Vol. 2 Begging Faith

Vol. 2 Begging Faith

Vol. 2 Begging Faith

Ray Songtree

31,14 €
IVA incluido
Kauai Transparency Initiative International
Año de edición:
Vida y práctica cristianas
31,14 €
IVA incluido
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Begging Faith is the Christian Edition of Vol. 2 of the Lipstick and Crimes Series, with special Christian  introduction.  Negative or satanic forces are shown to be organized and aggressive with a long history. This is an alternative and truer history than what our text books have told us.  For all of us now, we must understand why values are shifting so rapidly.From George Washington to the Grammy award Divas, with over 350  color images, Vol 2 is a provocative exposé of our undiscussed social engineering. Does social engineering weaken our moral judgement and our ability to assess our impact on world? Who profits? Who is shaping us?  Who gains at whose expense and why?Cast of Characters : “George Washington, Britain’s Got Talent, Lady Gaga,Walt Disney, Whitney Houston, Martin Luther King, Jennifer Lopez, Henry Kissinger, X-Factor,chemtrails, Queen Elizabeth, Adam Lambert, Native Americans, Michael Jackson, Simon Cowell,Bush Sr., cell phone dangers, Britney Spears, Bill Gates, Jay Z, “Sir” Collin Powell, EdwardSnowden, The Madonna Operation, Christina Aguilera, Lord Rothschild, Rihanna, the Rockefellers,Karl Marx, Will Smith, Cynthia McKinney, Beyoncé, “Sir” Alan Greenspan, Elton John, the EbolaOperation, Anderson Cooper, Sesame Street, Nicki Minaj, Nelson Mandela, Hollywood, “Sir” TomJones, Will I Am, Obamacare, ISIS, Common Core Curriculum and more.“Tricia Jenkins, author of The CIA In Hollywood, told DailyMail.com shehas recently acquired new evidence showing how the CIA worked off-the-books to influenceHollywood scripts to an extent never previously known. She said: ‘In this documentation, concerningone major Hollywood movie, it is clear that the CIA functioned as the principle partnerin shaping the original script and its influence exceeded that which would have been filled by anaggressive producer or studio executive.’”Confused about the script?  You won't be! 3

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