Water Quality in the Dominican Republic

Water Quality in the Dominican Republic

Eleuterio Martinez

78,93 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Ecología, la biosfera
78,93 €
IVA incluido
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The Dominican Republic, eastern portion of Hispaniola, Antilles Sea, has water resources and an ecological system that guarantee to meet current and projected water demands for the coming decades, however, it is one of the 10 nations most vulnerable to climate change. To guarantee the current pace of development and sustain the basis of agricultural productivity, tourism, exports, food sovereignty and health, it seeks the full satisfaction of water quality services demanded by a population of 10.4 million Dominicans and a floating population of 7.5 million tourists (2020). Water quality (universal access and sanitation) is a priority issue and a human right in the Constitution of the Republic, the Dominican Environmental Law and the sectoral laws being drafted. To achieve this goal, it has signed the Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030 United Nations) and included the 'National Water Security in the National Development Strategy, as well as the implementation of national policies of rationality and efficiency.

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