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Transferable use of temporary forms of the verb in a fiction text

Transferable use of temporary forms of the verb in a fiction text

O.M. Dedova / O.MDedova / T.A. Strukova / T.AStrukova / V.A. Kornev / V.AKornev

37,92 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
37,92 €
IVA incluido
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Recently, the question of the portable use of temporary forms of the verb has become increasingly interesting in Russian (see the works of A.M. Lomov, F.F. Avdeev, E. Krzhizhkova and many other authors). A special case is the figurative, metaphorical use of tenses, when a speaker is mentally transferred to another tense plan, as if 'losing' the past events anew. The study offered to the readers is devoted to the use of tenses in the artistic prose text and reveals the peculiarities of their functioning as a means for the author to solve certain artistic problems, in particular, the peculiarities of functioning of tenses used figuratively. The material of the research is the story by M.A. Sholokhov 'The Destiny of Man'.

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