The world and Africa, between hope, drift and ambient pessimism VOLUME I

The world and Africa, between hope, drift and ambient pessimism VOLUME I


163,11 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
163,11 €
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The world and Africa are in a bad way. The world is experiencing conflicts, divisions and security, health and climate crises that are undermining its unity and threatening its viability. The unipolar Western world order is being challenged by the Russian-Chinese tandem, which is working hard to create an alternative. Europe, which has so dominated the world, is in decline, and Françafrique is losing ground. Governance in the USA, the world’s largest democracy, is under fire.As for Africa, the hopes of the people born after independence are drowned in the misguided processes of access to and management of power, reinforcing the ranks of Afro-pessimists. It’s a situation that has prompted observers such as the author of this book to take up their pen and share their understanding and apprehensions with public opinion.

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