Trade, consumption and work

Trade, consumption and work

Juliana Andrade Lee

76,44 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
76,44 €
IVA incluido
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The present book sought to observe the dynamics of urban space in Brasília, a city planned to be the federal capital, based on commerce, consumption and work. To this end, documentary and field research was conducted and the main commercial points of the city were mapped. It was observed that Brasilia is a city that has its economy strongly driven by the services sector, due to the federal public administration, located in the main centrality the Pilot Plan. Currently, the development pattern of the distribution of establishments and jobs in the DF presents a strong concentration in the Plano Piloto. The consumer market in formation allows the services and commerce sector to develop. The other administrative regions have commerce as the sector that employs the most people, and this is the driving force for the creation and consolidation of new centralities in the Federal District.

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