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Two activities with opposing challenges in the commune of Diembéring

Two activities with opposing challenges in the commune of Diembéring

Idrissa Lamine Diémé

93,43 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
93,43 €
IVA incluido
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This study analyses the priority of tourism in the local economy and the reasons for the decline of rice cultivation in this area. It also analyses the impact of the loss of rice-growing and natural areas. This work shows that tourism plays an important role in the socio-economic life of the commune of Diembéring. This tourism, which was installed in last position, has ended up becoming the driving force of the local economy. This situation has, in fact, allowed for the proliferation of human settlements through the evolution of buildings. As a result, tourist activities have become the real consumers of rice-growing areas in the commune of Diembèring. However, the decline in rice cultivation in this commune of 237 km² with only 3/4 of habitable space due to its island nature, has environmental and socio-economic impacts that deserve to be addressed in order to meet the challenge of sustainable development of the commune.

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