Larisa Mironova

120,79 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
120,79 €
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Some bioengineering laboratories have already succeeded in creating volumetric organs on Earth - their prototypes from living cells. The American Wake Forest University has developed biomaterials capable of preserving volume, such as a model of a human kidney. But the scientists themselves are afraid to make predictions for the distant future, although they like to dream and do not exclude the possibility that they will print a whole person (Frankenstein?) on a bioprinter. What is real now is cranioplasty - restoration of bone defects of the skull. The Burdenko Neurosurgery Center in Moscow was one of the first to do this. Doctors together with engineers use laser sintering to create titanium plates for the head. Will bioprinting solve the problem of the shortage of donor organs? It’s not clear yet. But the fact that the first printed noses and earflaps have already been transplanted and are serving their owners is encouraging. Maybe this technology will not be so revolutionary in the first place, but will have some kind of hybrid application? For example, MISIS successfully implanted an individual bone implant in a domestic cat that almost lost its leg.

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