Administración pública

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Administración pública (1712)

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Política y gobierno Eliminar filtro Administración pública Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Procesamiento de diferentes especies de Eucaliptos (Eucalyptus spp.)
    Sindulfo Garcia Benitez
    El presente trabajo de investigación abocó en analizar la Eficiencia Energética del Chips como Biomasa Forestal Renovable a partir del Estudio de Diferentes Especies de Eucaliptos (Eucalyptus spp.), en el Distrito de Gral. Higinio Morínigo, Departamento de Caazapá - Año 2019, con la finalidad de dar a conocer a los productores forestales de la zona las especies más apropiadas p...

    116,46 €

  • Rebuilding the Fire and Rescue Services
    Katarzyna Lakoma / Peter Murphy
    The book examines the new arrangements for organizing policy, delivery and public accountability in Fire and Rescue Services. Contributors of this invaluable text assess the effectiveness of government responses to new legislation that came as a result of inadequacies identified in governmental reviews, namely the Policing and Crime Act of 2017. ...

    85,05 €

    This book covers a wide range of topics in education finance. It is designed to introduce the literature on education finance to scholars and prospective scholars and can be used as a textbook for a graduate-level education finance class. The topics in the book include the incidence of the property tax as a source of revenue for elementary and secondary education, how much more...

    177,18 €

    This book covers a wide range of topics in education finance. It is designed to introduce the literature on education finance to scholars and prospective scholars and can be used as a textbook for a graduate-level education finance class. The topics in the book include the incidence of the property tax as a source of revenue for elementary and secondary education, how much more...

    104,76 €

  • Capacité publique locale et absorption budgétaire des collectivités
    Youssaou Koanda
    L’objet de la présente étude est de rechercher les explications de la faible absorption des ressources financières par les collectivités au Burkina Faso. Cette difficulté d’absorption ne peut s’expliquer ni par la capacité macroéconomique d’absorption en raison de l’énorme potentiel des économies impliquées, ni par un quelconque besoin de cofinancement. Il s’est agi donc de rec...

    93,64 €

    Julius Okemwa Oino
    Several debates have emanated from different forums, scholars and researchers on the relationship between women and peace-building. Cherl Bernard is of the opinion that women should be accorded a greater role in the social, political, economic and cultural arenas so that peace and security should increase in society. As members of society, women also lose in violent conflict li...

    80,59 €

  • Melhoria do sistema de transporte em trânsito
    Enagnon Houénoukpo Fanou
    As economias encravadas têm sido alvo de grande atenção em todo o mundo. Quase um terço dos países africanos são encravados. No entanto, existe literatura assustadora sobre a eficiência e o desempenho do seu sistema de transporte em trânsito. Este livro, portanto, utilizou uma Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) para abordar a lacuna de conhecimento. Realizámos uma análise comparat...

    57,65 €

  • Programa Brasil Alfabetizado
    Victor Antunes Leocádio
    Este livro busca realizar um estudo descritivo e analítico de todo o contexto do desenho e gestão do Programa Brasil Alfabetizado (PBA) em Minas Gerais de forma a identificar elementos e sugestões que embasem e fortaleçam o estudo dos caminhos para desenvolvimento e viabilização de uma avaliação de impacto, discutindo a importância, desafios e utilização desta para o programa, ...

    76,66 €

  • Network Policy Making within the Turkish Health Sector
    Julinda Hoxha
    This book presents findings produced by micro- and meso-level analysis of policy networks using the Turkish context as a new case study and demonstrates that networks have become an integral part of the practice of policy making within the Turkish health sector. ...

    143,16 €

  • Anti-Suffrage Essays
    Anti-Suffrage Essays: By Massachusetts Women With An Introduction By Ernest BernbaumThis book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-des...

    9,24 €

  • Civic Engagement Frameworks and Strategic Leadership Practices for Organization Development

    216,14 €

  • Análise da apuração de frequência em Instituições de Segurança Pública
    Henrique Alves Romano
    O proceso de apuração de frequência é um importante mecanismo de controle de pessoal do setor de recursos humanos nas organizações. Sendo esse trabalho referente à um órgão público, esse controle se mostra ainda mais importante, uma vez que a frequência e o cumprimento da jornada de trabalho por parte dos servidores apresentam reflexos nos seus pagamentos, que são originários d...

    56,66 €

  • Civic Engagement Frameworks and Strategic Leadership Practices for Organization Development
    In recent years, the engagement of stakeholders has become imperative for the overall success of an organization. As the global business landscape continues to evolve, promoting modern leadership techniques and engagement with the community have become two key tactics for organizations to remain competitive in the current market. Understanding and implementing these methodologi...

    282,00 €

  • Avaliação de Políticas Públicas
    Cinthia Moura Frade / Sérgio Medeiros dos Santos Filho
    A avaliação de uma política pública é um instrumento que visa auxiliar a gestão de uma política com relação a sua continuidade e seu desenvolvimento. Além disso, a avaliação torna-se uma fonte de informação para os seus usuários, beneficiários e a sociedade em geral, sobre seu desempenho e impactos. Desta forma, o presente estudo tem o objetivo de compreender a avaliação do Pro...

    55,29 €

    The current combination of electoral systems in the Philippines essentially guarantees the perpetuation of weak and incoherent political parties. As long as parties are weak and lacking in coherence, the primary focus of political contention is much more likely to be on patronage and pork than on policies and programs. As political reformers seek to address these fundamental pr...

