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Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Administración pública (1712)

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  • Успешное прохождение собеседования при приеме на работу в ENA
    Оноре БОЛИНДЕ
    Сегодня Национальная школа администрации (ENA) - это школа передового опыта для подготовки гражданских администраторов в сфере государственного управления Демократической Республики Конго (ДРК) и возможность для молодых людей служить государству честно, компетентно и патриотично.Эта книга содержит практические советы о том, как выделиться на собеседовании в ENA.В простой и моти...

    25,18 €

  • Un discours, pas comme les autres
    Alexis N’DUI-YABELA
    Depuis la création de l’École nationale d’administration et de magistrature (ENAM) de la République Centrafricaine, au début des années 1960, le déroulement des activités académiques était ponctué deux importantes cérémonies traditionnelles, à savoir : celle de présentation au drapeau et celle de baptême de promotion et remise de diplôme aux promotions déjà sorties . Organis...

    81,87 €

  • Pension Policy and Governmentality in China
    Yan Wang
    Rapid economic growth is often a disruptive social process threatening the social relations and ideologies of incumbent regimes. Yet far from acting defensively, the Chinese Communist Party has lead a major social and economic transformation over forty years, without yet encountering fundamental challenges subverting its rule. A key question for political sociology is thus - ho...

    29,80 €

    AUDREY K. DE B. gare de lumière
    Denis SASSOU N’GUESSO is the deep Africa contained in him in the wisdom of the spirit of light of the man and his time. The history of this man is linked to that of Africa in a relationship of common and shared destiny, which always places him at the heart of the great stakes of the Diplomacy of African Deep Wisdom in a multipolar world of balance and peace.Denis SASSOU N’GUESS...

    54,90 €

    AUDREY K. DE B. gare de lumière
    Denis SASSOU N’GUESSO è l’Africa più profonda contenuta in lui nella saggezza dello spirito di luce dell’uomo e del suo tempo. La storia di quest’uomo è legata a quella dell’Africa in un rapporto di destino comune e condiviso, che lo pone sempre al centro della grande posta in gioco della Deep Wisdom Diplomacy africana in un mondo multipolare di equilibrio e pace.Denis SASSOU N...

    54,90 €

    AUDREY K. DE B. gare de lumière
    Denis SASSOU N’GUESSO é a África profunda contida nele na sabedoria do espírito de luz do homem e do seu tempo. A história deste homem está ligada à de África numa relação de destino comum e partilhado, o que o coloca sempre no centro das grandes apostas da Diplomacia Africana de Sabedoria Profunda, num mundo multipolar de equilíbrio e paz.Denis SASSOU N’GUESSO pratica a ciênci...

    54,90 €

    АУДРЕ гаре де лумиере
    Denis SASSOU N’GUESSO - это глубочайшая Африка, заключенная в нем в мудрости духа света этого человека и его времени. История этого человека связана с историей Африки отношениями общей и разделенной судьбы, что всегда ставит его в центр великих ставок африканской дипломатии глубокой мудрости в многополярном мире равновесия и мира.Denis SASSOU N’GUESSO практикует науку мудрости ...

    23,56 €

  • Determinanten und Dimensionen des Vertrauens der Bürger in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
    Saif Ullah Khan
    Im Kontext eines Post-Konflikt- und Post-Kalamitäts-Umfelds versucht dieses Buch zu erforschen: 1. Wie wirkt sich die politische Problemlösung durch die Regierung auf das Vertrauen der Bürger in die Regierung aus? 2. Wie wirkt sich die Erbringung staatlicher Dienstleistungen auf das Vertrauen der Bürger in die Regierung aus? 3. Wie wirkt sich die politische Problemlösung und di...

    62,26 €

  • Determinanti e dimensioni della fiducia dei cittadini nel Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
    Saif Ullah Khan
    Nel contesto di un ambiente post-bellico e post-calamità, questo libro cerca di esplorare: 1. In che modo la soluzione dei problemi politici da parte del governo influisce sulla fiducia dei cittadini nel governo? 2. In che modo la fornitura di servizi governativi influisce sulla fiducia dei cittadini nel governo? 3. In che modo la risoluzione dei problemi politici e l’erogazion...

