Ficción histórica

Ficción y temas afines / Ficción histórica (14319)

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  • Family In Crisis
    John M. Fitzgerald / John MFitzgerald

    22,72 €

  • The Foundation
    Jim Blair
    Two young men with integrity manage to keep their principles and their ties of friendship intact through some serious attacks from individuals and the attractions of pleasures that can corrupt. Their world is changing at a blinding rate of speed: the automobile, airplanes, and the telephone are invented; electricity is discovered -- all this while they are still in school. 3 ...

    29,40 €

  • Norwegian Saga
    Alan W. Freeland
    Andrew’s life seem to stop when he found out his father was dead and that his mother and siblings were going to move, not to another town, but to a different country. The new country was America in the 1880’s, and the prairies were still a lonely place to roam. Young Andrew finds his place in his adopted home with the new love of his life. He faces the challenges of raising a...

    12,80 €

  • Fraile Muerto
    Juan Carlos Casas
    Two distinguished English youths bought the Cordovan government four leagues of field south of Fraile Muerto, today Bell Ville, in 1865.Argentina then began the laborious takeoff that, from a miserable country, incommunicado and torn by fifty years of foreign and civil wars, in the following fifty years would make it one of the six richest countries in the world. ...

    36,56 €

  • Pioneering in the Pampas
    Richard A. Seymour / Richard ASeymour
    Pioneering in the PampasENGLISH- 156 pages.An actual historical racconto of the vicissitudes of two young British gentlemen in the Argentine pampas of 1865. In the Author’s own words, '... the simple narration of the difficulties which beset the settler in the first few years of his enterprise, more particularly when he has been tempted to fix himself outside the older settleme...

    36,58 €

  • Moutaineers’ Honor
    John Michael Jarvis

    26,58 €

  • Moutaineers’ Honor
    John Michael Jarvis

    33,73 €

  • Master Jones Goes to Washington
    Hugh Brown

    16,99 €

  • Yazoo Mingo
    Jonathan Reynolds Cronin
    100 years before the Lewis and Clark expidition a Yazoo Indian made the same transcontinental journey. Starting from Mississippi Moncacht-Apé travelled as far as southeast Alaska. Maps based on his journey paved the way for the later Corps of Discovery. This book tells the world of the Yazoo Mingo’s saga. ...

    29,21 €

  • An Angel’s Pursuit
    Faye Wallace

    34,95 €

  • An Angel’s Pursuit
    Faye Wallace

    44,53 €

  • Just a Soldier
    Dean Wm Ross

    25,83 €

  • Top Stick
    Harold A. Jacobs / Harold AJacobs

    16,75 €

  • The Last Dragon Harper
    James Donaldson
    The Last Dragon Harper completes the story of Lailoken s early years. Ceidio s kingdom has been destroyed and Gwenddolau, his youngest son, finds himself the new king. Lailoken steps from the shadows of his personal demons with a dream of peace and prosperity. And he will fight with all his strength to hold onto that bright dream, to stand at Gwenddolau s side, and to seek to l...

    17,87 €

  • The Last Dragon Harper
    James Donaldson
    The Last Dragon Harper completes the story of Lailoken s early years. Ceidio s kingdom has been destroyed and Gwenddolau, his youngest son, finds himself the new king. Lailoken steps from the shadows of his personal demons with a dream of peace and prosperity. And he will fight with all his strength to hold onto that bright dream, to stand at Gwenddolau s side, and to seek to l...

    28,17 €

  • Beneath A Dragon Sky
    James Donaldson
    Dragon Skies is the dark and magical history of northern Britain in the late sixth century. The series blends myth, legend, and history into a vibrant and powerful retelling of the events that led to the birth of Northumbria and the collapse of the Romano-British kingdoms that comprised Y Gogledd. One lonely man, fated by the gods to walk the battlefields and witness the events...

    17,78 €

  • Blood Of Montenegro
    Bajram A. Koljenovic
    'The history of my people is written in blood.' So begins this rich and personal epic drama of three generations of the Koljenovic family and their influence on the history of Montenegro, the Balkans, and the world. Like the tiny blood red ruby in the great gearworks of nations, Montenegro has borne the weight and has been the center of the movements of the mighty. In this hard...

    25,00 €

  • Beneath A Dragon Sky
    James Donaldson
    Dragon Skies is the dark and magical history of northern Britain in the late sixth century. The series blends myth, legend, and history into a vibrant and powerful retelling of the events that led to the birth of Northumbria and the collapse of the Romano-British kingdoms that comprised Y Gogledd. One lonely man, fated by the gods to walk the battlefields and witness the events...

    28,09 €

  • Blood Of Montenegro
    James Nathan Post
    'The history of my people is written in blood.' So begins this rich and personal epic drama of three generations of the Koljenovic family and their influence on the history of Montenegro, the Balkans, and the world. Like the tiny blood red ruby in the great gearworks of nations, Montenegro has borne the weight and has been the center of the movements of the mighty. In this hard...

    36,24 €

  • Vengeance In My Heart
    David K. Moore / David KMoore

    16,83 €

  • An Amazons’ Moon
    D. J. Belt / DJBelt

    22,87 €

  • An Amazons’ Moon
    D. J. Belt / DJBelt

    32,91 €

  • Last War of Clent Evans
    Bob Hannon

    11,66 €

  • Though The Mountains May Fall
    T. William Evans

    17,14 €

  • Though The Mountains May Fall
    T. William Evans

    28,38 €

  • House of Sugar
    Sheldon Burton Webster
    House of Sugar is a part-fictional reporting of the Bay of Pigs and the CIA/Mafia partnership to assassinate Fidel Castro and JFK. It is a stunning re-creation by characters whose lives are inserted into history. ...

    18,14 €

  • House of Sugar
    Sheldon Burton Webster
    House of Sugar is a part-fictional reporting of the Bay of Pigs and the CIA/Mafia partnership to assassinate Fidel Castro and JFK. It is a stunning re-creation by characters whose lives are inserted into history. ...

    27,57 €

  • The Last Great Viking
    Jerome Miller
    The year is 1030 AD. Prince Harald of Norway is rescued from the battlefield where his half-brother, King Olaf, lies dead. Reunited with loyal comrades, he leads them in three longships to Novgorod in Rusland, then to Kiev. Under the patronage of Prince Jaroslief he establishes his reputation as warrior. 3 ...

    21,65 €

  • War 31528
    Signe L. Beale / Signe LBeale

    16,60 €

  • Blind Horses
    Brian A. Massey
    For two weeks in September of 1876, the most famous manhunt in American history pursued a legendary gang of outlaws across the rain-swept woodlands of Minnesota. This is the story of those fourteen days, told in the words of the men who were hunted: Jesse James and Cole Younger. 3 ...

    13,90 €