Filosofía: epistemología y teoría del conocimiento

Humanidades / Filosofía / Filosofía: epistemología y teoría del conocimiento (1409)

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  • Journal of Public Philosophy
    The Journal of Public Philosophy is the official publication of the Public Philosophy Society. The goal of the Journal is to publish papers, essays, and book reviews in the mode of classical philosophy. We seek to know the basic truths that are foundational for the common good and for a just and civil society.The goal of public philosophy is to make the practice of philosophy m...

    7,73 €

  • The Immaterial Structure of Human Experience
    George Lowell Tollefson
    The Immaterial Structure of Human Experience is a philosophical work, a system. It is a quest into the workings of the human mind from the perspective of epistemology and philosophy of mind. Focusing on human experience from a subjective point of view, it does not attempt the kind of empirical approach which would be centered in the senses, as would be the case with one of the ...

    13,14 €

  • Truth
    Douglas Edwards
    For the first time Truth: A Contemporary Reader brings together essays that have shaped two aspects of a fundamental philosophical topic: the nature of truth and the value of truth. Featuring 22 essays, this up-to-date reader includes seminal work by leading figures in contemporary analytic philosophy. It charts the development of the central ’grand proposals’ about the nature...

    257,97 €

  • El universo es inteligente. El alma existe. Misterios cuánticos, multiverso, entrelazamiento, sincronicidad. Más allá de la materialidad, para una visión espiritual del cosmos.
    Vicente Cajal
    Páginas 282. Ilustradas.Los increíbles descubrimientos de la física cuántica están trastornando completamente los supuestos de la ciencia clásica. Hoy la técnica permite logros sorprendentes. Por ejemplo, las primeras computadoras cuánticas con capacidades de computación casi ilimitadas se están realizando. Algunos apoyan la posibilidad real de viajar en el tiempo. Además de es...

    23,23 €

  • Das Universum ist intelligent. Die Seele existiert. Quantenmysterien, Multiversum, Quantenverschränkung, Synchronizität. Jenseits der Materialität für eine spirituelle Vision des Kosmos.
    Wolfgang Kroemer
    Seiten 300. Illustriert.Die unglaublichen Entdeckungen der Quantenphysik verändern die Annahmen der klassischen Wissenschaft grundlegend. Heute ermöglicht die Technik erstaunliche Leistungen. So werden beispielsweise die ersten Quantencomputer mit nahezu unbegrenzten Rechenkapazitäten realisiert. Einige unterstützen die reale Möglichkeit von Zeitreisen. Neben diesen Neuerungen,...

    24,32 €

  • Scepticism and Animal Faith
    George Santayana
    2019 Reprint of 1923 Edition.  Scepticism and Animal Faith  marks an important departure from his Santayana’s philosophy and serves as “a critical introduction” to and résumé of his new system developed in the four-volume Realms of Being (1928, 1930, 1937, 1940), an ontological (nature of being) treatise of great concentration and finish. In these later works Santayana enhanced...

    20,05 €

  • The Nicomachean Ethics
    The theme of the Nicomachean Ethics is a Socratic question previously explored in the works of Plato, Aristotle's friend and teacher, of how men should best live. In his Metaphysics, Aristotle described how Socrates, the friend and teacher of Plato, had turned philosophy to human questions, whereas Pre-Socratic philosophy had only been theoretical. Ethics, as now separated ...

    19,12 €

  • On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason
    Arthur Schopenhauer / Mme Karl Hillebrand
    A disciple of Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer took the Kantian concept that all knowledge derives from experience and broadened it to conclude that our experience of the world is necessarily subjective and influenced by our own intellect and biases, and that reality is but an extension of our own will. This is the basis of all of Schopenhauer's thinking, and here, he off...

    35,86 €

  • T. F. Torrance’s Reconstruction of Natural Theology
    Alexander Irving / Alexander J. D. Irving / Alexander JDIrving
    This book elucidates T. F. Torrance’s reconstruction of natural theology as it appears within its intellectual context and broader Christological method. Irving argues that Torrance’s work on natural theology is an important affirmation of the priority of grace in theological method and knowledge alongside the integrity of human agency. ...

