Ensayos literarios

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  • Soliltlude and Solidarity
    THE WRITE BRIDGE JOURNALIn each edition of The Write Bridge, readers are encouraged to 'mind the gap' as writers and artists with powerful voices explore topics that broaden our thinking. In a 1936 Esquire article entitled 'The Crack Up,' author F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote:'Before I go on with this short history, let me make a general observation-the test of a first-rate intellig...

    22,28 €

  • Sigo aquí
    Anahí Zúñiga
    Mi abuela murió un jueves. Ese día supe que debía irme lejos, confiesa Anahí Zúñiga al inicio de Sigo aquí, un ensayo íntimo en el que la autora recorre los claroscuros de su vínculo con la palabra, la salud mental, las relaciones personales y la creatividad, en una búsqueda cruda pero entrañable por dar sentido a las heridas de la memoria, la familia, la sociedad y el cuerpo m...

    13,52 €

  • Alfaaz ke Waaris
    Syed Khalid Qadri
    A collection of several literary pieces by Syed Khalid Qadri, this book offers critiques and insights on subjects like the tragic figure of Mirza Ghalib, Albert Camus’s essay on music, the freedom of sexual expression in Western fiction and Prof. Khalid Sayeed’s book of literary criticism. ...

    19,97 €

  • The After
    Michael Ramos
    When Michael Ramos enlisted in the Navy and was assigned to serve as a chaplain’s bodyguard thirteen days before 9/11, he had no idea he would soon be sent to Iraq. But he embraced the posting, combat service, and career for a decade, until, at age thirty-four, the military told him his skill set was no longer relevant. Through divorce and remarriage, his son’s choice to enlist...

    25,55 €

  • Come! Come! Where? Where?
    James Seay
    James Seay’s essays reflect a poet’s eye for detail and a seeker’s wrestling with life’s big questions and experiences: what it means to be a parent, losing a child, confronting mental illness, observing and living through the collision of cultures, finding the universal in the particularity of every day. We share moments with Seay that stay with us, dipping in and out of his l...

    127,29 €

  • Come! Come! Where? Where?
    James Seay
    James Seay’s essays reflect a poet’s eye for detail and a seeker’s wrestling with life’s big questions and experiences: what it means to be a parent, losing a child, confronting mental illness, observing and living through the collision of cultures, finding the universal in the particularity of every day. We share moments with Seay that stay with us, dipping in and out of his l...

    29,29 €

  • A Question of Value
    Robert Brunk
    In the late 1970s, Robert Brunk discovered the world of auctioneering. Drawn to the unique mountain culture and the history of fine art in and around Asheville, North Carolina, Bob started a business, Brunk Auctions, that became part of a bustling network of commerce. America’s passion for collecting, buying, and selling reached remarkable heights in the following decades. Auct...

    26,66 €

  • The Tears and Smiles of Things
    Andriy Sodomora / Roman Ivashkiv / Sabrina Jaszi
    An evocative collection of vignettes and essays from Ukraine’s 'voice' of classical antiquity, now available in English for the first time.Inspired by Virgil’s exquisitely ambivalent phrase “sunt lacrimae rerum” (there are tears of/for/in things), Andriy Sodomora, the Ukrainian “voice” of classical antiquity, has produced a series of original vignettes and essays about things: ...

    216,85 €

  • The Tears and Smiles of Things
    Andriy Sodomora / Roman Ivashkiv / Sabrina Jaszi
    An evocative collection of vignettes and essays from Ukraine’s 'voice' of classical antiquity, now available in English for the first time.Inspired by Virgil’s exquisitely ambivalent phrase “sunt lacrimae rerum” (there are tears of/for/in things), Andriy Sodomora, the Ukrainian “voice” of classical antiquity, has produced a series of original vignettes and essays about things: ...

    17,91 €

  • Local Weather
    Andrew Squitiro
    Andrew Squitiro’s debut prose collection, LOCAL WEATHER (Dynamo Verlag; 94pp; paperback; 6 February 2024) is a collection of sixteen tight dispatches as intense as they are concise. Set amid the weeping willows and Spanish moss of New Orleans, a city where climate change is felt punishingly, these essays unflinchingly explore human alienation, the human yearning for connection ...

    12,98 €

  • Sincerely, Black Teens
    Jack and Jill of America Nashville
    Sincerely, BlackTeens is a collection of essays, poems, and prose written by the Teens of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Nashville Chapter. In this book, the authors write a heartfelt letter to the country, their peers, their parents, and the world, that shares what it means to grow up Black in America. The Jack and Jill teens share their feelings on issues like Racism, coloris...

