El más allá, reencarnación y vidas pasadas

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos / El más allá, reencarnación y vidas pasadas (516)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos Eliminar filtro El más allá, reencarnación y vidas pasadas Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Bible Bluff
    Mariana Stjerna
    The Da Vinci Code tells us that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple and had children together. Is that really correct? Did Jesus die on the cross or did he not? What about the Immaculate Conception? Why was Reincarnation removed at the meeting in Constantinople in the year 553? What function did the Grail have and is it true that Joseph of Arimathea collected the blood of th...

    22,83 €

  • The Bible Bluff
    Mariana Stjerna
    The Da Vinci Code tells us that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple and had children together. Is that really correct? Did Jesus die on the cross or did he not? What about the Immaculate Conception? Why was Reincarnation removed at the meeting in Constantinople in the year 553? What function did the Grail have and is it true that Joseph of Arimathea collected the blood of th...

    15,72 €

  • Nikola Tesla
    Francesca Thoman
    Part One: Healing, in Volume Two, represents an extended “correspondence” between the spirit of Nikola Tesla and Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, as channeled through Francesca Thoman. With Dr. Todd’s permission, all questions in Part One, Healing, are from their exchange, unless otherwise noted.Part Two: Manifestation Magic covers numerous articles that Nikola Tesla wished to present conce...

    17,53 €

  • Exploring the Eternal Soul - Insights from the Life Between Lives
    Andy Tomlinson
    What happens after death? Follow the fascinating journey of a group of ordinary people who have been regressed though a past life and into the afterlife. Using very deep hypnosis the most amazing soul memories surface of a spirit world that waits us all. Piece by piece the book uncovers each step of the journey and is full of illuminating case study extracts.It allows us to tap...

    16,78 €

  • Love Never Dies - A Psychic Artist Illustrates True Stories of the Afterlife
    Jane de Forest
    Psychic artist and medium Jane de Forest draws on the invisible world behind our five senses in this entertaining first-hand account of people reunited with loved ones and animals in the afterlife. She investigates how the connections and bonds shared in earthly relationships are unbroken by death in this richly illustrated book filled with beautiful art and gentle insights. Ba...

    13,26 €

  • Healing the Eternal Soul - Insights from Past Life and Spiritual Regression
    Andy Tomlinson
    Within each of us reside the events and memories of past lives. As the soul returns to life over and over, these traumatic memories are often re-created making little sense in the context of our present life and brought to conscious awareness by obsessions, recurring relationship problems, nightmares, destructive emotional patterns and chronic unexplainable pain. This practical...

    21,65 €

  • El Extraño Caso de Rose Ramires
    Edgard Armond / J.Thomas Saldias MSc.
    El Extraño caso de Rose Ramirez, La Doble Personalidad cuenta la historia real de la joven Rose Ramires, quien desde pequeña demostró ser un espíritu muy sensible. Posteriormente, esta sensibilidad llevó a la manifestación de un caso muy raro de doble personalidad.Rose era brasileña, hija de un rico industrial de São Paulo. En un momento, durante sus estudios universitarios, tu...

    15,60 €

  • De Vuelta a la Vida
    Gilvanize Balbino Pereira / J.Thomas Saldias MSc. / Por el Espíritu Saúl
    Muchos creen que el ser humano vive muchas vidas para que su espíritu, a través de varias existencias, sea capaz de cambiar su personalidad y transformarse positivamente, deshaciéndose de ilusiones para acercarse cada vez más a su esencia divina.La vida permite que sus hijos nazcan, mueran y renazcan - tantas veces como sea necesario -, para descubrir que el amor incondicional ...

    18,72 €

  • Vianna de Carvalho: El Tribuno de Icó
    J.Thomas Saldias MSc. / Luciano Klein Filho
    En una sociedad tan carente de ejemplos de vida cristiana, esta obra cobra enorme dimensión, al presentar la vida de Vianna de Carvalho, Tribuno de Icó, modelo de dedicación incansable a la difusión de la verdad, a pesar de los enormes reveses que una sociedad todavía plagada de prejuicios que se le imponen. ...

    15,60 €

  • Ad Infinitum
    Rafael Arrais
    Quatro personagens. Um diálogo sobre o Uno.A ideia para essa obra surgiu há alguns anos na minha mente, e desde então tem sempre encontrado um meio de me perturbar, no bom sentido, para que saia dela e se irradie no mundo externo. Analisando agora que finalmente comecei, tenho a distinta impressão de estar começando na hora certa, depois de adquirir o conhecimento que julgava s...