    129,05 €

  • Critical theory and epistemology
    Anastasia Marinopoulou
    This Critical Theory and Contemporary Society volume offers a critical review of epistemological issues in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. ...

    37,16 €

  • Atomistic Intuitions
    Gaston Bachelard / Roch C. Smith / Roch CSmith
    An English translation of Bachelard’s sixth book, in which he seeks to develop a metaphysical context for modern atomistic science. ...

    41,17 €

  • Overcoming Epistemic Injustice
    This volume draws together cutting edge research from the social sciences to find ways of overcoming the unconscious prejusice that is present in our everyday decisions, a phenomenon coined by the philosopher Miranda Fricker as 'epistemic injustice'. ...

    163,33 €

  • Overcoming Epistemic Injustice
    This volume draws together cutting edge research from the social sciences to find ways of overcoming the unconscious prejudice that is present in our everyday decisions, a phenomenon coined by the philosopher Miranda Fricker as 'epistemic injustice'. ...

    53,96 €

  • Schritte über Grenzen
    Werner Heisenberg
    Werner Heisenberg: Schritte über Series in Philosophy and History of Science in Persian, Volume X ...

    19,80 €

  • An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
    John Locke
    First published in 1689, “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding” is British philosopher John Locke’s important and influential exposition on the foundation of human knowledge and understanding. Arranged into four books, the first book begins by rejecting the notion of innate ideas proposed by Descartes and proposes instead that humans are born as blank slates. Book two argues...

    22,45 €

  • Second Thoughts and the Epistemological Enterprise
    Hilary Kornblith

    120,34 €

  • C. I. Lewis
    Murray G. Murphey / Murray GMurphey
    An intellectual biography of the American philosopher C. I. Lewis. ...

    44,95 €

  • The Ancient Wisdom
    Annie Besant
    An Unabridged Edition of the 1918 Printing to include All Twelve Chapters, Preface, and The Unity Underlying All Religions (Original Introduction) at book’s end, with all Footnotes, Charts and Illustrations: Preface – The Physical Plane – The Astral Plane – Kamaloka – The Mental Plane – Devachan – The Buddhic and Nirvanic Planes – Reincarnation – Reincarnation (Continued) – Kar...

    10,74 €

  • Against Knowledge Closure
    Marc Alspector-Kelly

    120,44 €

  • The Kuhnian Image of Science
    Moti Mizrahi
    The essays in this collection offer a critical examination of the arguments arguments for and against the Kuhnian image of science as well as their implications for our understanding of science as a social and epistemic enterprise. ...

    47,50 €

  • Pursuit of an Authentic Philosophy
    David Egan
    Superficially, Wittgenstein and Heidegger seem worlds apart: they worked in different philosophical traditions, seemed mostly ignorant of one another's work, and Wittgenstein's terse aphorisms in plain language could not be farther stylistically from Heidegger's difficult prose. Nevertheless, Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations and Heidegger's Being ...

    106,92 €

  • Quantum Entanglement and Synchronicity. Force Fields, Non-Locality, Extrasensory Perception. The Astonishing Properties of Quantum Physics.
    George Anderson
    Pages 244. 55 illustrationsOften our daily life is accompanied by extrasensory insights and visions. Our existence is accompanied by episodes of telepathy or other sensations of the soul. These phenomena are not uncommon and affect everyone. Some scholars, with a more open mind, wanted to tackle the topic scientifically. They wondered if there is a way to understand extrasensor...

    22,25 €

  • Semua kebetulan aneh dalam hidup Anda. Peristiwa aneh kecil. Firasat. Telepati. Apakah itu terjadi pada Anda juga? Fisika kuantum dan teori sinkronisitas menjelaskan fenomena ekstrasensor.
    Jusuf Sibareni
    Halaman 142Dari perkembangan pemikiran yang paling awal, umat manusia telah meyakini bahwa beberapa kebetulan penting adalah tanda-tanda di mana tingkat filosofis atau ilahi yang lebih tinggi berusaha untuk berdialog dengan manusia.Dalam tiga abad terakhir semua ini telah dibatalkan oleh kecenderungan ilmiah baru. Fakta-fakta yang tidak dapat dijelaskan dianggap sebagai konseku...

