Estudios culturales

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociedad y cultura: general / Estudios culturales (5623)

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  • História Do Povo Castanhalense
    Carlos Araujo
    Raridade. Texto de 1984, recuperado de um único livro encontrado.A HISTÓRIA e o POVO.Um dos objetivos principais do presente volume é dar a conhecer a verdadeira História de Castanhal. Então existe uma falsa história?Lamentável é dizer que sim!O organizador deste trabalho, o escritor Carlos, chamou para colaborar neste empreendimento José Guimarães, o que enriqueceu, muito, as ...

    9,44 €

  • Кайрос
    Yury Olshansky
    Мы храним в себе Кайрос, мгновения: все что было до нас, и может быть все что будет. Рождаясь из древности в современность мира любовь и страсть, ревность и месть, реальность, легенды и фантазии сталкиваются в пространстве романа, замкнутом Эгейским морем, герои его погруженные в волны бушующего конфликта поколений, культур, традиций, религий, пробужденные от обыденной жизни...

    23,73 €

  • Ecosistema Cultural
    Gonzalo Carámbula
    Ecosistema cultural. Escritos de Gonzalo Carámbula sobre cultura y política es una obra que busca recuperar su pensamiento y obra desde diferentes facetas que vinculan la política, la comunicación, la economía, el derecho y la cultura. Con edición a cargo de Danilo Urbanavicius, el libro busca transmitir ideas de Gonzalo Carámbula a las nuevas generaciones que comienzan a trans...

    16,64 €

  • Torturous Etiquettes
    Daniel Varndell
    Explores the 'torture' of mannered behavior and the prevalence of etiquette as a theme in classical and contemporary Hollywood and European cinema. ...

    121,57 €

  • Templarios y jesuitas
    Antonio Galera Gracia
    A pesar de que son muchos los historiadores y personas conocedoras del tema que aseguran que no es verdad, Antonio Galera, uno de los autores especializados en los templarios de mayor relevancia en el mundo, afirma y cree que la historia de la Orden de la Compañía de Jesús y de la Orden del Templo de Salomón guardan tanta semejanza entre sí que si alguien nos diese a conocer la...

    20,80 €

  • Etnodesenvolvimento, Propriedade Intelectual & Marajó
    Kildren André Cutrim Carvalho / Pantoja Rodrigues
    Este livro resulta da dissertação de mestrado de Kildren Pantoja Rodrigues, intitulada Propriedade Intelectual como instrumento do Etnodesenvolvimento: Oportunidades na Região imediata Soure-Salvaterra, Marajó, Pará, orientada pelo Professor Doutor André Cutrim Carvalho, defendida e aprovada em 2022, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão dos Recursos Naturais e Desenvolvimento...

    11,11 €

    Elizabeth Sharkey
    Why Britain Rocked: How Rock Became Roll and Took Over the World challenges the origins of ’Beatlemania’ by travelling deep into history to trace the events that led to Britain’s twentieth century musical explosion. With rigorous in-depth research, new discoveries and original insights Why Britain Rocked: How Rock Became Roll and Took Over the World completely reframes the hist...

    34,84 €

  • Turkish Drama Serials
    Miriam Berg
    Examines the reach and reception of Turkish drama serials in the Middle East and Latin America, exploring what it is that makes Turkish television so successful as entertainment in places as diverse as Qatar, Chile and Israel. ...

    128,00 €

  • Explaining the Practice of Elevating an Ancestor for Veneration
    George Shakwelele
    The Bisa people of Nabwalya, Zambia love their culture and gladly celebrate all their traditional festivals. This book presents exciting research into Kusefya pa ngena, rituals through which the Bisa elect ancestors for veneration. The Bisa speak freely of how their belief in ancestor veneration does not conflict with their worship of God. For them, the two work hand in hand. T...

    26,17 €

  • Explaining the Practice of Elevating an Ancestor for Veneration
    George Shakwelele
    The Bisa people of Nabwalya, Zambia love their culture and gladly celebrate all their traditional festivals. This book presents exciting research into Kusefya pa ngena, rituals through which the Bisa elect ancestors for veneration. The Bisa speak freely of how their belief in ancestor veneration does not conflict with their worship of God. For them, the two work hand in hand. T...

    40,08 €

  • The Folklore of Devon
    Mark Norman
    Devon has a long and rich folkloric heritage which has been extensively collected over many years, but never before drawn together into one serious study. This book consolidates more than a century of research by eminent Devon folklorists into one valuable volume. ...

