丝的喜爱。★帮你打造个人破局'快速通道' 如何避免过痛苦而抑郁的生活?起点不高,难以突破圈层怎么办?如何做对选择,清醒着忙碌?针对这些当下奋斗者们关心的话题,作者总结个人经验、见识,结合社会发展脉络及规律,帮你集...

    33,02 €

  • Wintermoon
    Robert MacLean
    In Wintermoon Robert MacLean distils twenty-five years of living in Kyoto, Japan, into a single seasonal cycle seen through the radically minimalist lens of haiku. Here are 119 precise instants of focus, divided into eleven sequences - ’stepping stones / leading to / a waterfall’. Each set of poems arrives at an awareness different from the one with which the set began, and the...

    16,53 €

  • 从惊奇开始:青少年哲学第一课
    编辑推荐★ 刘擎教授携手七位高校哲学系教师为青少年提供的一场哲学盛宴。本书参与讲授的八位教师,不仅有专业的哲学背景,而且他们中或者是经常参与哲学普及的学者,或者是为人父母者,或者曾经是中学教师。对于每一讲的主题,他们都结合青少年的认知和心理特点,精心选择,并以易懂的方式将哲学送到每一位青少年手中。★ 青少年亲近哲学,就像恋爱一样,是这个时期的必然。处于青春期的青少年,自我意识开始觉醒,开始意识到自己与他人的不同,开始去追问'我是谁''我的存在有何不同'。这些问题正是本书关注的核心问题,围绕这些问题,通过八位讲者的倾情讲授,无疑有利于青少年更好地认识自我、更好地走过青春期。★ 这是专为中国青少年倾心打造的哲学课。特别考虑当下中国的语境与当前国内的教育现状,这里有学校中不曾讨论的永恒之问,关于真理、自由、自我、心灵、爱与美等,为中国青少年开启哲学课。★ ...

    32,56 €

  • 感知·理知·自我认知
    编辑推荐★ 哲学家陈嘉映先生新近思考力作。陈老师精研现象学、语言哲学,善于从小词的辨析入手去分析哲学问题,并终通达他一直在思考的问题,也就是那个古老的苏格拉底之问:'人应该如何生活?'本书正是陈老师结合当今时代,从感知、理知等概念辨析角度入手通达这一哲学之问的力作。★ AI时代,我们如何思考人的位置以及人与世界的关系。在今天科学一往无前的时代,人工智能在很多方面已经超越了人,我们应该如何看待人在世界中的位置,以及人存在的意义,作为长期关注科学与哲学关系的哲学家,陈老师在本书中给我们提供了另一种思考视角:从感觉开始,连着理解自己来理解世界,连着理解世界来理解自己。 ★如何认识自我,'我该怎样生活',本书是送给今天有道路没方向一代的一味清醒剂。今天的社会,所有的一切都被明码标价;今天的一代,从小无不处于竞争的环境中,我们的人生道路变多了,却失去了人生的方...

    32,65 €

  • The Upanishads
    Alistair Shearer / Peter Russell
    The Upanishads are key texts of the ageless wisdom known as the Perennial Philosophy.This lucid new translation presents selections from the eleven traditionally considered the most important: the Māṇḍūkya, Kena, Chāndogya, Īsha, Brihadāranyaka, Taittirīya, Mundaka, Kaushītaki, Maitrī, Katha and Shvetāshvatara. Each selection is preceded by an incisive introduction that explain...

    17,18 €

  • Zen Encounters
    Richard DeMartino
    With regard to publishing and many other things, Dr. Richard DeMartino (1922-2013)-a protagonist of the introduction of Zen Buddhism to the West-adhered to the old Roman motto: 'Non multa sed multum': what counts is not quantity but quality. Instead of churning out reams of papers and books, he kept revising and fine-tuning seminal essays such as 'The Human Situation and Zen Bu...

    31,17 €

  • The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore
    Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
    The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore (1918) is an academic study by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Published at the beginning of his career as one of India’s leading professors of comparative religion, the work is a masterful investigation of the teachings of poet-philosopher Rabindranath Tagore. In 1913, Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, making him the first lyrici...

    17,76 €

  • Three hymns in honor of Śiva and Guru
    Gabriel Pradiipaka
    The present book contains three hymns that the participants must recite while they are worshiping: Śivamahimnaḥ stotram, Śivamānasapūjā and Gurugītā. This book is indeed recommended for a wide range of spiritual seekers from different spiritual traditions.Gabriel Pradīpaka, the founder and leader of the spiritual movement 'Parabhairavayoga', is a Guru with many followers around...

    45,29 €

  • Quantum Revelations of the Real and Unreal
    Graham Smetham
    An exploration of the absurdities and deceptions of both ultra New-Age fantasists and their opponents, the hardcore quantum materialists. The primary areas of concern for this book, which lie within the field of quantum philosophy, metaphysics and implications for the understanding ’spiritual’ worldviews, are twofold. Firstly, to clearly present some remarkable conclusions it ...

    32,38 €

  • Read Aloud Gita IAST
    Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal
    The Bhagavad Gita has been chanted and read in homes and workplaces. Children and families love to recite it during festivals and gatherings. It is the discourse that instructs man to realign himself to his duty and responsibility. It is the scripture that creates a strong foundation for implicit faith and concordant action in day to day life.How may we read the Gita? Its verse...

    10,07 €

  • The Wisdom of Ramana Maharshi
    Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    'Forty Verses on Reality by Sri Ramana Maharshi is a pithy and aphoristic short sacred work. This little book is full of the most profound revelations of Self-Knowledge. An essential text for all interested in Nonduality and the Maharshi s teachings.Truth is eternal and it is not subject to certain people, place, or time. The utterances of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi carry wit...

    6,04 €

  • Rama Speaks
    Lawrence Borok
    Dr. Frederick Lenz (1950-1998), known to his students as Rama, taught over a thousand people he accepted as direct students an unusual blend of spiritual practices for 20 years. It was a combination of insights and techniques shared by Zen and Tibetan Buddhism, Hindu Vedanta and Yoga, and Native American mysticism. These were implemented through a unique approach to living in t...

    20,76 €

  • The Contemplative Foundations of Classical Daoism
    Harold D. Roth / Harold DRoth
    Brings early Daoist writings into conversation with contemporary contemplative studies. ...

    43,37 €

  • A Philosophical Defense of Culture
    Shuchen Xiang
    Draws on two different but strikingly similar streams in our world tradition to argue for the contemporary philosophical relevance of 'culture.' ...

    41,93 €