Budismo tibetano

Humanidades / Religión y creencias / Budismo / Budismo tibetano (371)

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  • Các vị Đại sư tái sinh Tây Tạng
    Nguyễn Minh Tiến
    Cho đến nay, hầu chưa có một công trình nghiên cứu hoàn chỉnh nào về lịch sử Mật tông được công bố. Những khó khăn về mặt sử liệu có thể làm nản lòng ngay cả các nhà nghiên cứu nhiệt tình và nghiêm túc nhất, bởi họ gần như không biết phải bắt đầu từ đâu, và cũng không có gì nhiều ngoài những mảnh vụn rải rác trong các truyền thuyết, hoặc những trích dẫn không mang tính hệ thống...

    16,65 €

  • Whispers from the Land of Snows. Culture-based Violence in Tibet
    Fanny Morel Iona Morel
    This study focuses on the struggle of Tibetans for the recognition of their most fundamental rights and freedoms. In addition, it investigates the correlation between violations of cultural rights and the violence committed by state actors against a community rooted in a profoundly Buddhist society. Collaboration with Tibetans was at the heart of the participative approach adop...

    28,27 €

  • Echa tajemniczej krainy
    Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski
    Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski jest pierwszym polskim pisarzem, naukowcem, aktywistą i odkrywcą. W 1905 r. przeprowadził się do Harbinu, w Mandżurii. Wtedy podróżował z Korei do Cieśniny Beringa. Uwięziony z powodu jego patriotycznej i rewolucyjnej postawy, klęska carskiego rządu na Syberii w 1920 r. zmusiła go do ucieczki do Mongolii. Tam doradza słynnemu baronowi Ungernowi. Róż...

    16,52 €

  • Ludzie, zwierzęta, bogowie
    Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski
    Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski jest pierwszym polskim pisarzem, naukowcem, aktywistą i odkrywcą. W 1905 r. przeprowadził się do Harbinu, w Mandżurii. Wtedy podróżował z Korei do Cieśniny Beringa. Uwięziony z powodu jego patriotycznej i rewolucyjnej postawy, klęska carskiego rządu na Syberii w 1920 r. zmusiła go do ucieczki do Mongolii. Tam doradza słynnemu baronowi Ungernowi. Róż...

    39,73 €

  • El gran libro de los Dalai Lamas
    Bernard Baudouin
    * El Dalai Lama, el más alto líder espiritual del pueblo tibetano, hasta 1959 (fecha de la ocupación por parte de China) era también el principal responsable político del Tíbet. Elevada figura del budismo, está considerado la manifestación del Buda de la Compasión, reencarnado para servir a las personas. De hecho, su título significa «Océano de Sabiduría» en mongol. * En este l...

    12,43 €

  • Parables from the Heart
    Ringu Tulku
    This volume collects together the stories Ringu Tulku tells as part of his regular teaching of the Dharma. Extracted from previously published teachings, they are presented here with a brief note of the context in which they originally appeared and notes on the teaching they convey. Of course, part of the joy of stories as teachings is that their precise meaning is given to rea...

    17,11 €

  • The Citadel of Awareness
    Anam Thubten
    Dzogchen is a particular practice that has its own history and tradition while it illuminates a timeless, universal truth. It can be regarded as the nondual aspect of Buddhism that transcends most doctrines. The aspiration prayer by eighteenth-century Dzogchen master, Jigme Lingpa, thoroughly covers the entire system of Dzogchen. It allows people to have a full comprehension of...

    32,00 €

  • Dzogchen
    Tony Duff
    Zhechen Gyaltshab was one of the principal masters of Zhechen Monastery in East Tibet, the monastery where Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche made his home before leaving Tibet. The Zhechen Gyal-tsab’s have always been regarded as highly learned and accomplished and this comes through in the clarity of the instructions in his text.The text is a short but very clear presentation of the ess...

    27,97 €

  • The Nine Ways of Bon
    David Snellgrove
    To practising bonpos, Bon simply means the true religion of Tibet, while to Tibetan Buddhists, Bon refers to the false teachings and practices that were prevalent before Buddhism finally succeeded in gaining a firm hold on the country. The present study resulted from a period during which the author, a renowned scholar of Asian languages and cultures, was engaged in intense con...

