Trading Manual

Trading Manual

Zefanias Jone Magodo

60,58 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Botánica y ciencias de las plantas
60,58 €
IVA incluido
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The idea of producing this manual was to fill the gap in existing literature in order to meet the needs of knowledge regarding the identification and description of marketable forest and wildlife resources; the description of the process of marketing forest and wildlife resources; the description of the process of processing the marketing of forest and wildlife resources; the presentation of standards, laws and regulations applicable to the marketing of FRs and the distinction of markets according to classifications.The authors of the texts used bibliographic research in various works, such as scientific articles, dissertations, theses to deepen the information on the following topics: Market; Economic development; Concepts on trade of forest and wildlife resources; Classification and typology of FFR; Importance of forest and wildlife resources: selling costs of FFE; International trade of forest and wildlife resources; Obstacles to international trade of forest and wildlife species; Interventionist measures to block the free trade of FFE;

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