    118,15 €

  • Towards Comprehensive Framework for Effective Metropolitan Governance
    Mohamed A. ElShafie / Mohamed AElShafie
    Since the dawn of civilization, cities around the globe have been playing vital roles at the local and global levels.These roles face restrains as cities expand, neglecting their administrative boundaries while experiencing a shortage in the governmental, financial or jurisdictional capacity to fulfill their responsibilities.Moreover, there is still a growing need to measure th...

    101,23 €

  • Introdução à Administração Pública de Moçambique
    G.Jonas B. Zavale / G.Jonas BZavale / José Antonio Oliveira Rocha
    A Administração Pública moçambicana é o resultado da administração colonial, dos contributos da administração tradicional, herdeira de ricas tradições imperiais dos séculos XVI e XIX, muito anteriores à ocupação colonial e de que são continuadoras as denominadas Autoridades Tradicionais. Também não podemos esquecer o contributo da experiência do Estado Socialista, centralista e...

    76,51 €

  • What’s the public budget cost of Monarchs and Presidents ?
    Herman Matthijs
    This book examines the cost price of the head of states -- Monarchs and Presidents -- in eleven countries in the western world: the three Benelux monarchies, the three Scandinavian monarchies, the UK monarchy, the grand-duc of Luxembourg and the Presidents of France , Germany and the USA. This analysis and research is based at the national budgets of these states. Concerning th...

    38,24 €

  • Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Gestión y Administración Universitaria
    Adriana Balmaceda / Fanny Leciticia Guevara / Jorge A. López / Jorge ALópez
    En la presente investigación se realiza un análisis sobre la representación del personal no docente en el cogobierno de las Universidades Nacionales a partir de la modificación de la Ley de Educación Superior Nro. 24521, en noviembre de año 1995 y en particular, cómo la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo realizó la adecuación de su Estatuto Universitario con la incorporación de repre...

    77,95 €

  • Administration Science. Case Studies
    Petronela Scutariu (Ed.)
    The emergence of the book 'Administration Science. Case Studies' is inspired by the researches conducted by students who have approached in their graduation papers, under the coordination of the undersigned, themes from the field of public administration. Although it is not an easy work, putting such studies within the frameworks of a volume compels to the scientific rigor and,...

    79,27 €

    It is said that the duty of public servants is to ''speak truth to power'' - to give honest, sound and sometimes unpopular advice to political leaders. Underneath the narrative of the Singapore story, as personified by Lee Kuan Yew and the first-generation leaders, lie the lesser-known tales of dedicated public servants in the nation-building process. Singapore’s development ca...

    68,56 €

    It is said that the duty of public servants is to ''speak truth to power'' - to give honest, sound and sometimes unpopular advice to political leaders. Underneath the narrative of the Singapore story, as personified by Lee Kuan Yew and the first-generation leaders, lie the lesser-known tales of dedicated public servants in the nation-building process. Singapore’s development ca...

    33,02 €

  • Analítica de datos herramienta para inteligencia de negocios
    Roberto Peña Luna
    Son muchas las empresas que hacen uso del arte de pronosticar, desde la administración de su cadena de suministro para optimizar sus tiempos de entregas, sus inventarios, hasta para incrementar sus ventas finales. En la alta administración cada vez es mas necesario el uso de nuevas herramientas que integren datos, los cuales arrojen información importante y veraz para la toma d...

    56,53 €

  • Performance contracting and service delivery
    Michael Ang’anyo Onyango / Peter Odhiambo Ndege (Ed) / Shadrack Kipkoech Sitienei (Ed)
    In spite of the several public service reform programmes that have been rolled out by the government of Kenya, there is declining performance of the public service compared with the quality of service delivery by the NGAOs to the citizens. Numerous measures undertaken before did not provide a framework for guiding behavior towards attainment of results or ensured accountability...

    110,23 €

  • Making Government Work
    Katherine Barrett / Richard Greene
    In this book, Barrett and Greene will present evolving theories of performance management, the practices necessary for a good performance-based government, and the pitfalls that can easily be encountered along the way—andhow to avoid them. ...

    66,96 €

  • Making Government Work
    Katherine Barrett / Richard Greene
    In this book, Barrett and Greene will present evolving theories of performance management, the practices necessary for a good performance-based government, and the pitfalls that can easily be encountered along the way—andhow to avoid them. ...

    33,72 €

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Public Policy and Sustainability

    216,20 €

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Public Policy and Sustainability
    In today’s global economy, the role of public policy in managing and ensuring sustainability is an emerging area of research considering modern day issues such as climate change and the depletion of energy resources. The impact that these environmental concerns have on human life has brought to light a new era of economic theories and initiatives to promote a better lifestyle. ...

    282,05 €

  • Information policy as a factor in ensuring national security
    Kyrylo Husarov
    Ensuring national security requires the country to form a competent information policy. The importance and specificity of the problem of the formation of national security, as well as its important part - information security, are caused by the challenges of the modern world. This is due to the fact that at present many of the most important interests of modern society are larg...

    56,21 €

  • The Unheralded Triumph
    Jon C Teaford
    In 1888 the British observer James Bryce declared "the government of cities" to be "the one conspicuous failure of the United States." During the following two decades, urban reformers would repeat Bryce's words with ritualistic regularity; nearly a century later, his comment continues to set the tone for most assessments of nineteenth-century city government. Yet by the en...

    79,47 €