Administración pública

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Administración pública (1817)

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Política y gobierno Eliminar filtro Administración pública Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Pathways of Power
    David R. Beam / David RBeam / Paul L. Posner / Paul LPosner / Timothy J. Conlan / Timothy JConlan
    While civics textbooks describe an idealized model of 'how a bill becomes law;' journalists often emphasize special interest lobbying and generous campaign contributions to Congress; and other textbooks describe common stages through which all policies progress, these approaches fail to convey-much less explain-the tremendous diversity in political processes that shape specific...

    73,58 €

  • Governometrics and Technological Innovation for Public Policy Design and Precision
    MD Facp Facc Sharma
    In recent years, government officials have been able to formulate more accurate policies through statistical application. By utilizing quantitative and statistical methods in policy making, governometrics ensures excellence in governmental performance and helps the future of policy making. Governometrics and Technological Innovation for Public Policy Design and Precision demons...

    269,35 €

  • Order and Disorder in Modern Britain
    Victor Bailey
    The pieces in this collection range from an account of the Skeleton Army riots against the Salvation Army in the early 1880s to the unsuccessful campaign to abolish the death penalty in the aftermath of the Second World War. They include essays on how the Home Office and Metropolitan Police responded to the unemployed riots in the West End of London in 1886 and the contest over...

    30,76 €

  • Political Caucusing and Policy Legislation in Uganda’s Parliament
    David Ivan Masajjage
    'Political Caucusing and Policy Legislation in Uganda’s Parliament,' illustrates a paradigm shift from conventional representative legislation --- in parliament --- to contemporary political caucusing, which has impacted policy legislation. It explores how political caucusing contributes to legislation. However, incidentals and internationally ratified conventions and treaties ...

    59,53 €

  • Government Performance Evaluation
    Ani Matei / Lucica Matei / Oana Stoian
    During the latest decades, the evaluation of governance performance has become a major concern both for national and international specialised institutions. Simultaneously, the evaluation tools have diversified continuously incorporating methods and techniques from multiple fields related to governance. The current publication reveals a few of the authors’ preoccupations concer...

    110,45 €

  • What Government Does
    Mark A. Abramson / Mark AAbramson / Paul Lawrence
    In this book, Paul Lawrence and Mark Abramson build on their extensive interviews with 42 Obama Administration political executives over the past four years. Political executives from numerous federal agencies were interviewed about the challenge of managing in government and the activities undertaken by their agencies. ...

    55,92 €

  • What Government Does
    Mark A. Abramson / Mark AAbramson / Paul Lawrence
    In this book, Paul Lawrence and Mark Abramson build on their extensive interviews with 42 Obama Administration political executives over the past four years. Political executives from numerous federal agencies were interviewed about the challenge of managing in government and the activities undertaken by their agencies. ...

    120,97 €

  • Communication and Language Analysis in the Public Sphere
    Although, language is certainly individualized, most people conform to linguistic norms because of their surroundings. Over time, particular words and phrases are popularized by the media, social trends, or world events; and with emergence of internet technologies, the communication between all types of people is much easier. Communication and Language Analysis in the Public Sp...

    250,18 €

  • Contemporary Social Issues in East Asian Societies
    While the balance between private and public sectors are based primarily on the experiences of the wealthy societies in Western Europe and North America, the global reach and increased political weight of East Asian economies is bound to influence other societies as well. Contemporary Social Issues in East Asian Societies: Examining the Spectrum of Public and Private Spheres fo...

    229,79 €

  • Saúde do Trabalhador de Saúde
    Tullio Cezar de Aguiar Brotto
    Os profissionais de saúde atuam cuidando dos outros, mas cuidam deles? A literatura científica alerta para o adoecimento expressivo de trabalhadores do setor de saúde. Por esta razão, políticas e diretrizes têm sido formuladas voltadas à este público, a ponto da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) eleger o período de 2006 a 2016 como a década da valorização do trabalho e dos tra...

    111,46 €

  • La Descentralización Y La Competencia Municipal En Venezuela
    Andrés José Peraza Henríquez
    Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo, mostrar la evolución del proceso de descentralización y la competencia de los municipios, en el periodo 1999 /2011, en cuyo análisis se observa a partir del 99, las intenciones de continuar con el proceso descentralizador que emerge a raíz de la constitución de 1961 y reafirmados en la Constitución de la República Bolivariana d...

    26,23 €

  • Gun Policy in the United States and Canada
    Anthony K. Fleming
    The shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007 was one of the worst mass murders in the U.S., but it did not lead to any new federal gun control policy. In contrast, following a similar event in Montreal in 1989, Canada created new comprehensive gun policy.Such different outcomes are the focus of this survey, which sets out to explore the gun policymaking process in the U.S. and Canada ...

    64,52 €

  • Auditoría administrativa
    Cabra Murcía / Héctor H. Murcia Cabra / Héctor HMurcia Cabra
    La presente publicación se ha elaborado dentro del contexto del proyecto de investigación denominado 'Diseño de estrategias de auditoría administrativa, con énfasis en innovación y creatividad para el desarrollo empresarial' desarrollado en la categoría de Investigación Aplicada, de tipo formativo, en la Facultad de Administración de Empresas de la Universidad Santo Tomás de Bo...

    7,77 €

  • Technology Development and Platform Enhancements for Successful Global E-Government Design
    Kelvin Joseph Bwalya
    While electronic research has developed in many governments around the world, the majority of its research has focused on the supply and demand aspects of e-government instead of the focus on technology integration for successful e-government design. Technology Development and Platform Enhancements for Successful Global E-Government Design compiles the shared experiences of e-g...

