Diarios, cartas y diarios de navegación

Biografía e historias reales / Diarios, cartas y diarios de navegación (10177)

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  • I like to write back
    Gareth Saunders
    What do you do with unsolicited emails? Ignore them? Delete them? Let your spam filter swallow them? What if you were to reply to them?That’s exactly what Gareth did in October 2009. Fed up of people wasting his time sending him emails about search engine optimisation opportunities, or who wanted to place adverts and guest posts on his blog, instead of rolling his eyes, tutting...

    10,38 €

  • Encontrará nada
    M.J Pradera
    Una experiencia de juventud que actúa como vacuna, aunque no acabe de inmunizar contra los imposiblesUn poemario que se inició en la primavera de 2020 durante el estado de alarma de la pandemia mundial, cuando charlar con otras personas se puso difícil y la autora, en lugar de aprovechar la situación para descansar, se puso a conversar de forma imaginaria con espectros del pasa...

    15,60 €

  • J. Calvin Coolidge
    J. Calvin Coolidge
    J. CALVIN COOLIDGE: LETTERS FROM THE KOREAN WAR follows Coolidge from his early farming days in West Springfield, Massachusetts, to the front lines of the Korean War.Calvin’s younger sister Ann is awakened when a telegram arrives informing the family that Private Coolidge has been wounded during the bitter battle of Kings Hill (Hill 902 in North Korea). Calvin writes to his fri...

    25,28 €

  • Argimusco - Il talismano stellare
    Questa storia inizia su Argimusco. A Montalbano Elicona nel Medioevo vivevano i Regnanti Aragonesi. Essi 'adoravano' le stelle e le fecero riprodurre in delle statue. Un giorno in quei luoghi venne il medico e alchimista Arnaldo da Villanova a realizzare il progetto di un grande talismano di pietra. Per non essere tacciati d’idolatria i Re Aragonesi dovettero sospendere i lavor...

    21,30 €

  • Relatos abulenses contra el cáncer infantil
    José Antonio Fernández de la Orden
    Este libro está escrito por 22 autores/as abulenses.Relatos de misterio, humor, leyendas, cuentos... se unen para recaudar fondospara el cáncer infantil. ...

    20,00 €

  • Lletres de batalla
    Joan de Montpalau / Joanot Martorell
    El 12 de maig de 1437 Joanot Martorell, el futur autor de Tirant lo Blanch, va enviar una primera lletra de batalla al seu cosí Joan de Montpalau. Lacusava dhaver seduït la seua germana Damiata amb la promesa que es casaria. I li desafiava en un combat si no complia el seu compromís. Montpalau va negar taxativament haver promés res. Al llarg de quasi tot un any els dos cavaller...

    14,00 €

  • Hoot ’n Gin
    Virginia N. & Michael N.
    When Virginia and Michael begin recovery from alcoholism in Alcoholics Anonymous, they correspond several times a week. They view letter writing and their deepening relationship as a lifeline in the chaos of change. Letters selected from over 2000 written during the next fi ve years chronicle the raw material of their recovery. As their recovery becomes increasingly mired in co...

    16,95 €

  • Hoot ’n Gin
    Virginia N. & Michael N.
    When Virginia and Michael begin recovery from alcoholism in Alcoholics Anonymous, they correspond several times a week. They view letter writing and their deepening relationship as a lifeline in the chaos of change. Letters selected from over 2000 written during the next fi ve years chronicle the raw material of their recovery. As their recovery becomes increasingly mired in co...

    23,43 €

    Il libro raccogli le opere pervenute e selezione alla V edizione del premio letterario Teresa Cognetta e propone la ricostruzione storica della deportazione e decimazione per opera nazista di 122 militari italiani a Nichel T. oltre ad una scelta di poesie del poeta Rocco Giuseppe Tassone ...

