Ficción histórica

Ficción y temas afines / Ficción histórica (14319)

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  • The Throne of Pharaohs
    Irene Roberts
    About the year 1600 B.C. a certain Teti-sheri (Little Teti), the daughter of a commoner, was married to the Prince of Thebes, who recognized the over-lordship of the Hyksos king in Avaris. By the time she died as a little, white-haired old woman, her grandson was the Pharoah of a united Egypt and the most powerful prince of the age.This colourful tale of intrigue, love and lust...

    30,91 €

  • Hijacked to Havana!
    Cesar Guerra
    Hijacked to Havana brings the reader back to 1969 when air piracy was a daily risk to all airline travelers. A young Cuban exile and his American wife find themselves aboard a plane hijacked to Havana. Can the young Cuban thwart the hijack? Carlos, the main character, is fearful of returning to his native land because of his previous involvement with Castro’s revolutionary for...

    29,49 €

  • Passage Through History
    Virginia Van Druten
    In 1858, near the Kansas/Missouri border, Elizabeth and Wid marry. Civil War disrupts their future. Wid joins the Union army, leaving Elizabeth pregnant and surrounded by Confederate sympathizers. She faces war and privation, having word of her husband only through his letters home. ...

    21,67 €

  • Oil Patch Boll Weevils
    Lee Lion
    Oil gushed over the top of the derrick spraying crude over the drought stricken land of East Texas in 1930, bringing prosperity and hope for the Allied victory in the war of motors and octane. Three generations lived through it all. ...

    23,39 €

  • Good Journey
    Micaela Gilchrist

    21,44 €

  • Never Lark nor Eagle
    Ray Castagnaro
    Never Lark nor Eagle: A Fighter Pilot´s Story, the novel by Ray Castagnaro, is accurate, entertaining Historical fiction about Yanks in the RAF during the Battle of Britain, and their eventual transition to the U.S. Army Air Forces. The story continues with dangerous test flying at Muroc Lake, California, then the exploits of the 'Fourth but First' Fighter Group in Korea. The r...

    22,67 €

  • Never Lark nor Eagle
    Ray Castagnaro
    Never Lark nor Eagle: A Fighter Pilot´s Story, the novel by Ray Castagnaro, is accurate, entertaining Historical fiction about Yanks in the RAF during the Battle of Britain, and their eventual transition to the U.S. Army Air Forces. The story continues with dangerous test flying at Muroc Lake, California, then the exploits of the 'Fourth but First' Fighter Group in Korea. The r...

    21,40 €

  • Heart of the Dragon
    Erick Anton
    The war of 1206 was a costly one, with the Jurchen defeating the massive Sung armies. The surprise Sung invasion may have succeeded if it were not for a stubborn Shaolin priest general and his special Jurchen forces. ...

    22,33 €

  • Daddy’s Bums
    Eileen Shannon

    16,76 €

  • The Three Musketeers, Vol. I by Alexandre Dumas, Fiction, Classics, Historical, Action & Adventure
    Alexandre Dumas
    In March 1844 the French magazine Le Siecle, printed the first installment of a story by Alexandre Dumas. It was based, Dumas claimed, on some manuscripts he had found a year earlier in the Bibliotheque Nationale while researching a history he planned to write on Louis XIV. The serial chronicled the adventures of D’Artagnan -- a young swordsman intent on joining the king’s musk...

    20,91 €

  • The Three Musketeers, Vol. II by Alexandre Dumas, Fiction, Classics, Historical, Action & Adventure
    Alexandre Dumas
    In March 1844 the French magazine Le Siecle, printed the first installment of a story by Alexandre Dumas. It was based, Dumas claimed, on some manuscripts he had found a year earlier in the Bibliotheque Nationale while researching a history he planned to write on Louis XIV. The serial chronicled the adventures of D'Artagnan -- a young swordsman intent on joining the king...

    20,90 €

  • The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott, Fiction, Literary
    Sir Walter Scott
    The main characters are the Scottish knight Kenneth, a fictional version of David of Scotland, Earl of Huntingdon, who returned from the third Crusade in 1190; Richard the Lionheart; Saladin; and Edith Plantagenet, a relative of Richard.In Scott's own words: ". . . the warlike character of Richard I, wild and generous, a pattern of chivalry, with all its extravagant virtues...

    41,20 €

  • Voyage of the Majestic and Other Tales
    Daryl Reiley

    11,12 €

  • The Baron of Rothmoore
    Judy Lucas

    21,65 €

  • Inheriting Scotland
    Theresa Reilly Alsop
    Sell it! That s the solution ambitions young American John Douglas has in mind as he travels to Scotland to spend the required thirty days residency necessary to inherit Lochar Castle. Upon his arrival, local historian Nora Kennedy tells him of the castle s fabled secret room . Legend has it that the room contains the history of the Douglas clan, complete with artifacts fro...

    21,56 €

  • Crucible of Empire
    John Edwards

    29,09 €

  • Once Upon A Time
    Al Compton
    After a young stranger walks up to Elizabeth Kenney on campus, and announces that he’s her brother, she drops out of school to begin a startling and surprising search of a family she’s never taken the time to know. She learns of a wanderlust grandfather, bomber pilot and hero of WWII and Korea, then of her own surgeon father and his idyllic and unbreakable bond with his father....

    20,48 €

  • How Howard Crenshaw Stopped the Flood
    Curt Simmons
    Small towns are like stagnant pools of water 3 ...

    15,05 €

  • Runaround
    Jonathan Hayes Edwards
    In this fictional account of the the fifties and sixties music business, young Roger Denton becomes inspired to be a rock and roll performer as a youth in a small town. He eventually has a hit record and faces many career challenges as well as difficult choices in his personal life. 3 ...

    13,98 €

  • How Howard Crenshaw Stopped the Flood
    Curt Simmons
    Small towns are like stagnant pools of water 3 ...

    26,30 €

  • Land of Hope
    Ryan Andrews

    16,62 €

  • Cuban, That’s All! An Exile in Three Acts
    Juan Hernandez
    Cuba in 1965 was no longer the paradise it had once been... There was, literally, nowhere else to go but out. So says The Shoebox Child, one of the many exiled voices in 3 ...

    19,42 €

  • Unexpected Returns
    M. P. Reardon / MPReardon

    28,07 €

  • Tule Lake
    Edward T. Miyakawa
    First Japanese-American novel to portray the passionate, desperate struggle for justice and freedom from within the confines of America’s concentration camps by those who refused to cooperate with the internment of 120,000 of their fellow Americans. 3 ...

    23,78 €

  • My Land!
    Don R. Messman
    Based on his parents experiences as homesteaders, the author chronicles the interwoven lives of three primary characters surrounded by a rich assortment of friends and family members. Their hardships and tragedies are fodder for outrageous, embellished tales. This book is written for the thousands of descendants of homesteaders who have heard their ancestors tales and would...

    23,93 €

  • Poison Switch
    Charles Coyote

    20,30 €

  • Poison Switch
    Charles Coyote

    27,99 €

  • Genny MacKenzie and Her Bairns
    Mildred M. McBride

    25,71 €

  • California Yankee Under Three Flags
    Joyce W. Hahn
    This is a story of a young woman who travels by sailing ship around the Horn from Boston and makes a place for herself in Mexico’s Monterey, California a few years before the U.S. conquest. 3 ...

    16,16 €

  • In the Army of Marcus Batallius
    David M. Ross

    17,68 €