The Performance Therapist Certification

The Performance Therapist Certification

Ari Gronich

116,42 €
IVA incluido
Achieve Health USA
Año de edición:
Medicina popular y salud
116,42 €
IVA incluido
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The Performance Therapy Academy was born out of a desire to bring together all professions that deal with health and vitality.  We develop our mindset by the training that we take and deliver that mindset to our clients as though it is the only way to do things.  By doing this we fragment the profession and lose sight of the end goal which really is to be a beacon for hope and a deliverer of change for everyone we see.No doctor, acupuncturist, personal trainer, or wellness coach wants to see diabetes, heart disease, chronic pain, and obesity skyrocket.  The health care profession has been overtaken by bottom line economics and the outcomes of our modern day lifestyles.  Our broken health care system is evident in the growing incidences of cancer, childhood obesity, early onset diabetes, hormone imbalances, and more. We will do something about it!  We will create a movement towards a new way of living and a new way of thinking about health.  We educate ourselves, our clients, and our communities to live a new paradigm of Healthy Living.  We will accomplish this through collaboration.Performance Therapy Academy's goal is to, through our courses and the Master Trainers we certify, have an effect on 1 million people within the next 5 – 10 years as we grow our curriculum and attract trainers, doctors, and therapists who are looking for a new, optimistic, and enlightened future of health and medicine. Together we can accomplish this goal.Our classes are attended by anyone in the health, fitness, nutrition, and therapy professions looking to increase their personal knowledge and toolsets to better serve their clients as well as other trainers and educators who are a part of the movement that advances these goals.  We have a strong belief in collaborating and working together to create amazing outcomes for people who are struggling through the most difficult of health conditions. Imagine for a second that you are suffering chronically from pain; you are lethargic all the time with a lack of focus and on the verge of depression and loss of hope.  You walk into a health practice or gym and are seeking understanding and compassion and answers.  Two scenarios could occur here.  The first is our current system.  You wait for half an hour to an hour in a waiting room; you finally get called back after filling out a mountain of paperwork that briefly asks you your medical history and mostly has you signing insurance and payment forms.  You walk into the doctor’s office or trainer's sales room and have a 7-10-minute conversation about your situation after which you are either sold on a training package, gym membership and supplements, or a set of labs, procedures, or pills.Now imagine the future of healthcare.  You have highly compassionate and intuitive providers who team up to provide high level comprehensive care.  They spend an hour or two with you learning about your life, your history, and your circumstances.  They discuss with you a plan that fits into your current lifestyle while at the same time showing you the path out of the situation you are in and inspire you again with the possibilities of how this new life would impact you, your children and family, and friends.  They offer a protocol tailored to your specific needs, and you walk away with a plan and a support system to execute that plan and keep you on course!

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