
Artes / Arquitectura (8580)

  • Декоративная краска
    Бен Оутоумоу Мбоуела
    Мастерство владения цветом необходимо декоратору, когда речь идет о распознавании различных целей, которые должны быть достигнуты перед каждым проектом. Все должно меняться в зависимости от обстановки, вкуса и характера тех, кому вы предлагаете свои творения.Если музыка, не являясь жизненно важным потребительским продуктом, имеет огромное значение в нашей жизни, то и декорирова...

    26,35 €

  • A Praça
    Guadalupe Tamayo Salomon
    A praça é o ponto de encontro de uma cidade, onde se realizam as trocas humanas, sejam elas culturais, políticas, religiosas ou económicas, onde os cidadãos se encontram para estabelecer as suas relações sociais. A praça não é um lugar qualquer, tem leis específicas que, ao longo da história, foram abordadas de diferentes formas por diferentes culturas. Este livro aborda a evol...

    85,79 €

  • Le carré
    Guadalupe Tamayo Salomon
    La place est le lieu de rencontre d’une ville, où se déroulent les échanges humains, qu’ils soient culturels, politiques, religieux ou économiques, où les citoyens se retrouvent pour nouer des relations sociales. La place n’est pas un lieu comme les autres, elle possède des lois spécifiques qui, au cours de l’histoire, ont été abordées de différentes manières par différentes cu...

    85,79 €

  • The Plaza
    Guadalupe Tamayo Salomon
    The square is the meeting place of a city, where human exchanges take place, whether cultural, political, religious or economic, where citizens meet to make their social relations. The square is not just any place, it has specific laws that during history have been approached in different ways by different cultures. This book deals with the historical evolution of the square, a...

    85,79 €

  • Das Quadrat
    Guadalupe Tamayo Salomon
    Der Platz ist der Treffpunkt einer Stadt, an dem sich die Menschen austauschen, sei es auf kultureller, politischer, religiöser oder wirtschaftlicher Ebene, wo sich die Bürger treffen, um ihre sozialen Beziehungen zu pflegen. Der Platz ist nicht irgendein Ort, er hat spezifische Gesetze, die im Laufe der Geschichte von den verschiedenen Kulturen unterschiedlich gehandhabt wurde...

    85,76 €

  • Il quadrato
    Guadalupe Tamayo Salomon
    La piazza è il luogo di incontro di una città, dove avvengono gli scambi umani, siano essi culturali, politici, religiosi o economici, dove i cittadini si incontrano per stringere le loro relazioni sociali. La piazza non è un luogo qualsiasi, ma ha leggi specifiche che nel corso della storia sono state affrontate in modi diversi da culture diverse. Questo libro affronta l’evolu...

    85,79 €

  • Площадь
    Гвада Тамайо Саломон
    Площадь - это место встречи города, где происходит обмен людьми, будь то культурный, политический, религиозный или экономический, где горожане встречаются для установления своих социальных отношений. Площадь - это не просто место, она имеет свои специфические законы, которые на протяжении истории по-разному трактовались различными культурами. В данной книге рассматривается исто...

    33,51 €

  • A Tour of the Goodspeed Opera House
    Janet Marie Mandrona Lemond
    Janet Lemond, Goodspeed tour guide, takes you on an exciting tour of an iconic Connecticut theater. The Goodspeed Opera House is a gem of a theater located on the east side of the Connecticut River in East Haddam, CT. Originally constructed in 1876 by William H. Goodspeed, it has withstood the test of time. The Goodspeed had a second chance at life when concerned local residen...

    27,09 €

  • In The Village
    Anthony Bailey
    Anthony Bailey’s intimate look at life in Stonington borough made waves when it was published. First appearing in 1971 as a serialized version in the New Yorker, a hard-cover version was published soon thereafter. In 1992, a second paperback edition was printed locally and soon sold out. Copies are still passed hand to hand and quickly scooped up on eBay or at the Niantic Book ...

    15,77 €

  • Strategien zur Abschwächung der Wärmeinsel-Effekte in Städten
    Abdollah Mobaraki
    In den letzten Jahren hat sich die städtische Wärmeinsel als Teil des Klimawandels zu einem der wichtigsten Probleme in Großstädten entwickelt und ist eine Art Spiegelbild der globalen Erwärmung im lokalen Maßstab. Als Folge der globalen Erwärmung hat die städtische Wärmeinsel negative Auswirkungen auf die öffentliche Gesundheit, die Lebensqualität und den Energieverbrauch. Die...

