The U.S. Constitution, Revisited and Revised

The U.S. Constitution, Revisited and Revised

Carlos Zamorano

19,15 €
IVA incluido
Outskirts Press
Año de edición:
19,15 €
IVA incluido
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Mr. Zamorano hits hard on issues that plague our society today. He has lived through each of the issues described in the book and has come up with suggestions to correct the inequities that pervade this country. He does not take sides and hits each issue head on.He takes a close look at the crime that has increased in frequency and severity and is rampant across the country. He addresses the reasons why it has increased with suggestions to correct it. He assigns responsibility to the police for overreach when thought to be necessary but also assigns responsibility to the parents of teenagers who commit crimes and suggests payment for their retribution. What a novel idea! We will see how long it takes parents to pay strict attention to the social conduct of their out-of-control children when they are hit with restitution for damages made by themHe looks at issues that are very sensitive like abortion and takes a stand for each side of the issue.  There are no politics involved in the solutions made and he is respectful of each side. Of course, someone is going to read this section in the book and, regardless of the suggestions, he or she is going to have his or her own ideas of the issue that may conflict with the author’s.  Because the author is a military retiree, he is involved with veteran issues that should have been corrected long ago. In many instances, military, who are injured while performing combat situations and must be hospitalized, are entitled to disability pay. When it is a military retiree, he also receives compensation, however, when he is receiving retired pay along with disability, he is required to have his retiree pay diminished dollar for dollar to compensate for his disability pay. In other words, he winds up paying for the injury resulting from a combat situation or is service connected. Mr. Zamorano has written several letters to congressmen and to the president concerning this issue. He has never received an answer to any of his letters.  The Democrats continue to defend the policies that have turned this country in the past two years into a smoldering, angry and divided country.  America has a history of division. We have endured deep divisions between its political parties, with over industrialization; suffering a civil war; allowing illegal immigration; civil rights and anti-war protests in the 1960s, gay rights, abortion and numerous other battles that plague this country.The author cannot reconcile hypocrisy by the government that projects one version of the truth to the world when it knows the projection is false. Let’s take the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier located in Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. Some brilliant political mind determined that it would be a good idea to construct a building, place the remains of an unknown soldier and provide military security to that structure on a 24 hour basis. Have video cameras to document to the world America’s sense of honor and respect it has for its fallen soldiers.  Project that image to the world.To that end, the United States Army provides sentinels to protect the tomb, changing of the guards every 30 minutes, twenty four hours a day, three hundred an sixty-five days, come rain or shine.  Video cameras record the pomp and circumstance; the cameras panning out to the tourists viewing the ceremony. That is the image that we want to world to see and give the sense of our commitment to our military. Nothing can be further from the truth. We desperately need change in this country or we are on our way to becoming a third world country. We cannot let that happen. The author is making a plea in this book to readers to wake up and take a stand for this great nation.  

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