Enciclopedias y obras de consulta

Consulta, información y materias interdisciplinarias / Enciclopedias y obras de consulta (17547)

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  • Handy Farm Devices and How to Make Them
    Rolfe Cobleigh
    A wonderful book for anyone interested in starting their own homestead or small farm. This book will show you how to be self reliant and build the things you’ll need. There are more than 200 illustrations showing you how to make handy farm devices. You’ll learn about the farmer’s workshop and tools, running a grindstone, making a dumb waiter, making a cradle, how to clean a wel...

    27,90 €

  • Handy Farm Devices and How to Make Them
    Rolfe Cobleigh
    A wonderful book for anyone interested in starting their own homestead or small farm. This book will show you how to be self reliant and build the things you’ll need. There are more than 200 illustrations showing you how to make handy farm devices. You’ll learn about the farmer’s workshop and tools, running a grindstone, making a dumb waiter, making a cradle, how to clean a wel...

    27,90 €

  • Wisdom & Wordplay
    Robert Eddison
    Robert Eddison, a national journalist and playwright, has recorded every original thought he has had since June 1997. They now run to many thousand and take the form of witty, and often profound, one-line observations on an awesome variety of (150) different subjects, ranging from childbirth to political correctness. Publications in which they have most recently appeared includ...

    9,97 €

  • All You Need Is Love...and a Cat
    Samantha Snyder
    Calling All Cat Lovers. Color Your Way to Fun, Inspiration, and Relaxation.  'Cats are a mysterious kind of folk.' --Walter Scott  'The cat is nature's beauty.' --French Proverb  'What greater gift than the love of a cat?' --Charles Dickens   All You Need Is Love…and a Cat shares 50 doodle art images of inspiring proverbs, quotes, and sayings printed on one side of the p...

    8,75 €

  • Make Money Writing Books
    Robert W. Lucas
    This concise publication contains proven strategies used by the author of thirty-two books to create a sound revenue stream and sell almost half a million books. In addition to benefitting from lessons learned about the publishing industry and process, readers will gain hundreds of tips and strategies for building and maintaining a solid author platform. These strategies can le...

    11,10 €

  • The Quotable Alexander H. Stephens
    Lochlainn Seabrook
    Was Confederate Vice President Alexander H. Stephens really a 'racist' Dixiecrat who believed that slavery was the 'cornerstone' of the Confederacy, as pro-North writers assert? Was he actually guilty of 'treason' against the U.S., an 'anarchist' who should have been hanged for leading the secession of the Southern states? Of course not. And The Quotable Alexander H. Stephens: ...

    40,87 €

  • E-Publishing and Digital Libraries
    Digital libraries collect, manage, and preserve electronic expressions of knowledge on any subject and in any type or format. Consequently, the creation of a digital library presupposes the respect of the legal norms which govern the pre-existing materials included in the database. E-Publishing and Digital Libraries: Legal and Organizational Issues provides a comprehensive over...

    237,02 €

  • Biogragraphical Encyclopedia
    J. Turner Stilson
    This book presents the personalities, doctrines, divisions and events that shaped an American denomination, the Church of God Abrahamic Faith. Yet, it is more than the chronicle of a denomination, it is a compilation of hundreds of detailed biographies, spanning more than 150 years, plus photos, charts, doctrinal discussions, and more. The book honors and records the faithfuls’...

    34,52 €

  • Resource Development
    Eurydice Moore
    The book is comprised of three divisions which are as follows: Division I - Not-for-Profit Business (NFP) Division II - Resource Development Division III- Funding and Grant WritingThe Not-for-Profit division gives information regarding how to set up a Not-for-Profit such as incorporation, the 501c3 determination status, and focus on the business side of the Not-for-Profit. The ...

    14,59 €

  • Groom and Bride Wedding Speech Guide
    Uoolicorn Wedding
    Crafting the perfect wedding speech can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. The Groom and Bride Wedding Speech Guide is here to help you deliver a speech that will be remembered for all the right reasons.From Anxiety to ConfidenceWhether you’re a natural public speaker or speaking into a microphone terrifies you, this guide will help you overcome your fears. Learn how to co...