    59,65 €

  • Strategie per mitigare gli effetti dell’isola di calore urbano nelle città
    Abdollah Mobaraki
    Negli ultimi anni, l’isola di calore urbana è diventata uno dei problemi più importanti nelle grandi città a causa dei cambiamenti climatici e rappresenta una sorta di riflesso del riscaldamento globale su scala locale. Come conseguenza del riscaldamento globale, l’isola di calore urbana ha effetti negativi sulla salute pubblica, sulla qualità della vita e sul consumo energetic...

    59,59 €

  • Estratégias de atenuação dos efeitos da ilha de calor urbana nas cidades
    Abdollah Mobaraki
    Nos últimos anos, as ilhas de calor urbanas tornaram-se um dos problemas mais importantes nas grandes cidades, devido às alterações climáticas, e são uma espécie de reflexo do aquecimento global à escala local. Como resultado do aquecimento global, a ilha de calor urbana tem efeitos negativos na saúde pública, na qualidade de vida e no consumo de energia. A ilha de calor urbana...

    59,59 €

  • Volume 3 Sustainable Meliponiculture with Vernacular Architecture - The Philippines & Oceania
    Abu Hassan Jalil
    Synopsis: This literature proposes new ideas and innovations that take into account the ultimate Beescape for Meliponaries with bee comfort at the top of the list of considerations. Thermal comfort is a term of grave concern when it comes to conservation in Meliponiculture. Often enough, enthusiastic new beekeepers are not overly worried about heat dissipation, especially durin...

    56,73 €

  • James Bond Route 9 and Me
    Frieda Toth
    Frieda Toth is an internationally recognized James Bond scholar, and arguably the world’s expert on Ian Fleming’s nine James Bond novel, The Spy who Loved Me. Like Bond, she’s an international traveler and a certified SCUBA diver. Frieda also has danced the Rat King in the Nutcracker and sung opera since she was 9, but chances are pretty good you know her from the library. ...

    40,87 €

  • Making of Chandigarh
    Arun Mirchandani / Sarbjit Bahga
    Chandigarh is a giant experiment in town planning and architecture in India and the world. Being one of the best cities planned and built afresh on virgin land, Chandigarh attracted the global community of architects, planners, and historians. Resultantly, copious works have been written on Chandigarh, and much literature exists on the subject.'Making of Chandigarh: A Vintage H...

    52,50 €

  • Sentir la arquitectura
    ¿Qué tienen en común Juhani Pallasmaa, Juvenal Baracco, Fumihiko Maki, Balkrishna Doshiy Byoung Soo Cho? Además de ser grandes y reconocibles figuras de la escenaarquitectónica mundial, que todos ellos han moldeado el camino de Luis Longhi, arquitectoperuano cuyo trabajo ha dejado una huella indeleble en el modo de entender y ejecutar laarquitectura en nuestro país, al punto de...

    18,72 €

  • It Was Nevada
    Tony Lesperance
    It Was Nevada is a hard hitting book following the adventures of Terry Hope from his earliest days, to his ultimate goal of working on a Nevada cattle ranch. Yet, fate has strange ways and Hope soon finds himself at the University of Nevada pursuing a master’s degree in agriculture and just as suddenly he finds himself on the staff as an assistant professor. Hope soon realizes ...

    26,45 €

  • It Was Nevada
    Tony Lesperance
    It Was Nevada is a hard hitting book following the adventures of Terry Hope from his earliest days, to his ultimate goal of working on a Nevada cattle ranch. Yet, fate has strange ways and Hope soon finds himself at the University of Nevada pursuing a master’s degree in agriculture and just as suddenly he finds himself on the staff as an assistant professor. Hope soon realizes ...

    33,17 €

  • Verarbeitung und Recycling fester Haushaltsabfälle in Khartum
    Nagat Osman Mansour Elbaroudi
    Eines der drängendsten ökologischen Probleme im Staat Khartum ist die Bewirtschaftung von Hausmüll mit dem schwachen System der unsachgemäßen Behandlung der täglich anfallenden festen Abfälle aus den Haushalten des Staates. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Studie sind die Offenlegung der Art der Hausmüllmaterialien und der im Haushalt verwendeten Behälter, die die wichtigste S...

    39,23 €

  • Trattamento e riciclaggio dei rifiuti solidi domestici a Khartoum
    Nagat Osman Mansour Elbaroudi
    Uno dei problemi ecologici più urgenti nello Stato di Khartoum è la gestione dei rifiuti domestici con il debole sistema di trattamento improprio dei rifiuti solidi prodotti quotidianamente dalle famiglie dello Stato. I principali risultati di questo studio sono la rivelazione della natura dei materiali di scarto domestici e dei contenitori utilizzati a livello domestico, che è...