    23,44 €

    González de Aledo Linos, Álvaro
    En este libro el navegante santanderino, autor de otros relatos de navegación con su pequeño velero de seis metros, nos cuenta la vuelta a Italia que dieron en 2021. Bueno, en realidad quien lo cuenta es el barquito, pues está redactado en primera persona por el “Corto Maltés” tal y como vivió la circunnavegación de Italia desde el agua. Era el segundo año de la pandemia por Co...

    19,00 €

  • Cómo sobrevivir a una pandemia
    Erma Cárdenas
    Pertenezco a una generación privilegiada: en México no sufrimos los horrores de la Segunda Guerra Mundial ni sus angustiosas consecuencias. Quizá por este motivo estábamos totalmente indefensos. Ignorábamos cómo enfrentar una crisis, mucho menos de consecuencias catastróficas. Al principio, este diario fue mi manera de sobrevivir; hoy es el inicio de un diálogo. Necesito comuni...

    15,00 €

  • Mongibel
    Graziella Milazzo
    Mongibel è una accolta di Poesie in lingua e in dialetto siciliano. Il premio di Poesia Mongibel ha lo scopo di recuperare la tradizione poetica biancavillese e di tutti i paesi che si trovano sotto il Mongibello, così è infatti chiamata l’Etna anticamente. ...

    14,81 €

    President Singh
    End of day The India Became A Superpower, A Supreme Country , A wellwisher and though the Fighting Spirit never died , I did the suicidal nervous bearing a Facebook from my own Blood. I will take 10 Chapters to read my allimony and my future alliance with this country...my native America and my Fellow Honourable Americans....Bite Your Sandwich with Cream and Ease.Operation Spec...

    11,52 €

  • Salamis & Swastikas
    Steve Stoliar
    'Steve Stoliar’s book is a richly satisfying read. The book’s heart is a priceless - and, fortunately, preserved -  collection of his soldier father’s personal letters home from World War II. A rare, moving, colorful, and intimate look at war from inside the beast. A book to remember.' - DICK CAVETT (Author/Talk-Show Host) 'I found the book very entertaining, full of good stuff...

    32,53 €

  • Life and Letters of Emily Dickinson
    Emily Dickinson / Martha Dickinson Bianchi
    Published in 1924, The Life and Letters of Emily Dickinson is a biography by her niece Martha Dickinson Bianchi. Featuring detailed biographical essays and her letters, for the first time arranged chronically, the book stands as a retelling of her aunt’s life from the perspective of family in an attempt to challenge the image of Emily Dickinson as a cold, isolated woman of myst...

    22,19 €

  • Life and Letters of Toru Dutt
    Toru Dutt
    Life and Letters of Toru Dutt (1921) is a biography of Toru Dutt. Comprising biographical sections by scholar Harihar Das, selections from her many letters, and commentary on her novels and translations, Life and Letters of Toru Dutt is an invaluable resource for information on a pioneering figure in Indian history and Bengali literature. Born in Calcutta to a family of Bengali...

    22,15 €

  • Cartas de ida y vuelta
    Anita Blanco Fernández
    Anita Blanco nos presenta las vivencias de Violeta, una mujer que con escritura sencilla describe a modo de diario las experiencias y sentimientos que han ido dejando huella en sus protagonistas, mujeres y hombres que viven de forma apasionada el amor y el desamor, la emigración, la poesía y el placer de viajar.Violeta, siendo una niña de apenas dos años, se vio en brazos de su...

    28,00 €

  • Glimpses of Bengal
    Rabindranath TAGORE
    Glimpses of Bengal: The Letters of Tagore (1917) is a selection of letters by Rabindranath Tagore. Published after Tagore received the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature, Glimpses of Bengal: The Letters of Tagore collects letters from 1885 to 1895, a period designated by the author as 'the most productive period of [his] literary life.' Bridging the gap between fiction and nonficti...

    16,27 €

  • I for an I
    I for an I is an epistolary anthology that consists of letters by the writers addressed to their five-year younger selves. There is a lot that we wish we could say or do to ourselves when we were younger. We do this in the hope that maybe we might have done things differently and have led ourselves to a better life at this point in life. Penning these thoughts down sometimes he...

