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The role of nursing in prenatal care

The role of nursing in prenatal care

Cássio Jander Gomes Júnior / Julliany Cayres Rodrigues Bonfim / Vanessa Moraes Santos

56,21 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
56,21 €
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Prenatal care is an assistance aimed at pregnant women during pregnancy, which aims to clarify doubts and guide them, to avoid possible problems that may occur with them and the fetus. It is the pregnant woman’s right to be oriented, to receive the proper information and support, thus making her feel calmer during pregnancy. The nurse must be closely linked to patient care, in a holistic way, and it is of utmost importance the assistance and monitoring of nurses in prenatal care, through the use of technical and scientific knowledge. The research aims to demonstrate the role of nurses in prenatal care, according to the opinion of pregnant women who do this monitoring in the Family Health Program - PSF I Andrezina Severina de Rezende in João Pinheiro-MG. To obtain this information, questionnaires were applied to pregnant women and the head nurse of the health unit. This study was conducted qualitatively, with involvement between the researcher and the respondents, presenting the necessary changes to improve prenatal care provided by nurses.

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