Ciencia ficción (infantil/juvenil)

Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos / Ficción e historias reales infantiles y juveniles / Ciencia ficción (infantil/juvenil) (1709)

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  • In Quaking Hills
    Kate MacLeod
    After spending the last four days of her life hiding out from a deadly solar particle storm in an underground bunker, trapped with six treacherous women and a trio of girl assassins, Scout Shannon just wants to find the man who conned her mentor and leave her home world for good.Alas, the long-threatened war draws nearer and Scout finds herself caught in the middle, surrounded ...

    14,88 €

  • A Most Unlikely Hero, Volume 2
    Brandon Varnell
    Sometimes life gives you lemons. Other times it gives you bodacious alien babes.Alexander S. Ryker has decided to let Gabrielle continue living with him, despite now knowing that she is the daughter to the Emperor of the Galaxy. Whether this was a sound decision remains to be seen. Between the two of them constantly making inventions that explode, the sexy situations that he in...

    16,15 €

  • Quest for Truth Galaxy
    Brock Eastman
    4 Short stories from the Quest for Truth GalaxyWaste Deep:When a piece of construction equipment breaks free of the ice and collides with the undersea colony, Grey Wikk must save three of his classmates who only moments ago were calling him names. Originally published in Clubhouse Magazine in July 2016, Waste Deep is from the galaxy of The Quest for Truth. Grey Wikk is one of t...

    12,24 €

  • The CrimeFighters
    Chris McClean
    The CrimeFighters are a group of superheroes that are also law-enforcement officers and first responders. The CrimeFighters are friends that work together to fight crime and make the streets safer. They are equipped with special armored suits that have features that are linked to each of their skills and professions. The CrimeFighters group consists of junior versions of a Poli...

    10,47 €

  • Shadows Falling
    Melyssa Williams
    Sonnet has all but given up on her now. Unlike others of the Lost, Rose has the ability to manipulate her powers and can travel through time at will, deciding which eras she wants to travel to. Unfortunately, the traveling has taken a toll on her mind and body. For a perfectly sane girl, power of this nature could be a gift. For Rose however, it’s not only a danger to her, but ...

    11,49 €

  • The Demon in the Embers
    Julia Edwards
    If you know how the Great Fire of London starts, you can stop it from happening ... can’t you?Joe Hopkins has been visiting the Tower of London when he slips through time. He finds himself in a city which is dirty, dark and chaotic.Relieved to be welcomed once more into Lucy’s home, he is horrified to find the Great Plague has killed half her family. Worse still, another great ...

    16,09 €

  • Kyle Evans and the Key to the Universe
    Rob H Hunt
    Some kids love adventure, and dream of being a hero. Ten-year-old Kyle Evans is not one of those kids, but when a giant hole appears in his bedroom and swallows his mom, a hero is what Kyle must become. Kyle sets out on the journey of a lifetime, and discovers along the way that Battle Droids are scarier than Search Droids, Kranken are more terrifying than either of these, and ...

    6,97 €

  • Echo Into Darkness
    Skye Genaro
    The exciting sequel to the award-winning Echo Across Time.So close to death that he could probably taste it, Connor set his gaze on his hidden audience. At a moment when most prisoners would lash out in panic, he stared down his tormentors. Behind that stormy, warring face was a tenderness that only I knew. A devotion that ran so deep, he had risked everything to search for me ...

    12,76 €

  • Flicker
    Melanie Hooyenga
    Biz is a perfectly normal teenager except for one minor detail: she uses sunlight to jump back to yesterday. She takes advantage of flickering by retaking Trig tests, fixing fights with her boyfriend (or reliving the making up), and repeating pretty much anything that could be done better. Trouble is, flickering makes her head explode from the inside. Or feel like it anyway.No ...

    13,41 €

  • Sinergia
    Samira Blanco Ríos
    Adéntrate en un apasionante viaje donde el amor y el peligro se entrelazan en Sinergia. Cameron, una joven migrante, descubre el verdadero significado del amor, pero no imagina los oscuros secretos que lo acompañan. Cuando un inesperado accidente cambia sus vidas para siempre, se encuentra atrapada entre el irresistible encanto de dos hombres: Dorian y Rodrigo, ambos dispuestos...