    14,56 €

  • Estranhas coincidências em sua vida. Pequenos eventos curiosos. Pressentimentos. Telepatia. Isso acontece com você também? A física quântica e a teoria da sincronicidade explicam os fenômenos extra-se
    Jose Moniz
    Desde os primeiros desenvolvimentos do pensamento, a humanidade acreditava que algumas coincidências significativas eram sinais pelos quais um nível filosófico ou divino mais elevado buscava dialogar com os homens.Nos últimos três séculos, tudo isso foi cancelado por novas tendências científicas. Coincidências extraordinárias foram consideradas como consequências do caso. Qualq...

    13,40 €

  • Extrañas coincidencias en tu vida. Pequeños eventos curiosos. Presentimientos. Telepatía. ¿Te pasa a ti también? La física cuántica y la teoría de la sincronicidad explican los fenómenos extrasensoria
    Vicente Cajal
    Desde los primeros desarrollos del pensamiento, la humanidad ha creído que algunas coincidencias significativas eran signos por los que un nivel filosófico o divino superior buscaba dialogar con los hombres.En los últimos tres siglos todo esto había sido cancelado por nuevas tendencias científicas. Las coincidencias extraordinarias fueron consideradas como consecuencias del cas...

    14,52 €

  • Mærkelige tilfælde i dit liv. Små nysgerrige begivenheder. Anelser. Telepati. Er det også sket med dig? Kvantfysik og teorien om synkronitet forklarer ekstrasensoriske fænomener.
    Niels Mottelson
    Fra den tidligste udvikling af tanken har menneskeheden troet, at nogle væsentlige sammenfald var tegn, hvorved et højere filosofisk eller guddommeligt niveau søgte at dialog med mænd.I de sidste tre århundreder var dette blevet slettet fra de nye videnskabelige retninger. Ekstraordinære sammenfald blev betragtet som konsekvenser af sagen. Enhver, der ønskede at fortolke ekstra...

    13,37 €

  • Merkelige tilfeldigheter i livet ditt. Små nysgjerrige hendelser. Anelser. Telepati. Har du også lignende opplevelser? Kvantfysikk og teorien om synkronitet forklarer ekstrasensoriske fenomener.
    Ragner Hamsun
    Fra den tidligste utviklingen av tanken har menneskeheten trodd at noen viktige fakta er guddommelige tegn, som kommer fra et høyere nivå. Dette nivået, filosofisk eller guddommelig, har alltid søkt å snakke med menn.I de siste tre århundrene har disse overbevisningene blitt slettet av nye vitenskapelige tendenser. Ekstraordinære fakta ble vurdert som enkle saker. Alle som ønsk...

    13,41 €

  • The Critique of Pure Reason
    Immanuel Kant / J.M. D. Meiklejohn / J.MDMeiklejohn
    Kant builds on the work of empiricist philosophers such as John Locke and David Hume, as well as rationalists such as Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Christian Wolff. He expounds new ideas on the nature of space and time, and tries to provide solutions to Hume's scepticism regarding human knowledge of the relation of cause and effect, and René Descartes' scepticism regard...

    29,59 €

  • David Hume on Miracles, Evidence, and Probability
    William L. Vanderburgh / William LVanderburgh / William Vanderburgh
    Hume says we never have grounds to believe in miracles. He’s right, but many commentators misunderstand his theory of probability and therefore his argument. This book shows that Humean probability descends from Roman law, and once properly contextualized historically and philosophically, Hume’s argument survives the criticisms leveled against it. ...

    122,36 €

  • Quantumverstrengeling en synchroniciteit. Krachtvelden. Niet-lokaliteit. Buitenzintuiglijke percepties. De verrassende eigenschappen van de kwantumfysica. (Nederlandse taal)
    Peter Veltman
    264 pagina’s. 55 illustratiesVaak gaat ons dagelijks leven gepaard met intuïties en voorgevoelens. Er zijn afleveringen van telepathie of andere sensaties van de ziel die gepaard gaan met het bestaan ​​van mannen. Deze verschijnselen zijn niet zeldzaam en treffen iedereen. Sommige wetenschappers, met een meer open mentaliteit, wilden het onderwerp wetenschappelijk onder de aand...

    22,10 €