    8,08 €

  • Apophthegm
    Miguel Goncalves
    A collection of aphorisms and snippets that are fun and informative. ...

    21,30 €

  • 中国艾滋
    河南农民艾滋病人群是本书书写的主角,他们是这一事件的主体,也是这场灾难的最大受害者,是他们以生命的抗争,揭开了中国艾滋病大悲剧的帷幕。不要无视他们的存在。他们无论死了还是活着,都是一段历史的血证。他们生命的苦难的意义早已超越了'艾滋病'本身,具有警世的意义。 This book documents the true stories about a group of special AIDS victims, the biggest group of blood donor transmitted AIDS population in China - the farmers of Henan province. Their struggle for life opened the curtain of China’s AIDS tragedy, wh...

    26,99 €

  • 中国变革之路
    从1838年清国发生戊戌禁烟以来,社会变革一直是中国近两个世纪以来的不变主题。可以认为,中国近现代史就是一部探索社会如何变革的历史。然而,2018年的戊戌修宪,是一部毅然决然要开倒车走老路的历史;上溯60年的戊戌公社,是一部将七亿民众通往奴役,制造饥饿的历史;上溯120年的戊戌变法,是一部中华民族如何救亡图存的历史;上溯180年的戊戌禁烟,是一部文明与落后、保守与开放激烈较量的历史;再上溯960年,公元1058戊戌之年的王安石变法,是一部华夏民族如何发展农业文明以抵御游牧文明侵蚀的历史。中国进入近代史以来,围绕着四个戊戌年的碰撞与诅咒所形成的破局,如何破除历史的诅咒,如何解除千年的困局,如何实现从破局到开局以及未来的定鼎,过去中国变革经验如何,当下中国理应变革之法,未来中国将会变革之路,一直是民族精英们持续思考与探索的主要历史课题。 ...

    25,44 €

  • A Study of Greek Philosophy
    Ellen M. Mitchell / Ellen MMitchell
    The value of philosophy is the basal assumption in the issue of the above volume. Because of its lofty range of inquiry, its thought-discipline, and its search after the ultimate truth, it ranks among the chief studies that can occupy human attention. Greek philosophy also, from its antecedent and fundamental relation to the later philosophic systems, is a perpetual body of ins...

    12,05 €

  • Things I wish they said in church
    Laura Meyers
    Biblical verses to remind Christians of the hope we have in Christ that aren’t usually said in church. These verses may surprise some and hopefully inspire inclusivity in daily living. ...

    19,77 €

  • Understanding the Function of the Economic Development Administration
    Dennis AuBuchon
    Our economy is strong but the Economic Development Administration which is the subject of this book opened my eyes to the detail of involvement concerning economic development. The subjects covered in this book some of which I would never have thought of as part of the function of economic development. ...

    29,52 €

  • #KickButtMortgageGuy’s First Time Home Buyer Guide
    Ryan J Speltz
    Do you want to learn to buy a home? Look no further than the #KickButtMortgageGuy’s First Time Home Buyer Guide. This book is action packed with tips, tricks and ideas to get your home buying journey started. This book also gives you full access to the #KickButtMortgageGuy himself, Ryan J Speltz. ...

    12,53 €

  • The Path to Reinvention
    Connie Alba-Cohen
    The constant drive for more has filled our lives with a deep unhappiness and has only moved us further away from experiencing a meaningful life.But that doesn’t have to be the reality anymore. In The Path to Reinvention, learn how to create the life you want to live, re-envisioning yourself without the emotional, physical, and mental burden that comes with constantly managing a...

    17,69 €

  • A Common Sense Approach to the Bill of Rights
    Dennis AuBuchon
    This book is about the Bill of Rights in the Constitution. The traditional way of addressing these rights lacks common sense. There have been attacks on these rights from several sources. This book is about using common sense regarding each of the rights we have in the Constitution ...

