Administración pública

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Administración pública (6236)

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  • L’héritage historique de la politique de développement du Paraná (2008-2011)
    Arilson Maroldi Chiorato
    Les politiques publiques sont des variables importantes dans le développement d’une société. La compréhension des politiques publiques, la perception du développement et les types d’indicateurs utilisés pour évaluer le développement ont progressé au fil du temps, n’étant plus identifiés initialement par le succès économique, passant au socio-économique et, actuellement, se conc...

    82,98 €

  • Историческое наследие х политики развития Параны (2008-2011)
    Арилсон Маро Чиорато
    Государственная политика является важной переменной в развитии общества. Понимание государственной политики, восприятие развития и типы показателей, используемых для оценки развития, со временем продвинулись вперед, перестали изначально определяться экономическим успехом, перешли к социально-экономическому и, в настоящее время, сосредоточились на системном уклоне, одежде, котор...

    50,28 €

  • Leadership and Governance for Sustainability
    Neeta Baporikar
    Although the study of governance is not new, it has only been recognized in the last two decades as being a crucial factor for organizational success. Successful implementation and the practice of governance in the public sector improves organizational performance through increased efficiency, productivity, quality, and innovation to support sustainability. Leadership and Gover...

    327,87 €

  • Leadership and Governance for Sustainability
    Neeta Baporikar
    Although the study of governance is not new, it has only been recognized in the last two decades as being a crucial factor for organizational success. Successful implementation and the practice of governance in the public sector improves organizational performance through increased efficiency, productivity, quality, and innovation to support sustainability. Leadership and Gover...

    248,96 €

  • Teoria Geral da Administração
    Jefferson Alex Maciel Cavalcante
    Estamos vivendo uma era de mudanças, incertezas e perplexidade. A Era da Informação está trazendo novos desafios para as organizações e, sobretudo, para sua administração. Nunca como agora, a teoria administrativa se tornou tão imprescindível para o sucesso do administrador e das organizações. A constante necessidade de inovação e renovação, a busca de flexibilidade e agilidade...

    61,76 €

  • The Bell Curve Plus
    Shawn Fan
    In The Bell Curve Plus: Intelligence & Civilization, Shawn Fan examines historical facts to analyze the conflicts of civilizations from the perspective of man’s intelligence. Exploring the rise and dominance of Eastern and Western civilizations, Fan dissects the root of the US and China’s enduring conflict, underscoring the detrimental effects of recent political events, such a...

    23,61 €

  • The Bell Curve Plus
    Shawn Fan
    In The Bell Curve Plus: Intelligence & Civilization, Shawn Fan examines historical facts to analyze the conflicts of civilizations from the perspective of man’s intelligence. Exploring the rise and dominance of Eastern and Western civilizations, Fan dissects the root of the US and China’s enduring conflict, underscoring the detrimental effects of recent political events, such a...

    31,48 €

  • Public Governance as Co-creation
    Christopher Ansell / Jacob Torfing

    35,30 €

  • The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Digitalization of Diplomacy
    Floribert Patrick Calvain Endong
    New technological innovations have given birth to paradigms such as robotization, increased and advanced mechanization, and dehumanization of public diplomacy around the world. Other related developments have been the acceleration and growing popularization of the smart city concept as well as the COVID-19 pandemic, which have all combined to compel almost all major industries-...

    307,98 €

  • The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Digitalization of Diplomacy
    Floribert Patrick Calvain Endong
    New technological innovations have given birth to paradigms such as robotization, increased and advanced mechanization, and dehumanization of public diplomacy around the world. Other related developments have been the acceleration and growing popularization of the smart city concept as well as the COVID-19 pandemic, which have all combined to compel almost all major industries-...

    235,59 €

    In the context of our increasingly VUCA world and with the proliferation of modern crises, crisis management has evolved into a key task area that is no longer critical only to the energy, aviation, and security sectors and neither is it only the work of appointed crisis managers. Beyond the traditional acute crises, there are creeping crises, looming crises and black swan even...

    105,76 €

  • The Democratization Process of Cameroon
    Esau Ngong Mekeme
    Democracy was reintroduced in Cameroon in 1990 due to internal and external pressure on the governments of Africa. Though the colonial powers left the continent in a pluralistic state, the new leaders struggled and successfully concentrated powers in their hands rendering the people powerless while they became infallible and unaccountable to their people. The development strate...

