Wishes And Dreams

Wishes And Dreams

Wishes And Dreams

Carlos A. Cook / Carlos ACook

26,00 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Los sueños y su interpretación
26,00 €
IVA incluido
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This book is based on certain dreams in my life, that is to say, I would have a dream about something that left a mark on me and gave me such emotion to actually create a literal piece. How many times have we had dreams, such as a friend dying or a lover leaving, even though it may or may not have happened? Then a week or so later, fate steps in and takes this person out of our lives? Wow, is that karma or what? Or, when we love someone so much that it hurts us so deep, when we are ignored or all of a sudden cheated on or had our heart broke, all because this person decided that it was best for them to move on and not tell us. Talk about extreme and emotional pain, right? So, how do we handle that? I guess we could just say, forget it and move on, but everyone is not as strong as that. These types of people fret over that or cry and then what do they get in return, but someone who was a friend laughing at them, or someone spreading rumors about them? Paranoid, am I? That is the typical attitude today, that we have to live in a dog eat dog world, get them before they get us, and kick a man when he’s down mentality. So, now is where we get into the 'wishes' aspect. All of us whether we are well off or not have one time or another wished that we were someone else or that we were in another situation. Sometimes, we may even wish that special lover back into our lives even though they are married at the present or don’t love us anymore. It doesn’t matter who you are, whether rich, poor, big, or small have all wished to be someone or somewhere else, especially when the going gets tough. I have learned that God (or whatever deity you believe in) knows what’s best for us and will give us our needs, so in essence, we do receive our wishes in due time, according to his will. I am hoping that anyone who reads this book will find something in it to help him or her cope with whatever is on their minds. For instance, if you want a lover back in your life and it will never happen, perhaps you may find something here to put your situation into perspective and realize that life will get better, certainly, it could be a lot worse. Also, I want to reiterate to never give up on your dreams, even though far-fetched or abnormal people make them seem, you can make anything happen for yourself, if you believe in yourself.

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