    13,76 €

  • Algo inesperado
    Abigail Strickland
    Óscar Baracchi ha completado su postgrado en Finanzas y se encuentra preparado para asumir el control del imperio hotelero construido por su familia. Con una reputación de siempre hacer lo correcto y buscar lo mejor para todos, su vida amorosa es el área que nunca ha logrado controlar. Sin embargo, todo cambia cuando se siente atraído por Isabela Torres, una joven que apenas co...

    17,32 €

  • Mi vida en tu mirada
    Sabrina Castillo
    En 'Mi vida en tu mirada', Emily lucha por despejar su mente y encontrar respuestas a sus sentimientos mientras regresa a Londres con su madre y Olivia, dos semanas después de abandonar el hospital. La sombra de Leon, su 'prometido', se cierne sobre ella, confundiendo sus pensamientos y emociones en cada esquina de la ciudad.Mientras tanto, Lucas intenta rehacer su vida en Alem...

    20,47 €

  • El viaje aventurero de Nico
    Niklas Höfinger
    Nico tiene que mudarse de nuevo y dejar su querido hogar, Austria. No le gusta nada. El nuevo destino de sus padres es Pamplona, España.¿Qué le espera allí? Comienza una aventura extraordinaria. ...

    11,98 €

  • Javier y la orden del temple
    Mª Pilar López
    Javier y sus tres primos aventureros Rafa y los gemelos Jose Miguel y Beatriz,que ya conocemos de episodios anteriores, en compañía de los profesores conocidos en aventuras anteriores, se enfrentan a un nuevo lanceparticipando con ello en nuevos y emocionantes descubrimientos en la bonita villa de Braga, Portugal. ...

    17,68 €

  • El misterio del sarcófago (3ª Ed)
    José Palacios
    El misterio del sarcófago es uno de esos libros deliciosos que, aunque ha sido escrito pensando en los lectores jóvenes y adolescentes, se puede disfrutar a cualquier edad.La historia, bien construida, con un relato ágil, un lenguaje sencillo y un ritmo trepidante, atrapa al lector desde el principio.Momias, ladrones de tumbas, tesoros ocultos, pasadizos secretos, robos, secues...

    15,00 €

  • The Bizarre Events at Hellman Elementary
    Richard M. Born / Richard MBorn
    Schools can have myths and legends. Hellman Elementary is no different. However, the legends are little bit stranger. How many schools can say Bigfoot teaches the fifth grade science class? Or that a mysterious frogman hops around the school at night? Who knows what could be lurking behind the locked doors of the school? And going to the principal’s office may mean you’re never...

    9,68 €

  • Galactic Passages
    Anson Vargo / Dean / Dean Vargo
    This is a science fiction adventure about how progressive hunger for wealth and power within a society [Planet Raihan] have resulted in duping other planets into mining valuable ore for them amidst the orbital hazards of Planet 6333. They have severely hurt other cultures along the way; raising themselves galactic prominence through manipulation of the relationship between a pl...

    30,85 €

  • Las aventuras del Capitán Snake
    Alexia Basso Torres
    Tres amigos, una serpiente y un pirata de fuego. La curiosidad de Jasper, Xia y Rocky, les llevará a vivir aventuras que nunca hubieran imaginado: encuentros con piratas, legados familiares, tesoros escondidos, leyendas mágicas ¿Y tú, te animas a despertar tu curiosidad?Alexia Basso, escritora, artista y madre, es la autora de este libro, el primero de una saga de aventuras ext...

    14,94 €

  • Revived in Gold
    Reagan Dillard
    Dillard, Adira had been abandoned by her parents, left at an orphanage as a child. In those years, her dark nature only became more toxic, to her and to others. Yet when two warriors steal her away from the life she knew, she begins to understand that there are things out there scarier than she is.Two races of mystic beings are at war, a war the world is unaware of. Adira finds...

    18,86 €

  • Meera’s Flowers
    Amy Jivani / Jean-Paul James Carrington Churchward / TBD
    This book is Dyslexic inclusive; it is printed in a font that everyone can read, including people with dyslexia.It was Friday afternoon at school, and Meera could hardly contain her excitement. She couldn’t wait to get home and start helping her mom and dad with preparations for Saturday’s Onam celebration. All of her family and friends would come together to celebrate what was...

