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The Village Children, an Introduction to the Art of Painting Children and Their Stories

The Village Children, an Introduction to the Art of Painting Children and Their Stories

The Village Children, an Introduction to the Art of Painting Children and Their Stories

Marie DuBois

36,49 €
IVA incluido
AuthorHouse UK
Año de edición:
Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas (distintas del inglés)
36,49 €
IVA incluido
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The book is both a children’s story book and a craft book and is in two parts. The story book section contains short and longer stories for young children to read printed in both English and French. The craft section is an introduction to painting for the aspiring young artists. Part One - includes full colour illustrations of plates originally painted by hand on porcelain/china and canvas by Marie Dubois. On the opposite page the author has written stories both in English and French based on the theme of each plate. The stories have been translated to French to familiarise young children to a foreign language, especially now learning a second language has been added to the school curriculum. Part Two - is an introduction to the art of painting. The book gives brief instructions as to the materials required, basic techniques and painting principles that beginners will need to create some fine artistic tableau, as well as definitions of various brush strokes for beginners to practice, so that they can achieve their own fine art work. The Book also includes line work for each plate design, which can be traced on to any painting material. It is hoped that the artwork contained in this volume will inspire other painters to produce similar pieces of work. The designs require a great deal of careful creative attention. All drawings and colours on the designs have a distinctive style particularly the characteristic figures, old fashion costumes and hats. The book is not only for children to read or parents to read to their children, but is also for painters, art teachers and others who might be interested in creating this fine art and will have reason to feel proud of their own achievements. 3

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