    54,96 €

  • Mandala Luxury Coloring Book
    On these pages, you will find our Mandalas coloring pages made to help youfeel better!Did you know?To Tibetans, mandalas are the Architecture of Enlightenment. A mandala creates atemple in two dimensions and this temple is accessible to the human mind inmeditation.These coloring pages offer relaxation, hope, insight, and comfort to people who arejust ready to color them. The ra...

    10,67 €

  • Mandala Luxury Coloring Book
    On these pages, you will find our Mandalas coloring pages made to help youfeel better!Did you know?To Tibetans, mandalas are the Architecture of Enlightenment. A mandala creates atemple in two dimensions and this temple is accessible to the human mind inmeditation.These coloring pages offer relaxation, hope, insight, and comfort to people who arejust ready to color them. The ra...

    9,88 €

  • The Dzogchen Method of Preserving the Face of Rigpa, 'The Essence of Wisdom'
    Tony Duff
    Ju Mipham Namgyal is one of the best known authors of the Nyingma tradition. He was a prolific writer with an extraordinary knowledge of his own and others’ dharma traditions. He wrote several texts on the topics of the most profound level of Great Completion (Dzogpa Chenpo). The text here is one of his texts on Thorough Cut (Tregcho). The wording of the title 'Preserving the F...

    22,89 €

  • Diamond Key for Opening the Wisdom Eye
    Dakpa Topgyal
    In the seventeen years since Diamond Key for Opening the Wisdom Eye was first published, the number of publications related to meditation and mindfulness has skyrocketed. As the practice of meditation has grown, more people may be experiencing its benefits, but there is also a risk of watering down and distorting the Buddha’s authentic teachings on the subject. This makes the o...

    29,35 €

  • Budismo tibetano
    Stephen Hodge
    Esta guía explica las bases de una de las filosofías que hacen madurar el espíritu; contempla las principales técnicas de trabajo con el karma y la naturaleza de la iluminación y el nirvana. El autor ha combinado conocimientos ancestrales con ejercicios prácticos y meditaciones que permiten experimentar la sabiduría del budismo. Con esta obra descubrirá cómo llevar a la práctic...

    12,43 €

  • Magic and Mystery in Tibet
    Alexandra David-Néel
    Much has been written concerning Tibet and its secret lore, but precious few authors have actually visited ‘The Land of Snows’ and a vanishingly small number were vouchsafed the  privilege of studying with Tibetan masters during the culture’s heyday, long before its present domination by China.Alexandra David-Néel is one of this select group, and Magic and Mystery in Tibet is h...

    14,49 €

  • El extraordinario poder de los Mandala
    Giampaolo Infusino
    * La palabra mandala, de origen sánscrito, significa «centro, círculo, aromágico». Indica una imagen simbólica basada en las figuras geométricasdel círculo y del cuadrado, capaz de desvelar todos los secretos más profundosde la propia personalidad* Dibujar e interpretar un mandala significa entrar en contacto con la propiaintimidad, vivir y verificar los propios cambios, utiliz...

    16,59 €

  • The Other Emptiness
    Presents a new vision of the Buddhist history and philosophy of emptiness in Tibet. ...

    45,39 €

  • Gampopa’s Mahamudra
    Tony Duff
    “Five-Part Mahamudra” is a specific way of practising Mahamudra that is used in the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. It was first taught by Gampopa to his disciple Phagmo Drupa more than nine centuries go and since then has become one of the main ways that Mahamudra is transmitted and practised in the Kagyu lineage. This book presents the teaching and system of instruction th...

    28,04 €

  • Songs of Dzogchen Trekchö
    Dzogchen Pema Kalsang Rinpoche / Christian A Stewart
    In direct and experiential language, Dzogchen Pema Kalsang Rinpoche explains clearly how to put Shabkar’s classic verses on trekchö meditation into practice, so we may realise the true nature of mind. These profound instructions may only be read by those who have been authorised and empowered into the main Dzogchen practices by a genuine master.'For a living breathing human bei...