    62,14 €

  • Determinantes e dimensões da confiança do cidadão em Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
    Saif Ullah Khan
    No contexto de um ambiente Pós-Conflito, Pós-Calamidade, este livro tenta explorar: 1. Como é que a resolução de problemas políticos do governo afecta a confiança do cidadão no governo? 2. Como é que a prestação de serviços do governo afecta a confiança do cidadão no governo? 3. Como é que a resolução de problemas políticos e a prestação de serviços pelos diferentes níveis do g...

    62,20 €

  • Детерминанты и аспекты доверия граждан в Хайбер-Пахтунхва
    Саиф Уллах Хан
    В контексте постконфликтной, пост-каламбурной обстановки эта книга пытается исследовать: 1. Как решение политических проблем правительством влияет на доверие граждан к правительству? 2. Как предоставление государственных услуг влияет на доверие граждан к правительству? 3. Как решение политических проблем и предоставление услуг различными уровнями власти влияет на доверие к феде...

    30,91 €

  • Déterminants et dimensions de la confiance des citoyens dans le Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
    Saif Ullah Khan
    Dans le contexte d’un environnement post-conflit et post-calamité, ce livre tente d’explorer : 1. Comment la résolution des problèmes politiques du gouvernement affecte-t-elle la confiance des citoyens dans le gouvernement ? 2. Comment la prestation des services gouvernementaux influe-t-elle sur la confiance des citoyens dans le gouvernement ? 3. Comment la résolution des probl...

    62,26 €

  • Jornal Nacional, Um Ator Político Em Cena
    Eliara Santana
    A investigação da autora se centra nos processos e estratégias discursivos de produção e circulação do discurso de informação veiculada pela mídia, consubstanciados pela notícia, produzida no domínio do telejornal. No caso em análise, o foco de observação é o Jornal Nacional (JN), um dos telejornais mais importantes da Rede Globo de Televisão, veiculado, de segunda a sábado, às...

    19,07 €

    Most people can recall encounters, episodes and experiences involving disagreements over an issue. The more important the issue, the more it affects interpersonal relationships negatively when there is strong disagreement. Disagreements often generate negative thoughts, feelings and actions that significantly influence attitudes, decisions and behaviours. These dynamics in deal...

    69,08 €

  • Public Value Co-Creation
    Alessandro Sancino
    Public Value Co-Creation: A Multi-Actor & Multi-Sector Perspective addresses a fundamental gap in the scholarly field of Public Management relating to the advice and resources available on what public managers can and/or should do to co-create public value. ...

    88,04 €

  • Public Sector Reform in South Africa 1994-2021
    Robert Cameron
    Public Sector Reform in South Africa 1994-2021 is an examination of specific public sector reforms in three core Public Administration areas in the democratic South Africa: political-administrative relationships, the delegation of authority to senior managers and performance management. ...

    136,04 €

  • Divina Polis
    Jocelio Hércules Corneau
    A perfeição de uma sociedade é algo muito subjetiva. Pois o que seria perfeito para uns, não necessariamente seria perfeito para outros.Mas a busca para uma sociedade mais justa, estará sempre ao nosso alcance. Desde que possamos ter uma noção do que venha ser uma sociedade justa.Imediatamente podemos definir que ela é Justa quando tem educação, saúde, segurança, saneamento, em...

    17,30 €

  • FDR’s Budgeteer and Manager-in-Chief
    Mordecai Lee
    First study of Harold D. Smith, FDR’s budget director from 1939 to 1945. ...

    42,69 €

  • Handbook of Research on Cyber Approaches to Public Administration and Social Policy
    Fahri Özsungur
    During the COVID-19 era, the functions of social policy and public administration have undergone a meaningful change, especially with the advancement of digital elements and online and virtual functions. Cyber developments, cyber threats, and the effects of cyberwar on the public administrations of countries have become critical research subjects, and it is important to have re...