    87,11 €

  • Бюрократы уровня улицы в реализации политики
    Месфин Сетегн
    Государственная политика, такая как политика аренды городских земель (ULLP), принятая 'сверху', должна осуществляться на местном уровне уличными бюрократами в бюро земельного банка и передачи земли (LBTO) Аддис-Абебы, которые пользуются значительной степенью автономии и свободы действий при выполнении своих обязанностей. Оперативники офиса обладают значительной автономией и сво...

    34,64 €

  • Burocrati di strada nell’attuazione delle politiche
    Mesfin Setegn
    Le politiche pubbliche, come la politica di locazione dei terreni urbani (ULLP), elaborate dall’'alto', dovranno essere attuate a livello locale dai burocrati di strada dell’Ufficio della Banca della terra e dei trasferimenti di Addis Abeba (LBTO), che godono di un notevole grado di autonomia e discrezionalità nell’esecuzione dei loro compiti. Gli operatori dell’ufficio godono ...

    76,32 €

  • Bürokraten auf Straßenebene bei der Umsetzung der Politik
    Mesfin Setegn
    Öffentliche Maßnahmen wie die städtische Landverpachtungspolitik (ULLP), die von 'oben' beschlossen wurden, müssen auf lokaler Ebene von Bürokraten auf Straßenebene im Addis Abeba Land Bank and Transfer Office (LBTO) umgesetzt werden, die bei der Ausführung ihrer Aufgaben ein erhebliches Maß an Autonomie und Ermessensfreiheit genießen. Die Mitarbeiter des Amtes verfügen über ei...

    76,44 €

  • Rua - Burocratas de Nível na Implementação de Políticas
    Mesfin Setegn
    Políticas públicas como a política de arrendamento de terrenos urbanos (ULLP) feita no ’topo’ terão de ser implementadas a nível local por burocratas de rua - nível em Addis Ababa land bank and transfer office (LBTO) que gozam de um grau considerável de autonomia e discrição na execução das suas funções. Os funcionários do escritório gozam de autonomia e discrição substanciais ...

    76,32 €

  • Les bureaucrates de rue dans la mise en œuvre des politiques
    Mesfin Setegn
    Les politiques publiques telles que la politique de location des terrains urbains (ULLP) élaborée au sommet devront être mises en œuvre au niveau local par les bureaucrates de la banque foncière et du bureau de transfert d’Addis-Abeba (LBTO) qui jouissent d’un degré considérable d’autonomie et de discrétion dans l’exécution de leurs tâches. Les agents du bureau jouissent d’une ...

    76,38 €

  • La responsabilité des comptables publics au Sénégal
    Mouhamed Tamsir Drame
    La problématique de l’efficacité de l’action publique et la recherche de la performance sont aujourd’hui des constantes de la réflexion des pouvoirs publics, aussi bien dans le tiers mondeque dans les pays développés et émergents. Elles ont rendue possible en France l’élaborationd’une nouvelle constitution financière. En Afrique cette réflexion a une acuité particulière etimprè...

    86,96 €

  • Action collective et innovation sociale dans la sphère publique
    Carolina Andion / Rubens Lima Moraes
    Dans ce travail, nous cherchons à comprendre comment le Mouvement de lutte contre la corruption électorale (MCCE) a encouragé les innovations sociales pour répondre au problème public de la corruption électorale au Brésil. Nous construisons notre propre approche théorique et méthodologique pour mieux comprendre l’action collective des acteurs de la société civile dans la sphère...

    115,27 €

  • Kollektives Handeln und soziale Innovation im öffentlichen Raum
    Carolina Andion / Rubens Lima Moraes
    In dieser Arbeit versuchen wir zu verstehen, wie die Bewegung zur Bekämpfung der Wahlkorruption (MCCE) soziale Innovationen als Reaktion auf das öffentliche Problem der Wahlkorruption in Brasilien gefördert hat. Wir entwickeln unseren eigenen theoretisch-methodischen Ansatz, um das kollektive Handeln von zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren im öffentlichen Raum und ihre Rolle bei d...