    308,71 €

  • The Crisis of Authority - Workforce Tensions
    Myrah K. Mashigo -. Tshabalala

    23,67 €

  • The Crisis of Authority - Workforce Tensions
    Myrah K. Mashigo -. Tshabalala

    47,12 €

  • Institutions and Incentives in Regulatory Science
    Institutions and Incentives in Regulatory Science explores fundamental problems with regulatory science in the environmental and natural resource law field. Each chapter covers a variety of natural resource and regulatory areas, ranging from climate change to endangered species protection and traditional health-based environmental regulation. ...

    63,95 €

  • True Green
    Lee MThomas
    This book captures the experiences of effective federal environmental executives in order to learn the environmental as well as the management practices upon which actual public service improvement is based. It provides, in their own voices, executives’ insights of over two hundred years of management experience protecting national environmental quality. ...

    63,95 €

  • Modern Budget Forecasting in the American States
    Michael J. Brogan / Michael JBrogan
    Michael J. Brogan’s Modern Budget Forecasting in the American States: Precision, Uncertainty, and Politics examines government budgeting through the analysis of budget forecast errors. This book is innovative in its ability to connect the technical aspects of budgeting with the politics of the budget process and offers an understanding of the budgeting process in light of the i...

    141,76 €

  • The Blame Game
    Christopher Hood
    The blame game, with its finger-pointing and mutual buck-passing, is a familiar feature of politics and organizational life, and blame avoidance pervades government and public organizations at every level. Political and bureaucratic blame games and blame avoidance are more often condemned than analyzed. In The Blame Game, Christopher Hood takes a different approach by showing h...

    37,75 €

  • A Journey Through Governance
    William a. Morrill / William aMorrill
    A Journey through Governance: A Public Servant’s Experience under Six Presidents is a memoir revealing how the United States government works behind closed doors, through the eyes of a public servant who spent nearly twenty-five years in the midst of it. William A. Morrill, the quintessential public servant, takes the reader by the hand, inside the White House fence and through...

    29,19 €

  • IT in the Public Sphere
    Mahmood / Mahmood Zaigham
    To be successful in the 21st century, governments must make use of digital and communication technologies in order to coordinate resources and collaborate with their citizens. IT in the Public Sphere: Applications in Administration, Government, Politics, and Planning evaluates current research and best practices in the adoption of e-government technologies in developed and deve...

    262,49 €

  • The Social Basis of the Rational Citizen
    Sean Richey
    Social networking lies at the heart of a number of fascinating political questions and social concerns, including citizen competence, social movements, and voter mobilization. In The Social Basis of the Rational Citizen, Sean Richey provides an empirical analysis of the most important hypothesized effect of social network influence on politics: social cognition. ...

    117,19 €

  • Perspectives on Management and Leadership in Social Work
    This book examines developments in management and leadership in the social work environment, from both practice-based and academic perspectives. The chapters reflect developments in a range of international settings including those of Europe, South Africa and New Zealand. They represent a range of different approaches also, from the critical to the more affirmative and liberati...

    107,15 €

  • Basic Cost Benefit Analysis for Assessing Local Public Projects
    Barry P. Keating / Barry PKeating / Maryann O. Keating / Maryann OKeating
    CBA is an attempt to fully account for all costs associated with a new proposal along with a detailed calculation of specific private and public benefits. Properly employed, CBA is simply a method for assessing a proposal prior to a collective decision by calculating net benefits relative to an alternative project or the default option of doing nothing. ...

    18,65 €

  • Rebound
    Kim R. Holmes / Kim R. Holmes Kim R. Holmes / Kim RHolmes
    There is a huge concern in America today that the country is in decline, one of the few sentiments that – nationally – our increasingly polarized political leaders can agree on. Americans fear that the economy and our culture itself are in deep crisis. They are also frustrated that the ruling classes are unable to fix America’s problems. Kim R. Holmes’ Rebound taps into these...

    20,12 €

  • An Ideal Model for Nonprofit Leadership
    Pamela Hinojosa
    The purpose of this research is to develop an ideal model for managers and directors on how to effectively manage nonprofit organizations. In particular, research is done on organizations that deliver social services to the public. The research is based on the conceptual framework of five components developed by the review of scholarly literature. The components are: developing...

    60,58 €

  • Der Stabilitätsrat
    Tsvetelina Hristova
    Der Schuldenstand in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten sehr stark angewachsen. Da die bisherigen institutionellen Schuldenbegrenzungsregeln - Art. 115 GG und die Vorschriften der Landesverfassungen - den starken Anstieg der Schuldenquote nicht verhindern und die Neuverschuldung nachhaltig nicht eindämmen konnten, wurde der Grundsatz eines ohne Einnah...

    51,43 €

  • The Devil Inside the Beltway
    Michael J. Daugherty
    'The Devil Inside the Beltway'. This chilling and personal story that reveals, in detail, how the Federal Trade Commission repeatedly bungled a critically important cybersecurity investigation and betrayed the American public. Michael J. Daugherty, author and CEO of LabMD in Atlanta, uncovers and details an extraordinary government surveillance program that compromised nationa...

    37,99 €

  • The Devil Inside the Beltway
    Michael J. Daugherty
    'THE GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN WATCHING YOUR WORKSTATION LONGER THAN YOU THINK.' Small business owner Michael J. Daugherty is fighting back against US Government's sinister surveillance tactics in his book, The Devil Inside the Beltway: The Shocking Expose of the US Government's Surveillance and Overreach into Cybersecurity, Medicine, and Small Business. During the past decade the US...

    24,87 €