

Jan Van de Rakt

116,90 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
116,90 €
IVA incluido
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From the beginning of my professional carrier I was interested how to transfer people on an way that the control was by the person self. Working in an Nursing Home, give me so many opportunities that my interest in ways to exercises people to control the transfer by their self was born and never ended. My education as an BOBATH IBITA teacher has this process very stimulated. This transfer book try to place the person with an disability central and look to what possibilities there are for them to participated in the transfer and when possible do it almost of totally on their own and keep their independency. Of course isn’t that always possible but the positive influence of doing transfer on such an way has translated in possibilities to move when there was only little possibilities left. That element I called; 'MOVEMENT GUIDING CARE' care in which always room is for good movement to keep an control over your body.

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