Simon Grant

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Joiningthedotstv Limited
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'Joey, don’t throw those books. No, this is not how we treat things. You are going to get a spanking.' Have you ever heard a similar example? We tend to look at parents with young children and think, 'You shouldn’t do that,' and yet we also struggle with how exactly we are supposed to teach our children to behave like humans and not animals.Every parent has an example of what not to do and still questions if they are doing something correctly. There are numerous 'expert' books on discipline do’s and don’ts. What makes one book different from the rest?Parents need a practical guide - something they can pick up and say, 'Oh, that’s why' and then find a solution that will correct the behavior over time. Toddler discipline is a work in progress for any parent and child.If you want to succeed, then you need a guide that explains those questions with the proper answers. While your toddler is still young, and corrections can be made, start learning the twenty strategies available to you on how to raise a confident, curious, responsible, and respectful tot.Many of the strategies work on a backbone of respect, listening, and providing lessons, while also accounting for the level of knowledge and capability your young toddler has.Discover the temperament of your child.Your temperament and how you clash with your toddler.Figure out how to use child development information to prevent problematic situations.In the end, you are going to have twenty strategies, some dealing more with your behavior and others helping your child, so you know you did your best in raising a disciplined child who offers respect to all people and things, along with traits such as curiosity, confidence, and responsibility that will help your toddler throughout their life.Positive solutions exist, with two key ingredients: love and respect. As long as you offer unconditional love and respect in all situations, your toddler will become a preschooler, who will make it to adulthood with amazing skills, behaviors, and the same love and respect to give to their children. 3

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