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Urban development and risk on the Somone-Mbour coast (Senegal)

Urban development and risk on the Somone-Mbour coast (Senegal)

Lamine Ousmane Cassé

56,53 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
56,53 €
IVA incluido
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The coastal development that began in Senegal more than three centuries ago, accelerated by the colonial system and continued after independence, is measured today by the demographic weight of this coastal strip. Coastal cities have become denser due to the opportunities offered by the coastal area, to the detriment of inland cities. The fundamental question of this study is to analyze real estate production in the coastal zone and its socio-spatial implications in the context of the Somone-Mbour axis. After a brief introduction, the operating framework is set out with the elements of assessment. Structured in three parts, the first part highlights the attractiveness of the physical environment and the profile of the builders. The second part deals with the different phases of the production of the built environment and focuses on the typology and functions of the built environment. The third part analyzes the socio-cultural and environmental challenges of building in coastal areas and concludes with a proposal for solutions to deal with the risks. This book is intended for students, researchers, and all those who are interested in this topic.

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