    413,98 €

  • Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes
    Dr Igor Calzada
    Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes: Postpandemic Technopolitical Democracies explores how increasing digitalisation in post-COVID-19 urban environments is rescaling nation-states in Europe resulting in new emerging digital citizenship regimes, trends, aftermaths, emancipations, and future research avenues. ...

    87,63 €

  • Research in Administrative Sciences under COVID-19
    Research in Administrative Sciences under COVID-19 examines the context surrounding organizations in the face of the COVID-19 Pandemic, detailing aspects related to Latin American and Mexican companies and their competitiveness in the face of the global health crisis. ...

    142,89 €

  • In defence of councillors
    Colin Copus
    By using qualitative research from a number of related projects, the book examines the roles, functions and responsibilities of councillors and the expectations placed upon them by citizens, communities and government. ...

    35,89 €

  • Transformation of Korean Politics and Administration
    Tobin Im
    Transformation of Korean Politics and Administration: A 30 Year Retrospective retraces critical turning points in Korean history as seen from the historical path dependence theory to help explain the significant changes that have occurred in the major pillars of the Korean politics and administration. ...

    142,80 €

  • Kacharinama 'कचहरीनामा'
    Manish Bhargava
    मनीष भार्गव का जन्म मध्य प्रदेश के शिवपुरी जिले की नरवर तहसील के ग्राम पंचायत सोन्हर में एक कृषक परिवार में हुआ। इनकी प्रारंभिक शिक्षा जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय पनघटा (नरवर) जिला-शिवपुरी से हुई। इन्होंने जीवाजी विश्विद्यालय, ग्वालियर से गणित व शिक्षाशास्त्र में स्नातक तथा इतिहास, अर्थशास्त्र व कंप्यूटर से परास्नातक की उपाधि हासिल की। इसके बाद इन्होंने मध्यप्रदेश शासन के कई विभागों म...

    14,50 €

    The governments of today are not able to transform and adapt to changes in the world around them, as demanded by their constituents. The nature of work, value of public goods, and the constant bombardment of crises are making the old bureaucratic structures obsolete.Agile Government is an emerging theme, that of government-wide reinvention for adaptiveness and responsiveness. I...

    178,34 €

    Abdillah Noh / ABDILLAH NOH & NADIA H YASHAIYA / Nadia H Yashaiya
    This book argues that there is nothing inherently stable, persistent or enduring about institutions. By examining the various issues facing the Malaysian bureaucracy and adopting an institutional analysis, this book brings the point that institutions are disposed to change because they are fraught with tension due to the quality of institutions. Using various examples, it expla...

    93,70 €

    Studies on Chinese Modern History and Politics collects important research findings of China’s social sciences studies conducted by the academics at East China Normal University (ECNU) in recent years. The book covers topics including the studies of Chen Xulu (a famous Chinese historian), the institutional advantage and governance efficiency in China, latest research on western...

    105,82 €

    This book is a collection of essays by thought and advocacy leaders, policymakers, and academics in Singapore who have been and are in positions of influence in shaping social policies, and hence the social context, in the country. These essays are meant to initiate discussion, promote debate and broaden understanding of the social issues at play, the challenges faced, and the ...

    104,51 €

  • Public Governance in Denmark
    Public Governance in Denmark: Meeting the Global Mega-Challenges of the 21st Century? explores how recent public governance changes have turned the Danish welfare state into a mix of a neo-Weberian state and an enabling state, providing a nuanced account of how Denmark handles urgent societal problems. ...

    142,62 €

  • Conceptualising Risk Assessment and Management across the Public Sector
    Dr. Iniobong Enang / Dr. Jennifer Murray
    Conceptualising Risk Assessment and Management across the Public Sector explores concepts and applications of risk across the public sector to aid risk professionals in establishing a clearer understanding of what risk assessment and management is, how it might be unified across sectors, and how and where deviations are needed. ...

    87,96 €