    20,05 €

  • Tibetan Buddhism among Han Chinese
    Joshua Esler
    This study examines the changing role of Tibetan Buddhism among Han Chinese in contemporary China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. It analyzes how Tibetan Buddhism is both adapting to contemporary Chinese society and reorienting the lives of Han practitioners. ...

    156,51 €

  • A Sacred Compass
    Anam Thubten
    The bardo teachings are like a sacred compass. Like all the sacred teachings, they are reminding us not to get too attached to anything in this world—to where we are, to our life, or to the affairs in our life. “Don’t get too attached to anything” is one of the main messages of the bardo teachings. They encourage us to be “in” the world but not “of” it, and they remind us that ...

    21,16 €

  • Nejang
    Nida Chenagtsang / Robert Thurman
    Nejang (Tibetan གནས་སྦྱངས་) is a gentle healing yoga practice consisting of twenty four simple physical exercises which use breath work and self-massage to open the channels, balance the internal energies, relax the mind, and nourish the inner organs. With roots in the Kalachakra tradition, such exercises have been prescribed  by Tibetan physicians for centuries to improve heal...

    25,14 €

  • Dudjom Rinpoche’s Vajrakīlaya Works
    Cathy Cantwell
    It is often assumed that a revelation must be new and innovative, and that the point of a new sacred text must be to revitalize the heritage. Yet, in the Tibetan Nyingma Treasure Revelatory tradition, the ongoing vitality of textual production often has more to do with the fresh blessings rather than altogether novel content. This book is the first to analyse precise continuiti...

    133,93 €

  • Dudjom Rinpoche’s Vajrakīlaya Works
    Cathy Cantwell

    63,37 €

  • Budismo Para Principiantes
    Sence Calzadilla
    Introducción a cómo usar las enseñanzas ancestrales del Budismo para ayudarte a disparar tu paz, felicidad y satisfacción sin gastar $1000 en seminarios o cursos!El budismo se ha introducido lentamente en la cultura occidental, pero muy pocos entienden la esencia de las enseñanzas de Buda.En esencia, el budismo se trata de ayudar a poner fin al sufrimiento a nivel individual y ...

    10,58 €

  • Essential Tibetan Buddhism (Revised)
    Robert A Thurman / Robert A. Thurman
    WINNER OF THE TRICYCLE PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCEExpertly and lucidly surveying the basic varieties and teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, renowned scholar Robert Thurman makes this authentic spiritual tradition available to contemporary Western audiences ...

    15,26 €

  • Le Tueur de Lamas
    Charles-Eudes Bonin
    Après avoir retracé sommairement l’histoire des relations du Tibet avec la Chine, Bonin raconte dans ce livre en détail la féroce répression de l’insurrection tibétaine par Tchao Eul-fong, nommé commissaire impérial au Tibet en 1908.  ...

    7,42 €

  • Verdades sobre el Tíbet, los dalái lamas y el budismo
    Bernard Baudouin
    El dalái lama, el más alto líder espiritual del pueblo tibetano, era también, hasta 1959 (fecha de la ocupación por parte de China), el principal responsable político del Tíbet. Elevada figura del budismo, es considerado la manifestación del Buda de la Compasión, reencarnado para servir a las personas. De hecho, su cargo significa 'Océano de Sabiduría' en mongol. En este comple...

    15,55 €

  • Buddhist Psychology in Everyday Life
    Joy Manné
    The Buddha didn’t only teach ideas, he taught a method through which we may attain Enlightenment and invited people to come and try his method. The Pali Canon, the literature of Theravada Buddhism which is practised in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma, contains many exercises that go back to the Buddha himself. This book is an introduction to the teaching of the Buddha in these ea...

    14,52 €

  • Fallout
    Tahlia Newland
    When eight students wrote a letter accusing Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the best-selling Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, of decades of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, Tahlia Newland set up an online support group for abuse victims and students of his Tibetan Buddhist community, Rigpa. Appalled by the lack of ethics, the group undertook a journey of discovery during which...

    16,59 €