    13,05 €

  • Your’s loveable daughter
    Rohita Sellapan
    This stories which revolve Tahiro and her loveable mother, who they are live in normal life but more happiness. Suddenly a sad things started to happened in her life. This book consists full of motivation and emotions. This tells the love of mother and debit of her Nation response. And the author given some short story and motivation life quotes to children and older readers. D...

    11,82 €

    Lia Schiavo Pontalto
    E’ un libro di trincea, sospeso tra silenzi, dubbi, sofferenze e sentimento d’impotenza. Ci sono dentro dei versi, dei pensieri sparsi, un romanzo non finito che tale resterà, perché ultimandolo lo snaturerei. E’ nato in ostaggio di un tempo malato, una pandemia che ci ha cambiati, che nonostante la nostra resistenza e il nostro combatterci contro, ci ha profondamente mutati re...

    21,16 €

  • Salamis & Swastikas (hardback)
    Steve Stoliar
    'Steve Stoliar’s book is a richly satisfying read. The book’s heart is a priceless - and, fortunately, preserved -  collection of his soldier father’s personal letters home from World War II. A rare, moving, colorful, and intimate look at war from inside the beast. A book to remember.' - DICK CAVETT (Author/Talk-Show Host) 'I found the book very entertaining, full of good stuff...

    33,49 €

  • The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard, Volume 1
    Robert E. Howard
    Discover some of the early elements of writing style and personality that would go on to define Robert E. Howard, the professional writer. Known to his friends and family simply as 'Bob,' these early letters illustrate a life-long interest in poetry, boxing, folk songs, and the Irish and the Celts. These letters provide an intimate window as Howard works to develop his writer’s...

    36,02 €

  • Global One Ten
    Karanvir Singh
    It’s been a research disease that Policy from My Admin Combos got me in transferring a trouble to USA after India got blamed in furry at Judgement Day ..Now I’m holding Carleton on Cars and Aircraft from Boeing to DeTcG FBI and Evacuate the Permissible Persons from My Injury as President. ...

    12,76 €

    Anna Maria Milazzo / Flavia La Cava
    Racconti e Poesie di autori famosi e di donne comuni. ...

    12,80 €

  • Dear Goldie Hawn, Dear Leonard Cohen
    Claudia Sternbach
    After suffering a devastating loss, Claudia writes letters to family and friends, the famous and the infamous, as a means to explore the events in her own life and find meaning in human connections.In this third memoir by Claudia Sternbach, she once again knits together fragments - this time using letters written to the likes of Goldie Hawn, Leonard Cohen, Vermeer, the Real Hou...

    14,01 €

    Barbara Pritchard / James Blake
    While in Vietnam in 1969, a 19 year old Marine met a Navy medic (Doc). The Navy medic asked his 16 year old sister-in-law to write a buddy of his because he thought they were a good match. So the young marine and girl introduced themselves in letters and started writing to each other. They never met in person; they met through their letter writing. They didn’t have the chance t...

    29,56 €

  • The Letters of Evelyn Underhill
    Evelyn Underhill

    14,10 €

  • Mother’s Letters to Vati
    Winfried Goethert
    What started with cleaning out a desk drawer turned into a find that would lead our family on a journey thought the uncertain life in post-war Germany.The letters between our parent in 1945 and 1946 not only discussed the daily struggles and pain of separation but also the look into the how the families of German scientists lived before coming to America. ...

    38,93 €

  • Parte de guerra
    Juan Julián Herraiz
    Noventa y ocho días de confinamiento podrían parecer poco tiempo en el transcurso de una vida, pero la huella en la conciencia individual y colectiva puede marcar en lo más profundo a toda una generación. Los acontecimientos se suceden intensamente marcados por el tic-tac de un reloj vital que no se detiene. Es este un diario escrito en forma autobiográfica, donde se confronta ...

    15,00 €