    16,21 €

  • Un Ángel en Nuestras Vidas
    Célia Xavier de Camargo / J.Thomas Saldias MSc. / Por el Espíritu César Augusto Melero
    Un Ángel en Nuestra Vida trata un tema comúnmente envuelto en dudas y miedos: la reencarnación.César Augusto, residente de la Colonia CieloAzul, sigue todo el proceso de regreso al cuerpo físico de su amigo. Ahora, le corresponde a César ayudar y apoyar a su amigo en su deseo de regresar a la Tierra para redimir sus errores del pasado. ...

    20,80 €

  • Educando O Espírito
    Marcus De Mario
    Apresentamos Educando o Espírito: Projeto Educação do Espírito, uma adaptação do trabalho implementado em duas instituições espíritas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, que obtiveram pleno êxito, e que não podíamos deixar restrito no âmbito de apenas dois centros espíritas: o Projeto Educação do Espírito. Devo ressaltar, a bem da verdade, que o trabalho não é somente meu, é coletivo,...

    11,91 €

  • The Death of the Planet
    By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Nadya Soto / Vera Kryzhanovskaia
    A psychographed work from 1911, but totally current thanks to the vigorous imagination of the author. A magician full of powers travels through different epochs in time, arriving at a not-too-distant future with news that will affect the planet Earth as a whole. Then, the characters become aware of the impending reality.'For many days the temperature had become less and less pl...

    26,00 €

  • La Abadía de los Benedictinos
    Conde J.W. Rochester / J.Thomas Saldias MSc. / Vera Kryzhanovskaia
    Europa, siglo XIII. Macabras tramas tienen lugar en la Abadía Benedictina, una orden religiosa imaginada por la gente común como un santuario de modestos poderes y oraciones, donde se prescribía a los monjes una vida de pobreza, castidad y obediencia. Pero lo que presenciaremos en esta obra es otro panorama de viles ilusiones, en el que la venganza y la persecución parecen tras...

    26,00 €

  • Amor E Conhecimento
    Edomberto Freitas Alves Rodrigues
    Neste livro envolvente, acompanhe a jornada de Marcus e Lívia, duas almas destinadas a atravessar vidas passadas e encarnações, em busca das verdades mais profundas da existência. Uma história de amor, espiritualidade e autoconhecimento que nos leva além das fronteiras do tempo, explorando a complexidade da alma humana e a luta contra as sombras interiores. Uma narrativa cativa...

    15,50 €

  • A Caminho Da Redenção
    Edomberto Freitas Alves Rodrigues
    Essa é uma obra extraordinária que o transportará através do tempo e do espaço, revelando uma narrativa profunda e Emocionante. Esta história, narrada por Eliakim, oferece uma perspectiva única sobre a redenção, a espiritualidade e a busca universal por amor e compaixão. Eliakim, um espírito que transcende gerações e civilizações, compartilha sua jornada em busca de perdão e re...

    13,41 €

  • U84 Mudança E Renovação
    Elbio Brignol
    O Planeta Terra passa por grandes transformações devido ao descaso da humanidade com sua preservação. Muitas pessoas acabam morrendo em virtude dessas mudanças. Seus espíritos são encaminhados a um planeta próximo onde passam por uma grande evolução e saem em grupos para praticar o bem em outros planetas voando a bordo da grandiosa espaçonave U84. Seu primeiro destino: Netuno, ...

    11,80 €

  • Broken scepters
    Gilvanize Balbino Pereira
    Hatred, and violence spread horror in Spain, in the 16th century. Men, women, and children are persecuted, imprisoned, and tortured by the Inquisition. Wicked spirits sow discord, attracted by those who use the name of God to satisfy their ambitions. Marked by past compromises, many are called to give their testimony of faith. At the dawn of a new era, opposing forces confront ...

    15,60 €

  • El Martirio de los Suicidas
    Almerindo Martins de Castro / J.Thomas Saldias MSc.
    Este libro pretende llevar a cabo una urgente misión de rescate, para ser consultado por aquellos que están angustiados y desesperados, atormentados o desilusionados, derrotados y desorientados, víctimas del negativismo y la rebelión, y que, precisamente por eso, se quejan o suplican aclaraciones de las dudas y de los problemas que les aquejan, pero en unas pocas líneas, en una...

    15,60 €

  • From the Realm of the Shadows
    By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Valery Acuña Sandoval / Vera Kryzhanovskaia
    Magic, passion, delirium, money, hatred and revenge make up the atmosphere of the amazing plot created by spiritual author Rochester and presented to readers as a beautiful lesson for those who, without realizing it, fall into uncertain paths from incarnation to incarnation.Resurrected, Dr. Zatorsky, now in the skin of a Hindu, returns to rescue Mery from the forces of evil. Wi...