    39,23 €

  • Processamento e reciclagem de resíduos sólidos domésticos aplicados em Cartum
    Nagat Osman Mansour Elbaroudi
    Uma das questões ecológicas mais prementes no Estado de Cartum é a gestão dos resíduos domésticos, com um sistema deficiente de tratamento inadequado dos resíduos sólidos produzidos diariamente pelos agregados familiares no Estado. Os principais resultados deste estudo são a revelação da natureza dos resíduos domésticos e dos contentores utilizados a nível doméstico, que é a fa...

    39,23 €

  • Eficiência energética na envolvente dos edifícios
    Nouhaila Benachir
    O sector da construção, tanto residencial como terciário, está a sofrer uma grande expansão em Marrocos. Atualmente, a atividade de construção está em franca expansão. Prevê-se, portanto, um aumento significativo do parque habitacional, com base nos programas de construção a curto e médio prazo do Estado e nas projecções da Direção de Estatística do Haut-Commissariat au Plan. O...

    111,58 €

    Akhmatjon Abdurakhmanov / Karimjon Polotov
    Qo’llanmada uch o’lchovli fazo ob’ektlarini tekislikda tasvirlash usullaridan biri sifatida istiqbol masalasiga tizimli yondashishga harakat qilinadi. Mualliflar asarning u yoki bu g’oyasini ta’kidlashga imkon beradigan turli xil istiqbollarni ko’rib chiqishni lozim topdilar. Tanlangan istiqbol turini qurish tartibiga rioya qilish va tushunish imkonini beruvchi batafsil algorit...

    53,85 €

  • Traditional Islamic Art in Amman
    Qadr Baysan
    This book offers an in-depth exploration of the Institute of Traditional Islamic Art and Architecture (ITIAA) in Amman, Jordan. Employing grounded theory methodology, it conducts a vertical case study to establish a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the Institute. The research encompasses various facets, including the Institute’s genesis within the broader context of A...

    24,98 €

  • Wetlands and Construction
    Bauhaus Earth / Experimental / Material Cultures
    Wetlands and Construction: An opportunity for Berlin-Brandenburg, examines how environmentally responsible paludiculture (wetland farming) cultivation can provide a source of renewable, carbon-capturing construction materials whilst regenerating peatland landscapes. Using the Sernitzmoor area within the German state of Brandenburg as a case study, this report explores how a lan...

    26,32 €

  • La forma construida
    Martín Fabbri García / Octavio Montestruque Bisso
    Este libro explora diez edificios de la ciudad de Lima que son representativos para la arquitectura de la segunda mitad del siglo XX en el Perú. A través del análisis crítico y de la lectura en detalle, se puede entender el desarrollo de la forma y de la composición arquitectónica. Para ello, La forma construida cuenta con 200 dibujos entre planimetría, isometrías, esquemas y d...

    45,76 €

  • Die Beziehung zwischen Kultur und architektonischer Produktion von Einfamilienhäusern
    Leonardo Jurkiewicz
    Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die Kriterien und Merkmale darzustellen, die die zeitgenössische architektonische Produktion definieren, insbesondere die Aspekte, die mit der Kultur und den sozialen Beziehungen zwischen dem Gebäude und dem Nutzer zusammenhängen. Es werden die Konzepte der Phänomenologie, der Semiotik, der Identität und der Sprache vorgestellt, die eine untrennbare V...

    55,04 €

  • Il rapporto tra cultura e produzione architettonica unifamiliare
    Leonardo Jurkiewicz
    L’obiettivo di questo studio è presentare i criteri e le caratteristiche che definiscono la produzione architettonica contemporanea, in particolare gli aspetti legati alla cultura e alla relazione sociale che si instaura tra l’edificio e l’utente. Vengono presentati i concetti di fenomenologia, semiotica, identità e linguaggio, stabilendo un legame intrinseco con l’architettura...

    55,04 €

  • Взаимосвязь между культурой и архитектурным производством для одной семьи
    Леонардо Юркевич
    Цель данного исследования - представить критерии и характеристики, определяющие современное архитектурное производство, особенно аспекты, связанные с культурой и социальными отношениями, устанавливаемыми между зданием и пользователем. Представлены концепции феноменологии, семиотики, идентичности и языка, устанавливающие неразрывную связь с архитектурой и производством пространс...

    26,35 €

  • The relationship between culture and single-family architectural production
    Leonardo Jurkiewicz
    The aim of this study is to present the criteria and characteristics that define contemporary architectural production, especially the aspects related to culture and the social relationship established between the building and the user. The concepts of phenomenology, semiotics, identity and language are presented, establishing an intrinsic link with architecture and the product...

    55,04 €