    19,15 €

  • As ideias fora do lugar
    Schwarz Roberto
    Nos dois ensaios aqui compilados, As ideias fora do lugar e Nacional por subtração, Roberto Schwarz, considerado o mais importante pensador marxista de literatura brasileira, discute sobre um paradoxo vivido pela sociedade brasileira como um mal-estar, no qual há uma sensação de deslocamento entre as ideias e o lugar e entre a cultura e a sociedade. Os ensaios são complementado...

    12,48 €

  • Bring Out Your Dead
    Chad Davidson
    Could the shlock-rock ’70s band Kiss in any way affect the outcome of a death-dealing twenty-first-century virus? Is Bob Ross--that permed, inimitable painter of Edenic nostalgia on PBS--actually an emissary from the land of personal loss? Might the work of Edward Hopper reflect facets of a global plague? What is the grammar, finally, of grief, of isolation? The essays in Chad...

    22,31 €

  • X in the Tickseed
    Ed Falco
    From discursive essay-poems to tightly constructed lyrics, Ed Falco’s X in the Tickseed examines a world that reveals itself through its mysteries, reflecting upon the ephemeral nature of all things. In the series of poems that bookend the collection, a speaker identified only as X reviews personal history and relationships, speculating, pondering, and questioning in the face o...

    15,67 €

  • Elephant of Silence
    John Barger
    'A poem is an act of faith because the poet believes in it,' contends John Wall Barger in The Elephant of Silence, a collection of essays exploring forms of knowing (and not knowing) that awaken a poetic mind. By considering poetry, film, and the intersections among aesthetic moments and our lives, Barger illuminates the foundations of poetic craft but also probes how to be al...

    22,22 €

  • The Road
    Jack London
    In this entertaining collection of tales and autobiographical essays, London relates the days he spent on the road. Each story details an aspect of the hobo’s life - from catching a train to cadging a meal. The wealth of experiences and the necessity of having to lie for a living brought depth London’s subsequent stories. ...

    11,45 €

  • 白天遇见黑暗
    一部平民精神史 一幅个人化的精神图谱 映照国族现实 时代巨变 夏榆的文字是无法叫人适意的。他的集子是一个打开的洞穴:黑暗、静寂,充满广大无边的虚无。在那里,不时响起瓦斯的爆炸声、救护车的尖锐而疾速的鸣笛、黑衣人震天的哭号,当然还有被淹没的无声的饮泣......夏榆把自己的家庭深深植入矿区的生活,然后无情地撕开,让我们看见暴力、叛卖、暧昧、压抑、惊恐、焦虑和苦痛。他写了自己,从顶班下井的小矿工到京漂一族,那是一部少年的成长史和追寻史。        记者的生涯,让夏榆走得更远,也走得更深。他不但深入到荒瘠的中国腹地,现实中的黑暗地带,还深入 '文革',深入那些早已沉沦于岁月深渊中的集体记忆,直到域外的奥斯威辛和柏林墙。他寻找不幸的人,也寻找倾心的人物;寻找黑暗,也寻找光明的源头。在他那里,国家,...

    29,83 €

  • 12 Öfkeli Öğretmen
    Yusuf Solmaz
    Hiç unutmuyordu, bir keresinde kamyonda arıza meydana geldiğinden tamirciden çıkamamıştı. Günlerce arabanın içinde yatıp kalkmıştı... Beli ağrıyınca ucuz bir otele gitmiş, otelin salonundaki televizyondan Selim Pirselimoğlu’nun Rıza adındaki filmini izlemişti. Filme bakınca o kadar şaşırmıştı ki. Sanki kendisini izliyordu. Rıza karakteriyle arasındaki tek fark, ayrıldığı eşiyle...

    21,31 €

  • 应解人间不自由
    内容简介林徽因经历了什么,会被钱锺书写小说影射?金岳霖被称为'情痴',我们可能误会他了?沈从文长信追张兆和,让不喜欢自己的学生回头,他写了什么?'完人'胡适竟然也有吃醋的时候,他和表妹曹诚英究竟经历了什么?拯救萧红的护花使者萧军,是如何一步步成为'家暴男'的?关于近代文化名人,后世多有夸大失真之传,作者谭伯牛身为考据型历史学者,查找多处史料,为读者还原了文人大家真实的一面。拒绝以讹传讹的臆想,理性观察时代的爱恨情仇。以平视化视角讲述文化名家在爱情中的恩怨情仇和悲欢离合。 ...