    115,25 €

  • Azione collettiva e innovazione sociale nella sfera pubblica
    Carolina Andion / Rubens Lima Moraes
    In questo lavoro cerchiamo di capire come il Movimento per la lotta alla corruzione elettorale (MCCE) abbia promosso innovazioni sociali per rispondere al problema pubblico della corruzione elettorale in Brasile. Costruiamo un nostro approccio teorico-metodologico per comprendere meglio l’azione collettiva degli attori della società civile nella sfera pubblica e il loro ruolo n...

    115,34 €

  • Коллективные действия и социальные инновации в общественной сфере
    Каролина Андион / Рубенс Лима Мораес
    В данной работе мы стремимся понять, как Движение по борьбе с электоральной коррупцией (ДБЭК) продвигает социальные инновации в ответ на общественную проблему электоральной коррупции в Бразилии. Мы строим собственный теоретико-методологический подход, чтобы лучше понять коллективные действия субъектов гражданского общества в публичной сфере и их роль в продвижении социальных ин...

    69,51 €

  • Collective action and social innovation in the public sphere
    Carolina Andion / Rubens Lima Moraes
    In this work, we seek to understand how the Movement for Combating Electoral Corruption (MCCE) has been promoting social innovations in responding to the public problem of electoral corruption in Brazil. We build our own theoretical-methodological approach to better understand the collective action of civil society actors in the public sphere and their role in promoting social ...

    115,36 €

  • Erosion of Democracy
    J. Dhopte
    This book is a first part of the series - DEMOCRACY, a series of three books. Democracy during the last decade has suffered a dramatic decline.The constitutional democracies are being overthrown and there is an increase in the regimes that retain the formal institutional trappings while flouting the norms and values on which constitutional democracies are based.The forces of ne...

    22,35 €

  • Professionalisation or training of public managers?
    Lilian Bambirra de Assis
    The purpose of this book was to contrast the notion of professionalisation with what should be the training of the public manager in the Adornian sense, and to verify whether or not professionalisation leads to social management. One of the great challenges for a more democratic management lies in the professionalisation or training of public servants, who are effectively respo...

    106,38 €

  • Professionnalisation ou formation des managers publics ?
    Lilian Bambirra de Assis
    L’objectif de cet ouvrage est de confronter la notion de professionnalisation à ce que devrait être la formation du manager public au sens adornien, et de vérifier si la professionnalisation conduit ou non à la gestion sociale. L’un des grands défis d’une gestion plus démocratique réside dans la professionnalisation ou la formation des fonctionnaires, qui sont effectivement cha...

    106,34 €

  • Professionalizzazione o formazione dei manager pubblici?
    Lilian Bambirra de Assis
    Lo scopo di questo libro è stato quello di contrapporre la nozione di professionalizzazione a quella che dovrebbe essere la formazione del manager pubblico in senso adorniano, e di verificare se la professionalizzazione porti o meno a una gestione sociale. Una delle grandi sfide per una gestione più democratica risiede nella professionalizzazione o nella formazione dei funziona...

    106,36 €

  • Профессионализация или подготовка государственных менеджеров?
    Лил Бамбирра де Ассис
    Цель этой книги - противопоставить понятие профессионализации тому, что должно быть подготовкой общественного менеджера в адорнийском смысле, и проверить, ведет ли профессионализация к социальному управлению. Один из главных вызовов для более демократического управления заключается в профессионализации или подготовке государственных служащих, которые фактически ответственны за ...

    60,56 €

  • Professionalisierung oder Ausbildung von öffentlichen Führungskräften?
    Lilian Bambirra de Assis
    Das Ziel dieses Buches war es, den Begriff der Professionalisierung dem gegenüberzustellen, was die Ausbildung des öffentlichen Managers im Sinne von Adorno sein sollte, und zu überprüfen, ob die Professionalisierung zu einem sozialen Management führt oder nicht. Eine der großen Herausforderungen für ein demokratischeres Management liegt in der Professionalisierung oder Ausbild...

    106,30 €

  • A Nigéria e os Desafios da Construção da Nação
    Onwuharaonye Secunda
    A Nigéria, desde a sua independência em 1960, tem sido desafiada por miríades de problemas sócio-políticos e económicos. Tanto os historiadores como os especialistas em relações internacionais são de opinião que isto resulta de uma estrutura política desequilibrada que o país herdou dos britânicos, o seu antigo mestre colonial, e do fracasso da classe política nigeriana em corr...

    55,10 €