    76,43 €

  • The Magic Beyond Form
    Silvia Hagen
    This is a book about courage. The courage to look at things in life from different perspectives. To connect spirituality with science. To take a deeper look at and explore the collective consciousness that infuences each individual, as well as companies. At the age of two and a half, the world comes crashing down for Silvia Hagen. Due to a tragic accident, she finds her life in...

    25,89 €

  • Ducktails, Drive-ins, and Broken Hearts
    Hank Davis
    An unflinching look at the triumphs and tragedies of ’50s rock and roll, from the biggest stars, like Chuck Berry and Carl Perkins, to those who barely grabbed the spotlight. ...

    25,95 €

  • Resistir para transformar el mundo
    Sergio Tischler Visquerra
    Esta colección de ensayos o «constelación de ideas», como le llama John Holloway, representa la determinación del autor de entretejer la teoría crítica encarnada en el pensamiento de Walter Benjamin, Mijaíl Bajtín, Theodor Adorno, entre otros y la propuesta revolucionaria del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, gestada en Chiapas. La voz de Tischler se complementa con la...

    14,56 €

  • Ellas en su caminar
    Rosalina Estrada Urroz
    Habitar como historiadora el opaco mundo de la prostitución no ha sido sencillo. Plagados de imaginarios, los discursos emitidos no revelan de manera diáfana la realidad de lo vivido, pero muestran las obsesiones de un tiempo en el que reglamentar, ordenar y civilizar, para construir una sociedad moderna, es prioritario.Hemos estudiado este espacio con una mirada amplia, sin sa...

    20,80 €

  • Toward an American Renewal
    Adam M. Brodsky
    The United States of America is becoming a divided nation and it needs help. Americans need new ways of thinking which will allow them to vigorously advocate for their own deeply held beliefs while at the same time remaining true to a common overarching story. This is deeper than just having civil discourse. This is deeper than just respecting the other side. This is deeper tha...

    16,05 €

  • Toward an American Renewal
    Adam M. Brodsky
    The United States of America is becoming a divided nation and it needs help. Americans need new ways of thinking which will allow them to vigorously advocate for their own deeply held beliefs while at the same time remaining true to a common overarching story. This is deeper than just having civil discourse. This is deeper than just respecting the other side. This is deeper tha...

    29,41 €

  • Fandom Culture and The Archers
    Fandom Culture and The Archers looks beyond the popular success of the Archers to explore how the program, and the themes it discusses, are used in teaching, learning, research and professional settings, and how the Academic Archers fandom helps shape these real life impacts. ...

    34,72 €

  • My Costume, Myself
    Thomas G. Endres
    Cosplay. Celebrity impersonation. Historical reenactment. Drag. Ren Fairs. Through research and stories, come discover the transformational and inclusive world of costumes, and how they can be used to uncover, cultivate, and represent aspects of one’s inner self. Thomas Endres presents a much-needed deeper dive into a phenomenon defined by difference. The case study interviews,...

    40,19 €

  • My Costume, Myself
    Thomas G. Endres
    Cosplay. Celebrity impersonation. Historical reenactment. Drag. Ren Fairs. Through research and stories, come discover the transformational and inclusive world of costumes, and how they can be used to uncover, cultivate, and represent aspects of one’s inner self. Thomas Endres presents a much-needed deeper dive into a phenomenon defined by difference. The case study interviews,...

    30,00 €

  • The Mystery of Grandpa’s Christmas Cane
    Nick Nichols
    The snow flurries and Christmas carols in the air were a sure sign that Christmas was just around the corner! But those weren’t the things Christian was so excited about. To him, they signaled that Grandpa would soon be getting out his special Christmas cane! Christian would never have a Christmas like this… Starting from when he was just knee-high to a grasshopper, little Chri...

    7,39 €

  • Adventures of a Mall Santa
    Nick Nichols
    I never had a Christmas like this!!! Bursting into the photo lab David, the mall manager, said to me, "QUICK, put down what you’re doing; our mall Santa canceled, and we need a Santa NOW!!" On our way out the door he said, "I need you to be Santa for this week through Christmas Eve," and then almost as a second thought, he asked, "Have you ever been a Santa before?"  I said, "N...

