Anthony J. Vance / Anthony JVance
This book is a compilation of History, Science, and Scriptures. Multiple sources of history and science have been pulled together for great validity and accuracy of the information. For Bible accuracy of the First Five Books of Scripture referred to as the Torah, and the Pentateuch, multiple sources have also been utilized for a more complete assessment of Biblical events. Through many years of research and study, the books of Bereshis/Genesis, Shemot/Exodus, VaYikra/Leviticus, Bamidbar/Numbers, and Devarim/Deuteronomy, have been pulled together from the Authorized King James Bible; The Septuagint; The Book of Enoch; The Cabala Talmud; The Book of Yashar; The Orthodox Jewish Bible, and more. The stories in each of these books that discuss the same topics, all of those Scriptures have been brought together for greater clarity and overstanding of the story. In addition, all of the Scriptures from other parts of Scripture within each book that apply to the same topic, have all been compiled into the story. In pulling all of the parts together, the origin of sin is brought to the forefront of Biblical History. To fortify what is revealed in the Scriptures, Science, Paleontology, and Geology, are also incorporated to reinforce what the Scriptures tell us. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has proven that humanity is much older than seven thousand years In the Scriptural presentation of Creation itself, Science has proven that in the Seven Days of Creation, many eons have passed. Science by way of Carbon Testing tells us the Triassic Period: Mesozoic, Jurassic, and Cenozoic Periods occurred hundreds of thousands of years ago. History, Science, and Scripture together synchronize the chronology of the world, and of humanity. This book will be a great addition to your library.