    13,00 €

  • El Castillo de Sueños
    J.Thomas Saldias MSc. / Por el Espíritu Antônio Carlos / Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho
    Silas es un chico inteligente, estudioso y dulce. Hijo de agricultores, tiene cuatro hermanos. Es trabajador, dedicado y admirado por su padre. Su humildad es cautivadora: se olvida de sí mismo y vibra con las alegrías de sus hermanos. Su alma está radiante, pero su cuerpo está lejos de ser tan hermoso. Silas tiene una joroba y su apariencia molesta a algunas personas: labios g...

    15,60 €

  • El Sonámbulo
    J.Thomas Saldias MSc. / Por el Espíritu Antônio Carlos / Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho
    Daniel, que es Nic el sonámbulo, tiene miedo de irse a dormir. Durante el sueño, una extraña fuerza se apodera de tu cuerpo, y cualquier cosa puede pasar... Entre las sombras, una figura se mueve atormentada. Víctimas de la violencia, mujeres indefensas pierden la vida de madrugada, en manos de un cruel e insaciable asesino. Al amanecer, los zapatos de Daniel están cubiertos de...

    15,60 €

  • The Orchid´s Cave
    By the Spirit Antônio Carlos / Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho / Yesenia Calla Rojas
    Nico is a wealthy and influential landowner, threatened by a group of criminals suspected of practicing black magic. Worried about his granddaughter and the other children, he hires a private detective, to whom he delegates the mission of finding out who is responsible for the heinous crimes that have occurred in the city. During the investigations, unpredictable events occur i...

    18,72 €

  • You make tomorrrow
    By the Spirit Marco Aurélio / Marcelo Cezar
    As we face life on Earth, forgotten from the past, we are surrounded by social beliefs based on appearance, which lead to materialism, prejudice, class struggle and the total inversion of spiritual values that work for the good of all.But Life is much more than it seems, and it works for each one to develop their latent potentials. Illusions fade and contrast so the truth becom...

    23,92 €

  • Under the Border
    Aeryn Vega Guillermo / By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Vera Kryzhanovskaia
    Around the 1500s, in a period of many revolutions and fights, wrath and loathing were determining factors in peoples lives, in which the rivalry between a place and love for someone could be taken to extremes, setting logic aside.The plot also portrays some historical issues lived along the way, such as the fight of Russian people to maintain their traditions and religion again...

    12,48 €

  • The Larks Horizon
    By the Spirit Ferdinando / Gilvanize Balbino Pereira
    A century before the birth of Jesus Christ, ambition and violence reign on Earth, especially in Rome. One of the most feared generals of the time, Titus Octavius Gracus, expands the domains of the empire by force of the sword, oppressing the peoples who refuse to accept his sovereignty.Devoted to the only God, pious creatures hopefully await the arrival of the Messiah announced...

    15,60 €

  • Soul of my Soul
    By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Maria Gertrudes
    A novel by the renowned spiritual author J.W. Rochester who, with his characteristic style, transmits us exciting events that take place in the fields and in the great St. Petersburg of Russia in the 19th century. In this period of strong social unrest, with the first manifestations of the Marxist-inspired movement, the captivating family story of the intrepid farmer Iulian is ...

    20,80 €

  • Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
    By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Mercedes Ramirez Pichihua / Vera Kryzhanovskaia
    Dagmara story. The romance of his life, of a choice. A disciple of Detinguen, her adoptive father, she oscillates between professing a simple and pure faith, or offering her knowledge and her pain to society. In the midst of this, the dreams take the form of a karmic rescue, bringing together again the spirits that were once entwined in madness to be redeemed now. The forces of...

    18,72 €

  • The Night of Saint Bartholomew
    By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Vera Kryzhanovskaia
    Saint Bartholomew’s Night is the mass murder of Huguenots - French Protestant Christians of Calvinist doctrine - during the French Wars of Religion of the 16th century. It began on the night of August 23-24, 1572 in Paris, and spread for months across the country.It was a fanatical, immediate and cruel movement that, in the 'name of God', committed the most atrocious atrocities...

    26,00 €

  • La Fuerza de la Vida
    J.Thomas Saldias MSc. / Por el Espíritu Lucius / Zibia Gasparetto
    Las sabias leyes de la vida nos colocan siempre frente a la verdad, obligándonos a ver nuestras debilidades para que aprendamos, así, a obrar a favor de nuestro progreso.Esto le sucedió a Marlene, una hermosa joven de la alta sociedad de Río de Janeiro que, acostumbrada a que todos sus caprichos fueran atendidos, se dejó llevar por la vanidad, atrayendo a sí misma situaciones n...

    15,60 €