    17,63 €

  • Heredero
    Josemaría Carreras Guixé
    Un peligro insospechado amenaza la paz de la ciudad fortificada de Fuir: ha aparecido un enemigo al que no se puede vencer sólo con la espada. Para saber cómo enfrentarse a la invasión, será necesario rescatar del olvido las tradiciones más antiguas. Sin embargo, cuando los más sabios se atreven a escuchar las viejas leyendas, pueden verse obligados a tomar decisiones dolorosas...

    14,92 €

  • El increible viaje del Apolo 11
    Mónica Pallardó
    Conoce todos los detalles del viaje más sorprendente de la historia de la Humanidad. En qué contexto histórico tuvo lugar, los descubrimientos que se llevaron a cabo, quienes eran los tres astronautas y cuáles fueron los contratiempos a los que tuvieron que hacer frente en cada momento. Novela juvenil de carácter científico basada en hechos reales, con fotografías originales de...

    11,99 €

  • A Skip in Time
    Morgan Bruce
    April 2012, Auckland, New Zealand. When twelve-year-old Martyn Brooks wakes up one morning to find himself in a totally unfamiliar world, it’s just the start of his nightmare day. He’s still in the same bedroom in the same house he’s always lived in, but somehow it’s all changed. All his belongings in his room are no longer there.Then a strange woman opens the door and demands ...

    16,63 €

  • A Skip in Time
    Morgan Bruce
    April 2012, Auckland, New Zealand. When twelve-year-old Martyn Brooks wakes up one morning to find himself in a totally unfamiliar world, it’s just the start of his nightmare day. He’s still in the same bedroom in the same house he’s always lived in, but somehow it’s all changed. All his belongings in his room are no longer there.Then a strange woman opens the door and demands ...

    25,83 €

  • A Hero Is
    Nikki Rogers
    A Hero Is was specially written to inspire young boys to be everyday heroes by highlighting qualities such as loyalty, compassion, resourcefulness, justice and courage.'Every boy can be a hero, brave knight or superman, by helping others, doing right and being the best he can.' 3 ...

    17,10 €

  • Madness
    Aurore Muse
    Isabelle is an independent girl who’s lost her parents. As she finds out that her brother is about to sell their parents’ home, Isabelle’s world spins out of control, and a meeting with a mysterious stranger promises the adventure she’s always dreamed of. As she gets ready to go on this adventure, she begins to find clues as to what may have actually happened to her parents. Un...

    7,95 €

  • Verbedíns: La leyenda del Arcano
    Hace más de 500 años se inició un conflicto conocido como la guerra de las tintas. Todo provocado por la leyenda de un artefacto que es capaz de otorgar poderes sobrenaturales a las personas. Uno de los bandos buscaba el artefacto (Los Sinns) y el otro trataba de ocultarlo al mismo tiempo ue buscaba detener la guerra (Los Verbedins). Ninguno consiguió su objetivo pero, como tod...

    15,82 €

  • Diary Of A Minecraft Teenage Spy 3
    Sammy Spy
    Are you ready for a Minecraft dragon adventure? Sounds like you need the village teenage spy by your side!In this funny action series, we get to read the diary of a real school Minecraft spy.SAM COOPER IS 14 YEARS OLD, and his village isn’t like anything you have ever seen before.You see, he lives in a minecraft village, where everything is made from blocks and dangerous creatu...

    23,37 €

  • Lucid Design
    Kate Tailor
    Winner of the 2020 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Silver Medal for Young Adult Fiction!What if the next big drug was you?Lucid is that next big drug.It gives its user the ability to sense and control other people’s bodies. Scientists and drug dealers seek its power. There’s just one catch. This drug can’t be made in a lab, only by the rare person’s body.Raleigh is an anomaly who makes ...

    13,74 €

  • Robot the Robot is Here to Help!
    Matt Youngmark
    Robot is a helper robot, not a delivery robot, an investigator robot, a teaching robot, or a relaxing robot. But in these four charming, fully-illustrated tales, Robot learns that we can all be much more than we were ever programmed to be.Because Robot isn’t a boy or a girl (Robot is a robot), this book is designed to teach the singular they pronoun. Many adults struggle to ret...

    18,44 €