    32,92 €

  • 黑白之城
    《黑白之城》是知名建筑艺术家苏丹教授撰写的回忆录式长篇叙事散文集。故事发生在20世纪80年代的哈尔滨,生于太原的作者离开故乡,乘坐绿皮火车前往冰城哈尔滨,开启了求学、任教、考研为时七年的校园生活。在书中,作者细致入微地回忆了七年生活的点滴往事,将个人成长、城市发展与时代变迁三者融为一炉。讲述哈尔滨的城市历史,描绘自然风光。展现以哈尔滨为代表的东北老工业区在改革开放初期转型时的世相百态,深刻分析并反思当时的社会问题。作者用戏谑但略带锋芒的笔触,记录着小人物在大城市中的生活印记,同时审视着时代与人生。 ...

    32,69 €

  • A Farmer’s Almanac
    Drausin Wulsin
    This is Volume I of A Farmer’s Almanac Series, Fascination of Discovery. Drausin Wulsin’s initial venture on the land was developing one of the first grass-based, New Zealand-style dairies in Ohio. The next enterprise entailed creating a wetlands mitigation bank on 200 acres. The third was developing a grass-based meat business, involving beef, sheep, laying hens, broilers, tur...

    14,00 €

  • Of Pigs and Meteorites
    Greg Dorchak
    Greg Dorchak’s family moved to upstate New York in 1965 when he was just a baby. For the next 13 years his playground was the High Peaks Region of the Adirondack Park, 6 million acres of lakes, trees, mountains and colorful people.Though he has been gone for over 40 years, the Adirondacks still occupy a big part of his memory and personality. In OF PIGS AND METEORITES, Dorchak ...

    12,51 €

  • Creative Writing Ideas To Spark Your Imagination
    Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi / Dr. Preeti Singh / Lorena Avila Jaimes
    Review by Annelise LordsPrompts are everywhere and are in everything. It comes in different names too. Signals, intuition, gut feelings, fear etc., depending on your circumstance and or situation in life. A writing Prompt sparks creativity sending many signals to the brain. It possesses the power to ignite innovation, expand imagination sending your brain into places you can’t ...

    21,22 €

  • David Bowie, Enid Blyton and the sun machine
    Nicholas Royle
    A dazzling act of literary-critical rebellion, casting new light on the lives of David Bowie and Enid Blyton ...

    30,46 €

  • David Bowie, Enid Blyton and the sun machine
    Nicholas Royle
    A dazzling act of literary-critical rebellion, casting new light on the lives of David Bowie and Enid Blyton ...

    159,50 €

  • Layers of Life
    Stephen Evans
    Layers of Life by author and playwright Stephen Evans presents a thoughtful if fragmented view of a thoughtful if fragmented life. The author sketches a gentle life, filled with awareness of the world around him, fragile, diverse, beautiful, and joyful. ...

    16,22 €

  • 25 apuntes de la edición universitaria
    Luisa Fernanda Arris Calderón
    Editorial UPC cumple 25 años ofreciendo producción académica de calidad, y la mejor manera de celebrarlo es compartiendo conocimiento a través de este libro, que refleja que los procesos editoriales siempre son colectivos. 25 apuntes de la edición universitaria reúne las miradas de 31 editores de nueve países, quienes, mediante un recorrido por sus experiencias y testimonios, n...

    18,72 €

  • Motivos de Proteo
    José Enrique Rodó
    José Enrique Rodó (1871-1917) es una figura muy singular dentro del Modernismo latinoamericano. No fue un poeta consagrado ni un bohemio o un dandy, no se dejó seducir por el placer estético hasta el extremo de convertir el arte en religión, pero todos sus escritos se encuentran permeados por una concepción muy sutil del arte y lo poético, por una práctica artística adherida a ...

    24,90 €

  • my mother’s tomorrow
    Karsonya Wise Whitehead
    In 2017, Dr. Kaye began a three-year in-depth ethnographic study within Baltimore’s Black Butterfly neighborhoods, documenting and recording the community stories. In 'you tell them that we’re not invisible, you tell them that we matter,' she met someone from the Poe Homes community, who was filling their pots and pans with water from the fire hydrant after the community had go...

    23,11 €

  • my mother’s tomorrow
    Karsonya Wise Whitehead
    In 2017, Dr. Kaye began a three-year in-depth ethnographic study within Baltimore’s Black Butterfly neighborhoods, documenting and recording the community stories. In 'you tell them that we’re not invisible, you tell them that we matter,' she met someone from the Poe Homes community, who was filling their pots and pans with water from the fire hydrant after the community had go...

    15,69 €