    7,52 €

  • Mr. Tambourine Man
    The book is a travelogue of 23 years gap year travel. Mr. Tambourine Man is a book written up from a travel diary describing the experiences of and places visited by author. This is a truthful account of an author experiences traveling and this offer a wide breadth of information, experience, and knowledge. This shares about other people, other countries, other customs and cult...

    15,35 €

  • Beauty Within Weddings
    Bhupinder Kumar Pall
    'Beauty Within Weddings is Fabulous Signature Indian Weddings description. A dream book filled with beauty of inherited culture, traditions, customs, fun and frolic. About 30,000 weddings taking place per day, on average, in India 900,000 weddings a month are celebrated, more than 10 million per year. The annual cost of Indian wedding is 25 Billion USD business annually. India...

    15,08 €

  • Politica e cultura no pensamento emancipatório africano
    Amílcar Cabral / Ernest Wamba dia Wamba
    A atual ausência de uma visão emancipatória para a África está no centro dos nossos problemas políticos relacionados à opressão racial capitalista e colonial. Qualquer tentativa de repensar a emancipação política no continente africano deve ser capaz de localizar uma concepção universal de liberdade no interior das experiências culturais singulares que as pessoas vivem. Quando ...

    9,98 €

    Daniel Muller
    We have all heard the nicknames for the current generations in the news. Besides the ’Silent Generation’ (a.k.a. The Greatest Generation) born before 1946, there are Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (also known as the Millennials), and Generation Z.In the past few years, there has been an increasing amount of coverage and discussion about the growing frustration between...

    38,17 €

  • 自然语文的教学新理念
    本书是自然语文教育科研团队的成果之一。自然语文教育的核心理念是'一切为了促进学习者全面、和谐成长',自然语文的教育思想呼唤'以人为本'理念,能够让学习者成长为真正的课堂主人。在小学语文课堂上没有必要对孩子们进行大量的知识灌输,但是,教师要想方设法把孩子的眼光引向校园外那个无边无际的知识的海洋,要让孩子们知道,生活的一切时间和空间都是他们学习的课堂;学校应该是学生学习、娱乐、求知、交友、自我发展的殿堂;课堂应该是充满生机、充满兴趣、充满智慧、'充满生命活力'的场所。教学的过程应该是师生互动、生生互动、共同学习、共同进步的过程。 ...

    26,59 €

  • 大鱼讲论语:学而第一
    本册图书为《大鱼讲论语》系列图书第一册,包含《论语》总述和'学而第一'的全部内容,总计17讲音频的同步文字。大鱼老师会细致解读《论语》内容,把每一句原文都还原到当时的历史背景,发挥记者的职业精神,抽丝剥茧进行分析。这句话的主人公是谁,他是在什么情况下说的这句话?为什么会说这句话,蕴含了什么深刻的含义,和小朋友现在的生活又有什么联系?'一步步把生涩难懂的古文,变成生动有趣的内容。除了讲解原文,每讲内容还会就原文引申出精彩的历史和人物故事,以经解经,以史证经,让孩子通过人物命运来理解原文,通过故事来感悟人生,构建国学知识大百科,厘清历史格局,开拓心胸视野。 ...

    33,16 €

  • 诺查丹玛斯密码
    《诺查丹玛斯密码》对诺查丹玛斯于400年前所著的一本叫做《诸世纪》的预言诗作出全新解读,内容涉及历史上的多个时代,包括诗篇中的时代、英国的浮世年华、潮起潮落法兰西、新时代的世界者、诺查丹玛斯印象中的中国、诗集中的宗教事件、尚未破解的密码七个章节。作者以真实的笔触,传释经典著作的奥义,窥伺天机,用当今的流行观点诠释古老的预言诗集。诺查丹玛斯,是历史上著名的世界级预言家,为法国籍犹太裔,原名米歇尔·德·诺特达姆。他与中国著名预言家袁天罡齐名,如果说东方有袁天罡,那么西方就有诺查丹玛斯。 ...

    34,28 €

  • Maçonaria Sem Segredos
    José Filardo
    Você já ouviu falar da Maçonaria através de um amigo, ou da Internet, aquela instituição misteriosa que lhe pareceu bastante atrativa por sua ação na sociedade, mas esbarrou em uma montanha de desinformação, ou informações contraditórias.Gostaria de ingressar ou recebeu um convite de um conhecido e não sabe o que responder pois desconhece tudo sobre Maçonaria. O amigo que convi...

    10,26 €