    10,38 €

  • 行走的犀牛
    英杰 作品
    每个人都有机会选择自己的道路,只是道路并非一帆风顺。或许我们会结伴而行,或许孤身前往。一处独特的风景总是孤独的存在着,一座丰碑总是芸芸众生生活之外的偶尔向往。每一刻我们都在前行,前行的途中总会有真实的草原和野花的芬香。只是你是否丢失了辨识的本能。 ...

    22,36 €

  • 异同
    徐泰来 著
    本书提出了学术思想研究中一个新问题,即关于宇宙万物及人世的异同问题。本书首次运用马克思主义哲学思想研究宇宙万物与人世之异同及其关系。研究了异同与宇宙万物起源的问题;提出了物源于异同的思想;提出了关于异物之间差异、合和、矛盾与斗争的一些想法,认为同者亲,异者和是宇宙万物的本质。研究了异和是力量、是创新、是发展;研究了和而不同、不同而和的问题;研究了趋同趋异、世界大异同的问题;研究了异同与人们思维方法的问题,异向思维问题;研究了异同与人们行为法则的问题,以反面手段达到正面目的的问题,求同存异问题等。 ...

    22,40 €

  • The Handbook for Integrity in the News and Those who Report or Comment on it
    Integrity in the news is not just about the media but also those who report or comment on it. Each of us should be able to draw our own conclusions about events and issues but what is being presented is often does not include all the facts. News reports in many cases only present one viewpoint when both sides of an issue need to be presented or reported for the public to make...

    11,92 €

  • The Handbook for Integrity in the Department of Commerce
    The Department of Commerce is a great resource about the economy but the processes and reports generated must have the principles of integrity within them. The operations, processes and decisions are examined to evaluate whether integrity exist and if not what needs to be changed ...

    11,02 €

  • The Handbook for Constitutional Decisions in the Federal Government
    Today we have a problem with decisions being made by the federal government. Many decisions are being made some of which have a connection to the function and responsibility of the federal government. This is not always the case. All laws, processes and procedures should have a direct connection to the Constitution. Each law, regulation or rule should have a direct connecti...

    11,48 €

  • Avoiding Mayhem
    Charlotte Hodges
    If you’re going off to uni and don’t wanna die, in the unfortunate situation of not feeling like you can go to your parents for advice, and/or find the concept of living away from home daunting, then this book has you (mostly) covered. ’Avoiding Mayhem: A Guide To Living In Shared & University Accommodation’ gives you a fresh, funky, first-hand look into uni life and the proble...

    17,33 €

  • Risalah Tuntunan Shalat Praktis
    Muhammad Vandestra
    Panduan praktis untuk melaksanakan ibadah shalat sesuai ajaran Nabi Muhammad SAW bersumberkan dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran dan Al-Hadist Untuk Masyarakat Umum. ...

    11,32 €

  • A Short History of Measurement and the Origin of Units
    Roderick J. Sinclair
    The book provides a brief outline of the historical origins of units of measurement, the wide variety of units in early times, and the introduction of logical and uniform standards. The main methods of measurement are also outlined. ...

    27,40 €

  • Using Science Investigation to Motivate Students to Read, Write, and Engage in Discourse
    Moulding / Penrod / Wichman
    Science investigation motivates students to read, write, and engage in discourse, allowing teachers to assess deep understanding of science. ...

    39,75 €

  • St. Augustine’s Expositions on the Psalms 1 - 20
    St. Augustine / StAugustine
    This reference work on the Psalter was composed by St. Augustine of Hippo (354 - 430 AD) in the 5th century. St. Augustine was a well-regarded theologian and philosopher, and he served as a bishop in Roman North Africa. His writings greatly influenced the development of Western philosophy. Among his many famous works are, 'The City of God,' 'On Christian Doctrine,' and 'Confess...

    8,80 €

  • First Time Home Buyer Book
    Thomas Frank
    The complete A to Z guide for purchasing a home, definitions, quotes and contact information to lead you and put you on track for homeownership. ...

    11,58 €