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The teaching excursion and the study of the locality. Proposal to 10 gdo

The teaching excursion and the study of the locality. Proposal to 10 gdo

Rolando Felipe Ramos Miranda

53,85 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
53,85 €
IVA incluido
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It is the school the one that has the task to form feelings of love towards its own in the pupils. Geography is a discipline that favors the development of the patriotic feeling, because to know well accidents, facts and outstanding geographical objects of the native country, produces in the individual such a sensation, that when being remembered in any circumstance and place, it contributes to strengthen and to maintain the love towards its land. To study in depth its geography, the nature in which it lives, is a firm path to form the love towards the homeland, because on the base of solid knowledge about the native land, values, feelings of friendship and solidarity are developed. The study of the locality is particularly important because it constitutes a guiding principle in the teaching of Geography, it has its antecedents in the subjects The World We Live In in the first cycle, Natural Sciences in fifth and sixth grade, Geography also in its basic cycle, stimulates the interest of the students towards nature and society, contributes to the ideological, political, ethical and aesthetic development, aspects that influence the formation of the student’s personality.

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