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Using Short Stories to Motivate Intermediate EFL Learners

Using Short Stories to Motivate Intermediate EFL Learners

Nguyen Truong Giang

81,86 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
81,86 €
IVA incluido
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Among the four main skills of English learning, writing is mostly considered to be the hardest skill. Whilst, writing is one of the productive skills, which is a special kind of communication, providing learners with chances to produce their feelings, their ideas, and their learned knowledge of visual words. Moreover, materials that teachers have used in the classes might be a complex matter since the learners are forced to study repeated topics and familiar ways of doing exercises most of their time practicing writing. It means that learners are understandably not given enough vacancies for their critical thinking in each learning product as well as they would lack the inspiration for reading books. Additionally, the aims of learning or teaching the English language are to build the learners to be competent communicators and users of this language. That path of learning and teaching should highlight the higher values of teaching which are compassion, attitude, and kindness exploited inside learners’ characteristics.

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