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The Theory of the Naked Truth of Allah, Muhammad, and the Quran

The Theory of the Naked Truth of Allah, Muhammad, and the Quran

Wequar Azeem

26,40 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Educación pedagogía
26,40 €
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This book postulates a theory based on verified facts of investigative history. This book is fundamentally a history analytica of the Arabian Peninsula in the 6th and 7th century C.E. with focus on the Prophet of Islam Abul Qasim Muhammad bin Abdullah. The facts of history from which this theory emerged, as well those passages of the Quran that also support this theory, are the contents of this book.The theory postulates that Muhammad was a highly intelligent, wise, and far-sighted person, who had many rare qualities. He had an uncanny sense of judging individuals and communities. A great planner and executor of complicated and long drawn plans. He harbored the unique ambition of conquering the entire Arabian Peninsula and becoming its sole ruler. The problem was that the numerous tribes, both settled and nomads, had a long history of in-fighting, and blood feuds, spread over generations. To raise a large and united army, Muhammad had to inculcate inter-tribe and intra-tribe unity, peace, and harmony. He had to be in a position to command and control their behavior; introduce and execute social reforms to end the hostilities and enmities for good. Muhammad, according to this theory, decided to announce that Almighty Allah, the sole creator of the Universe, divinely ordained him as His Prophet and Messenger, more glorified than all previous prophets sent before Muhammad. Prophethood would enable Muhammad to command total submission from the Arabs, thus helping him achieve his objectives. Muhammad to command total submission from the Arabs, thus helping him achieve his objectives. Muhammad announced that the ArchAngel Gabriel brought words from Allah appointing Muhammad as Allah’s Most Exalted Prophet for mankind. That ArchAngel Gabriel continued to bring him the revelations from Allah for 22 long years. HOWEVER, NO ONE BUT MUHAMMAD ALONE, COULD SEE, HEAR, AND CONVERSE WITH GABRIEL. To all other humans, Gabriel was invisible and inaudible. There was no worldly proof or verification that Gabriel ever came, or even existed for that matter. All else flows from this flaw.

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